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Comprehensive Review of the Adrenal Fatigue Crash and Recovery Cycle

Adrenal Crash Basics According to statistics, heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in the United States. But did you know that these, as well as many other health issues, all have one thing in common? This one thing is stress and its effect on adrenal health and function. So, besides understanding […]
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In-Depth Article on Brain Fog

The human brain serves as the control center of the neuroendocrine system. Subclinical brain dysfunctions can be extremely serious and cause a number of problems in our lives.  One of the more common issues that people deal with every single day is brain fog. This is a condition where a person cannot think clearly about everyday […]
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Comprehensive Review of Toxic Relationships and Adrenal Fatigue

The leading cause of Adrenal Fatigue is chronic stress. Stressors can be physical, financial, or emotional and can even come from toxic relationships. Those who are over-exerting themselves physically, such as serious athletes have a higher propensity of developing Adrenal Fatigue. Physical stress can usually be reversed once the body is allowed to rest and […]
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In-Depth Article on Hormone Imbalance Symptoms and the OAT Axis

Introduction to the HPA Axis The endocrine system is made up of eight different glands located strategically throughout the body. Three of the most important ones for females are the ovaries, adrenals, and the thyroid gland. Hormone imbalance symptoms often have a profound effect on the body. Control over the adrenal and ovarian systems starts […]
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In-Depth Article on Microbiome Gut Brain Axis

A human body contains over 10,000 microbes — or more than ten times the number of human cells! The genome of the microbiome, as an entity, is 100 times larger than the human genome, implying that the majority of genetic material inside your body is not actually yours, but the microbes’. These microbes include viruses, […]
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In-Depth Article on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Adrenal Fatigue

Introduction The disorder Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome, or EHS, is a physiological condition characterized by certain immunological and neurological symptoms. Exposure to electric or magnetic fields, as well as certain forms of electromagnetic radiation, precipitates the condition. Much of the electromagnetic radiation comes from common sources that surround us all the time. Typically, someone afflicted by […]
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Comprehensive Review of Electrolyte Imbalance and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome

The average adult human body is fifty to sixty-five percent water. Those who are overweight will have more water compared to those who are lean. While one can survive fifty days or more without food, the body can only be depleted of water for a few days before survival is at risk. Maintaining optimum fluid […]
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An In Depth Look At Adrenal Fatigue and Low Thyroid Gland Function

Even in the best of hands, many find thyroid replacement a challenging exercise that often ends with stagnant or worsening thyroid gland function and symptoms over time. When this happens, one needs to look outside the box. Various other conditions can present with symptoms very similar to low thyroid gland function or hypothyroidism. The most […]
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An In Depth Look At Our Biological Clock and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome

Our biological clock (BC) refers to the natural rhythm that certain bodily functions and activities follow. This includes our body temperature, level of alertness; sleep schedule, and endocrine activity. The biological clock or biological rhythm usually repeats in predictable cycles of time. The menstrual cycle, for example, occurs every twenty-eight days. Rhythms that follow a […]
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In-Depth Article on Detoxification & Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome

There is little doubt that our environment is polluted with toxins and harmful substances. One of the keys to optimal health is to identify useful methods of detoxification to reduce our exposure to toxic surrounding elements including our air, water and food. The reason is simple—the more toxins you have in your body, the faster you […]
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Liver Health and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome

Introduction to Liver Health The liver, along with the kidneys, skin, and intestine, is the waste management plant of the body, and having proper liver health is important. The liver filters blood to remove bacteria, modulate bile secretion to eliminate cholesterol, regulate hemoglobin, breakdown products, and remove negative results left by prescription drugs. Because of […]
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Health Impact and Usage Guide: Medical Cannabis, THC, Cannabidiol, and Hemp

Introduction to Medical Cannabis Medical cannabis, which is also referred to as medical marijuana, pot, or weed, is undoubtedly becoming more commonplace in the United States. Medical cannabis simply represents the utilization of the entire marijuana or cannabis plant and all the extracts as natural medicine to remedy unpleasant symptoms or improve a condition. This […]
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Comprehensive Review Of The Top Nine Natural Immune Boosters for Superior Health and Wellbeing

Your immune system is your body’s defense against harm by external factors, such as pathogens and toxins, as well as internal factors, such as damaged and cancerous cells. It’s what isolates and attacks anything that can be harmful to you, and it’s also what prompts the clearance of the resulting debris once the attack is […]
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An In Depth Look At The Benefits of Acupuncture for Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originated in ancient China more than 2,500 years ago and is based on the principle that human life is a balance of wellness and harmony. In theory and practice, traditional Chinese medicine, including TCM acupuncture, is completely different from Western medicine, both in terms of considering how the human body works […]
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In-Depth Guide to Heavy Metal Poisoning and Detoxification

How Heavy Metal Poisoning Works Heavy metal poisoning, or some level of metal toxicity, is surprisingly common. These toxic metals are present throughout our environment and can be very difficult to avoid. However, being properly informed about the health effects of toxic metals, the most common ones and where they typically are in the environment, […]
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Tachycardia Symptoms and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome

Mitral valve prolapse syndrome, chronic orthostatic intolerance, and orthostatic tachycardia symptoms are each names that reference postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS). POTS is not a new illness. It is caused by a malfunction of the patient's autonomic nervous system (ANS). Tachycardia Symptoms and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 101 The autonomic nervous system (ANS) governs the […]
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In-Depth Article on Adrenal Fatigue and Blood Pressure Symptoms

Introduction to Adrenal Fatigue and Blood Pressure Symptoms Blood pressure is an important indicator of adrenal health and function. Mild adrenal weakness is usually accompanied by normal to high blood pressure symptoms. As Adrenal Fatigue advances, low blood pressure, at rest or related to posture becomes more prevalent. This paper will attempt to examine how […]
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Comprehensive Review of Histamines and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome

Histamines are compounds found in various parts of the body. From the brain to the gut, histamine has a variety of actions. It is both a neurotransmitter as well as an immunomodulator. Depending on where it is found in the body, and what receptor it interacts with, histamine can elicit a multitude of reactions. There […]
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An In Depth Look At The Bioenergetics Circuit: Pancreas, Liver, and Thyroid

Our body’s built-in apparatus to handle stress is called the NeuroEndoMetabolic Stress Response. It consists of 6 biological circuits, with 3 systems within each. Each circuit plays a role in neutralizing stress when it arrives at our doorstep. The six circuits are the hormonal, cardionomic, neuroaffect, inflammation, detoxification, and bioenergetics circuit. The metabolism functions carried […]
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In-Depth Article on Estrogen Hormone Dominance

Introduction to Estrogen Dominance In the past 40 years, we have seen a dramatic rise in female-related illnesses never seen before in history. Today, we see the age of puberty (menarche) dropping precipitously to as low as 10 years of age, endometriosis afflicting 10% of all perimenopausal women; Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), rising and afflicting close […]
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Comprehensive NEM Stress Response Article

Living in the modern world and dealing with symptoms of stress is no easy task for the body. Ever increasing pressure emotionally to excel in our endeavors, along with an increasingly toxic environment and inadequate rest put tremendous strain on our body and create symptoms of stress. Scientists and researchers have been studying stress, the […]
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Comprehensive Catabolic State and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome Article

Catabolism is the general term for a combination of metabolic activities that break down large molecules, such as lipids and proteins into much smaller molecules like nucleotides, amino acids, and fatty acids. By doing so, catabolism provides energy for all cells to maintain their function and grow starting from the time food is ingested. Anabolism […]
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Comprehensive 7 Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Mistakes Article

1. Improper use of nutritional supplements Natural compounds are very different from prescription drugs. Clinical behaviors of prescription drugs usually follow a well defined efficacy curve that is highly predictable. The desired response is usually generated at a therapeutic dose range. Because the body does not have a natural built-in system of metabolizing non-natural compounds such as synthetic […]
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An In Depth Look At The 4 Stages of Adrenal Fatigue

The adrenal glands are the main stress control system of the body. Adrenal Fatigue is a decrease in the adrenal glands’ ability to carry out this normal function. It is commonly caused by chronic stress from any source (including emotional, physical, mental, or environmental) that exceeds the body’s capacity to adjust appropriately to the demands […]
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Comprehensive Progesterone Cream For Adrenal Fatigue And Estrogen Dominance Article

Hormone Basics Hormonal imbalances are unfortunately fairly common in women and in men. The two main sex hormones in women are estrogen and progesterone. Men also need both of these hormones, though in different quantities. These two hormones need to exist in a careful balance for good health in both genders. But when this balance […]
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Comprehensive Adrenal Fatigue Article

Introduction to Adrenal Fatigue One of the most common health complaints today is the experience of fatigue and lethargy. If you have fatigue along with other symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, insomnia, inability to lose weight, feeling anxious, allergies, or brain fog, Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS) may be at the root of the problem. Adrenal […]
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