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Supplements For Sleep Maintenance Insomnia: The Pros and Cons

An image of a sleeping womanItā€™s 2 a.m., the house is asleep, and you lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Does this sound familiar to you? You are not alone. An estimated 70 million Americans suffer from or have suffered from, insomnia. While many find some measure of relief from drinking a glass of warm milk, chances are good that you, as is the case with millions of others, may need supplements for sleep maintenance insomnia.

Now, as most insomniacs know, the old-wives tales telling you to keep your bedroom cool and dark, to get rid of anything that makes noise, oftentimes do not work. As a result, many insomniacs opt for over the counter medications. The risk for these over the counter medications is that they contain histamine, which could make you feel very groggy, even into the morning as the effects could be longer-lasting. Histamine containing medications are also not safe in the elderly as they increase the risk of falls and accidents.

That is why many turn to natural supplements for sleep maintenance insomnia.

Natural Supplements For Sleep Maintenance Insomnia

The number one cause of insomnia is stress. Stress, due to worry about your job, your finances, your relationships, your children, etc. plays havoc on your adrenal glands and brain. This results in an inability to sleep at night, leaving you staring at the ceiling or counting sheep, praying to fall asleep. Luckily, many natural supplements for sleep maintenance insomnia, available over the counter at most drug stores, can help with this issue without you waking up in the morning with a foggy head.

What follows is several easily available natural supplements for sleep maintenance insomnia.


Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone within your body released by the pineal gland in your brain. This hormone plays an important role in your sleep-wake cycle and is usually higher during the evenings and falls in the morning.

Because of melatoninā€™s sleep-regulating properties, many people take a hormone supplement when experiencing sleep difficulties. This makes it one of the go-to natural supplements for sleep maintenance insomnia or when experiencing a sleep cycle disruption such as is the case with people suffering from jet lag. It is also a favorite of those whose job requirements need them to sleep during the day.

Although considered safe for use for short periods, not many studies exist about the long-term use of a melatonin supplement.

On a side note, a melatonin supplement together with light therapy may help those with dementia in minimizing the occurrence of restlessness at night.


L-theanine is an amino acid commonly found in green tea. It may increase and lower your stress levels because it triggers the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in your brain. GABA has a calming effect on your brainā€™s neurotransmitters and thus has a calming effect.

Taken as a supplement such as Adrenal Stay Asleep in the form of theanine, your body easily absorbs this amino acid and boosts your GABA levels and modulates the other neurotransmitter levels. Theanine may lower your blood pressure levels, however. So, if suffering from low blood pressure, please first talk to a healthcare specialist before considering taking this supplement.


Glycine is also one of those amino acids falling under the banner of natural supplements for sleep maintenance insomnia. It is not considered an essential amino acid because your body can make its own. It is, however, one of the building blocks of protein. Primary glycine sources include lean meat, dairy, legumes, and fish.

Besides its role in protein synthesis, glycine is also a central nervous system inhibitory neurotransmitter. According to studies, a glycine supplement may help to improve your sleep. The verdict is still out on how it does this exactly, but it may result from its role in lowering your body temperature at night, indicating it is time to go to sleep.

No studies, as yet, have looked at the continued, long-term use of glycine as a supplement. Although generally thought a safe supplement, some people have reported gastrointestinal side-effects when using glycine as a supplement. Side effects include softer stools, nausea, vomiting, and an upset stomach.


An image of a handful of supplements including L-tryptophanL-tryptophan is an essential amino acid and plays a role in protein synthesis. One study on tryptophan shows that is may help improve your sleep quality and help you to fall asleep faster. Found in all protein foods, L-tryptophan is a precursor to both melatonin and serotonin.

You should be careful about summarily considering an L-tryptophan supplement because incorrect use may have adverse side effects. The side effects reported include dizziness, hives, nausea, drowsiness, fatigue, heart palpitations, loss of muscle coordination, and numerous others. Tryptophan may also interfere with medications.

If considering an L-tryptophan supplement, please first talk to your healthcare practitioner to determine suitability and dosage.

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)

5-HTP, an L-tryptophan by-product, helps with serotonin production. As one of the possibilities when considering natural products for sleep maintenance insomnia, people tend to take a supplement like Adrenal Sleep when their insomnia is related to anxiety or depression. As 5-HTP converts to serotonin, it is believed to help control mood and ease stress.

Do take note, however, that taking a 5-HTP supplement together with an antidepressant is not advisable because it could cause serotonin syndrome. This condition has several symptoms that include confusion, tremors, irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, and high blood pressure. Please first talk to your healthcare practitioner about this supplement before considering it.


One of the side-effects of low magnesium levels in your body is sleep issues. This mineral is the main ingredient in Mag Three, is involved in many body processes and plays an important role in bone health, heart health, and brain function.

Stress, unfortunately, may result in your magnesium levels dropping. This causes a reduction in brain chemical production, including your melatonin, thereby disrupting your natural circadian rhythm.

Considering magnesium as one of the natural products for sleep maintenance insomnia may thus not only help rectify your bodyā€™s magnesium levels but help with the production of the brain chemicals that ensure a good nightā€™s rest.

Do be aware that a magnesium supplement may cause cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. People suffering from certain health conditions like kidney disease should also not take it as a supplement without first talking to their healthcare practitioner.

Overdosing on magnesium, although rare, is possible. Symptoms of a magnesium overdose include fatigue, low blood pressure, diarrhea, and muscle weakness. It could also potentially be fatal.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD is one of the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is psychoactive and gets you the typical high associated with cannabis, CBD does not give this effect. Instead, working with your bodyā€™s own endocannabinoid system, CBD helps your body to keep a state of balance.

CBD currently has many applications like Canna Balm and Canna Spray, it is also noted for providing relief in people with epilepsy. Research also shows that CBD may reduce anxiety and promote sleep. No evidence suggests you can overdose on CBD although you may experience a dry mouth, drowsiness, and lightheadedness. Some people may also notice a lowering in their blood pressure.


Chamomile has, for a long time, been on the list of natural products for sleep maintenance insomnia. This may be due to the presence of apigenin, a flavonoid that binds to your brainā€™s benzodiazepine receptors. Chamomile, according to research, may also have stress-reducing properties, thereby promoting sleep.

Although generally considered safe, it is suggested people who have/had cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids or who suffer from pollen allergies should not do so without first consulting their healthcare practitioner. It may also interfere with the effectiveness of birth control pills.

Valerian Root

An image of Valerian roots and teaValerian root relieves anxiety, has a calming effect, and promotes restful sleep. Ā In fact, it seems to act in the same fashion as a sedative.

Although considered safe for short term use, the supplement may have some side effects. These include headaches, an upset stomach, heart palpitations, dry mouth, and in some cases, increased anxiety. Valerian root may also counteract the efficiency of certain medications.


Lavender is a Mediterranean plant that has spread to all continents. Found in many gardens across the globe, the fragrance may enhance your sleep. Numerous studies support this. It may also ease anxiety and depression.

Lavender is deemed probably safe when taken internally in medication dosages and should probably not be used directly before or after surgery. This is because it may slow down your central nervous system and, combined with medications and anesthesia, may slow it down too much.

Passion Flower

Research shows the passion flower may have anti-anxiety properties and may help address insomnia. This it may do by boosting your brain GABBA that results in less brain activity and thereby promoting sleep.

Although generally considered safe, side effects include dizziness and confusion. It may also increase the effects of anesthesia, so it should not be used prior to an operation.

The Importance Of A Good Nightā€™s Rest

Many people feel they operate well on only a few hoursā€™ sleep a night. But ultimately, in the long run, your health can start to suffer.

Your brainā€™s NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response is your bodyā€™s defense mechanism against stress of any kind. Your Neuroaffect Circuit is part of the NEM and consists of your brain, your autonomic nervous system, and your microbiome.

When you are subjected to stress, your brain immediately springs into action and sends chemical messengers to various parts of your body to bring it into readiness to either fight or flee. This results in an increase in stress hormones that affects all hormones and body processes. Once the stress is gone, your brain restores normal function to all parts affected.

When stress is prolonged, normal function is not restored. This means that processes that were slow down or halted, stay that way. This may lead to various health issues and, due to the impact on your adrenal glands, adrenal fatigue. The impact on your brain is astronomical.

Your brain is dependent on various hormones that act as chemical messengers, i.e. neurotransmitters. These are most often in the form of hormones. Due to ongoing stress, your various brain hormonesā€™ production may decline. This could have a serious impact not only on various body functions but on brain function as well. Anxiety, depression, and sleep issues such as insomnia may result.

Natural products for sleep maintenance insomnia may give your brain and adrenals the support they need in this instance.

In Closing

While insomnia may be debilitating, it need not ruin your life. There is something you can do about it.

If you are suffering from insomnia here are some things you can do.

An image of a sleeping woman

  1. Incorporate as many fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet as possible.
  2. Consider the various natural products for sleep maintenance insomnia.
  3. Talk to your healthcare professional before starting on any supplement.

If you would like to know more about or need assistance with natural products for sleep maintenance insomnia the team at Dr. Lam Coaching can help. We offer a free** no-obligation phone consultation at +1-626-571-1234 where we will privately discuss your needs. You can also send us a question through our Ask The Doctor system by clicking here.

Ā© Copyright 2021 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

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