The ancient healing practice of acupressure has been around for centuries. The acupressure approach of ear seeding has particular health benefits for stress, chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia, among other conditions. Ear seeds are utilized in stimulating pressure points found in the ear to relieve conditions throughout the body.
Ear seeding, also commonly known as auricular acupressure and auriculotherapy, is a non-invasive procedure. Here’s a look at what ear seeds are, the potential benefits they provide, and their potential drawbacks.
Ear seeds have their origin in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According to Medical News Today, they are natural or synthetic seeds placed on a sticker on the ear. They can be small, seed-like objects that can be utilized to stimulate pressure points in the ear. Used in auriculotherapy, these seeds appear to have the ability to alter energy flow in the ear and can boost a person’s health.
There are two main types, natural and synthetic. Natural ear seeds are usually derived from a flowering herb called Vaccaria.Synthetic seeds, on the other hand, are usually made from glass, ceramic, magnets, and metal.It’s typical for synthetic forms of ear seeds to have self-adhesive backing for application to a specific spot on the ear.
Ear seeding is both an alternative and a complementary type of medicine. The idea is that the body as a whole can be accessed via different corresponding pressure points.
During this auriculotherapy, small thin stickers, containing an ear seed about half a centimeter in diameter are applied to the outer ear. No needles are used with this method; instead, the ear seeds at these pressure points are massaged to exert the desired effects.
Ear seeds cannot be expected to fix any chronic condition. However, they may be used as a beneficial addition to other remedies. They may help with conditions that include:
How ear seeds actually work has not been thoroughly researched. However, they are believed to stimulate various beneficial reactions in the body.
In looking at how ear seeding helps to relieve pain, for example, research indicates that it stimulates pressure points in the outer ear that are believed to be involved in promoting the release of endorphins. When this happens, it appears that pain signals are blocked, limiting the activity in the neural pathways that are responsible for signaling pain.
A 2020 Pain Management Nursing review assessed several studies related to the effectiveness of ear seeds for acute and chronic pain. It concluded that this is an effective remedy for the majority of acute pain issues (eg. low back pain and abdominal pain) observed in the investigations. It also observed that in these cases, ear seeds were a helpful addition to other remedies used to address pain.
A 2019 review in the publication Medicine assessed several studies related to ear seeds and obesity. These studies suggested that ear seeding, either as a stand-alone therapy, or an addition to a balanced diet and regular exercise, aided participants in decreasing their weight and waist circumference, as well as minimizing their body fat percentage. However, the findings in this particular review needed verification. Still, it points to the potential benefits of ear seeds.
Another review of studies related to insomnia and ear seeding suggested that a combo of ear seeding and acupuncture appeared to reduce insomnia symptoms in patients. However, for some studies, the sample sizes were small or had the potential for bias.
Ear seeding can impact different systems in the body. As such, it could prove beneficial for persons experiencing AFS who may need systemic relief. Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome stems from chronic stress and causes an overuse of the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response. As such, this keeps cortisol levels high and leads to adrenal depletion.
Ear seeding may work as an additional remedy to diet changes and nutritional supplementation to improve the symptoms of AFS, like anxiety, stress, and fatigue. Targeting a single organ system with ear seeding once a week for a few weeks may be achievable and safe for those with AFS.
Should you get your ear seeding done professionally or do it at home? Expert acupuncturists may point to the fact that the desired health benefit may result from both a professional application and an at-home application. However, there are some things to think about before making a selection.
While an at-home application may be less costly, the biggest disadvantage is the increased risk of error by the user. It’s typical for at-home ear seeding applications to have small maps as guides that highlight acupoints in your ear to help you put the seeds in the correct places. But it can be difficult to find the correct placement.
In addition, if the seeds are massaged or pressed too hard and too often, you could get an abrasion. Furthermore, dizziness or drowsiness can sometimes result from overstimulation as well. An at-home application is not necessarily the best way to get it done even with the guidance of a licensed professional. Still, it is safe overall and has minimal risks.
With a professional application, a licensed professional places the ear seeds. This ensures that the most effective acupoints are selected for your particular health issues. A professional is also better able to massage the seeds properly. When they are correctly placed in your ear, the best acupoint combinations are applied for effectiveness. While this can be more expensive, it can also add to your peace of mind.
The cost of ear seeding depends on whether you choose an at-home application or have it done professionally. According to Everyday Health, the cost of at-home ear seeds range between $5 to $50 per packet. In contrast, the cost of a professional ear seeding session can run between $25 and $100, with factors such as location impacting the cost.
Ear seeding is safe to use by the majority of adults, regardless of age, who are experiencing particular ailments. It is a good option to consider if you are over 18 and would like the benefits of this approach or to try an alternative or combination approach to therapy.
Younger persons and children should not use this therapy. There is an increased risk of the seeds dislodging and migrating into the ear canal. Also, anyone with latex allergies should not use this approach either as most stickers used to place the seeds contain latex. Pregnant women should also likely avoid this therapy.
While this auriculotherapy is largely safe for individuals to use, there are a few drawbacks to consider. These include the risk of:
For your safety, if you experience an allergic reaction, have the seeds removed. Also, in the event of an at-home application and a seed detaches and travels into the ear canal, contact your physician to have it removed.
Trying auriculotherapy for the first time may be a different experience for everyone. You usually don’t have to worry because it’s a non-invasive approach with minimal side effects. However, in your first session, you may experience a sense of “mild euphoria” or “high” when the seeds are applied. This results when the brain’s limbic system, which is involved in emotional responses, is activated.
Ear seeds provide a non-invasive remedy for several issues, from fatigue to chronic pain. Ear seeding can be done professionally or using an at-home application under the guidance of a licensed professional. If you are interested in trying ear seeding as an alternative or complementary remedy for your specific condition, speak to your doctor.
If you are interested in auriculotherapy and would like assistance in determining if it’s right for you, the team at Dr. Lam Coaching can help. We offer a free** no-obligation phone consultation at +1 (626) 571-1234 where we will privately discuss your symptoms and various options. You can also send us a question through our Ask The Doctor system by clicking here.
Ear seeds are small natural or synthetic seeds, or seed-like objects, that a person or acupuncturist can use to stimulate pressure points in the ear to boost healing. It can be used to ameliorate conditions such as chronic and acute pain, fatigue, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, insomnia, PCOS, and difficulty with weight loss.