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Author: Michael Lam, MD, MPH

Dandelion Root Tea Benefits in Adrenal Fatigue

What is Dandelion Root? Most people think of dandelion as a nuisance weed that ruins the aesthetics of the lawn and are not aware of how dandelion root tea benefits the body. There are hundreds of dandelion species that grow in the cooler regions of the world. This hardy plant rarely grows more than 12 […]
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FAQ: Are Your Signs of Fatigue and Exhaustion Inherited or Because of Something Else?

Recognizing Signs of Fatigue Q & A Q: How can I tell if I have a weak constitution? If I do, does that make me more susceptible to adrenal fatigue issues? What are some examples or signs of fatigue? A: Looking back in your life, if you have a weak constitution, you would be sick […]
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5 Anger Control Tips to Help Adrenal Gland Fatigue

Anger Control Tips for AFS Getting angry is normal, but it can cloud your judgment and cause you to say and do things you may later regret. Here are five things to avoid when you’re angry, and five anger control tips to do instead. Don’t: Eat - When anger drives you to eat, you aren’t likely […]
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How Important Is Choosing The Proper Food for Adrenal Fatigue?

You’ve probably noticed that when you eat nutritious food, you feel energetic, while junk food leaves you feeling sluggish. But did you know that what you eat also influences your mood and emotions? Think about your outlook on life after eating a bag of chips versus your outlook after eating a hearty salad or vegetable […]
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The Essential Guide to Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Regular breast checks are essential for every woman. And yet they can cause a lot of confusion and uncertainty, particularly if you feel something like a lump in one of your breasts. It can be tempting to ignore your findings out of fear, but this can be dangerous. At the same time though, a lump […]
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FAQ: Chronic Fatigue Facts and Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Questions

Q: When discussing chronic fatigue facts, is water retention due to Adrenal Fatigue? A: There are many reasons for water retention; a weak heart, electrolyte imbalances, and chronic fatigue facts are some reasons. Q: If someone has Hashimoto’s, will it go away once AF is treated? A: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Adrenal Fatigue both affect thyroid hormones […]
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Can Cyanogen Chloride, a Common Backyard Item, Cause Low Adrenal Function?

What is Cyanogen Chloride? Swimming pools are chlorinated in order to inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Now, researchers have found that uric acid in urine interacts with chlorine to create “volatile disinfection byproducts” that could be hazardous. Researchers are encouraging people to practice improved hygiene habits when going to the pool to avoid cyanogen chloride. […]
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Signs and Symptoms: Causes for Infertility - Adrenal Fatigue

Role of Adrenal Fatigue in Infertility There are variable causes for infertility. Current estimates reveal that at least 10-15 percent of couples in the US are infertile, despite having unprotected sexual intercourse for at least 12 months. Causes for infertility may be due to a single causative factor in the female or the male or […]
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Do Vitamin C Sources Matter? What's The Difference?

Variations of Vitamin C Sources Vitamin C sources are gaining more attention every day for their ability to alleviate the effects of chronic age-related problems. But the level of vitamin C in the blood is tightly controlled by the body, making it hard to achieve ideal levels, even with extensive oral supplement use. This control […]
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Methylation Disorder: What Is It And Why It Matters

Methylation is one of the most crucial biochemical process and metabolic functions in the human body. Methylation reactions occur trillions of times in every cell of your body each minute. Methylation disorder raises the risk of several diseases and accelerated aging. Several key cellular processes involve methylation. This article provides deeper insight into the significance […]
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