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Canker Sore vs. Cancer: Signs of Something Worse, Plus 9 Easy Canker Sore Remedies

Evidence-based Reviewed Article

An image of a lips with canker soresCanker sores are a common condition that many people suffer from, and they are a painful experience. These sores appear inside the mouth on moist fleshy surfaces, like the cheek, gums, under the tongue, or on the roof of the mouth. They are often referred to as mouth ulcers, but they should not be confused with fever blisters that are typically found on the outside of the mouth and can be quite contagious. Canker sores usually resolve quickly in two or three weeks on their own and are usually harmless. However, mouth ulcers can sometimes be connected to oral cancer. But how can you tell the difference between canker sore vs. cancer? There are a few key differences. Plus, there are also natural ways to remedy canker sores.

The Difference Between Canker Sore vs. Cancer

Canker sores goes by the scientific name of “aphthous ulcers.” They are small, painful sores that only develop inside a person’s mouth on moist surfaces. While cancer can cause ulcers, so can many other things. So, how do you spot which is a canker sore vs. cancer? Here are some traits that you can look out for when distinguishing the two issues:

Symptoms of A Canker Sore vs. Cancer

Both a canker sore and an oral cancer lesion can appear in the mouth. Look for red, irritated edges on a canker sore, which is a sign that the surrounding tissue is inflamed. This feature is absent from oral cancer, but a cancer lesion is persistent and may get worse gradually.

Also, canker sores are usually flat in appearance, while oral cancer often involves a tiny bump or lump beneath red or white patches.

Additionally, canker sores are often painful from the get-go, but they aren’t malignant. The pain gradually lessens as they heal. However, an oral cancer lesion isn’t usually painful in the early stages, but persistent pain could occur later. Still, a tiny bump or lump beneath red or white patches and swelling and pain in the mouth might emerge early on. In addition, a mouth sore that won’t heal can be a sign of cancer. Early signs of oral cancer are often challenging to spot.

Oral cancer symptoms may also include difficulty chewing, moving your jaw or tongue, or talking. Numbness inside your mouth, swelling or lumps in your cheek, jaw, or neck, as well as changes in your teeth or the fit of your dentures are also symptoms of oral cancer.

Causes of A Canker Sore vs. Cancer

The causes of canker sores vs cancer are different.

According to an article in the journal Archives of Razi Institute, canker sores are “widespread and range from localized trauma to rare syndromes, underlying intestinal disease, or even malignant disease processes.”

An image of various microorganisms in a magnifying glassExperts believe that canker sores might result from an allergic reaction or an autoimmune reaction. An allergic reaction happens when the immune system reacts to the perceived threat of a foreign substance. Meanwhile, an autoimmune reaction is when your immune system attacks your body's tissues.

Additionally, a canker sore can result from an irritation or injury inside your mouth. Other possible factors such as stress and smoking, as well as nutritional deficiencies, including low levels of folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron, and even the start of menstruation in some women can trigger a canker sore.

There are also several causes of oral cancer. Some common causes include heavy alcohol use, tobacco use in any form, and human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 infection. Risk factors for oral cancer include sun exposure and age (it is more common in people over age 40).

Identifying Canker Sore vs. Cancer

A doctor’s visit is not usually needed for canker sores. However, a visual examination by your doctor or dentist can usually identify a canker sore. In the case of a severe breakout, your healthcare provider may swab the area, or order a blood test or a biopsy if you are experiencing a severe and ongoing breakout. Still, you can often identify canker sores on your own based on the appearance, development, and symptoms.

When it comes to suspicion of oral cancer, you should get your lesion quickly checked by your healthcare provider. Typically, a visual exam of the lesion and the inside of your mouth is done, plus a check for swollen glands in your neck as well. If your healthcare provider determines that it’s necessary, the examination could include a throat check as well or a referral to see an oncologist. A cancer specialist typically performs a biopsy by taking a sample from the lesion and then analyzing it in a lab to determine if cancer exists.

Canker Sore vs. Cancer: When Should I Worry About a Canker Sore?

There are several instances when a canker sore becomes worrisome and requires a visit to your doctor. These include:

  • Canker sores that become unusually large
  • Recurring sores
  • New sores that occur before old ones heal
  • Frequent sore outbreaks
  • Canker sores that are persistent, lasting two or more weeks
  • You experience pain that’s not ameliorated with self-care measures
  • Drinking or eating is extremely difficulty
  • High fever that accompanies canker sores
  • Canker sores that extend to the lips

Furthermore, most canker sores will get better over time and heal without any medication within two to three weeks. However, if your sore doesn’t heal or worsen over time, you should see a doctor. It could be a sign of something more serious like oral cancer. Also, if your small spot grows larger, your white spot turns red, or your lesion starts to bleed, it’s time to see your doctor.

Canker Sore vs. Cancer: What is a Canker Sore That Won't Go Away?

When it comes to a canker sore vs. cancer, a canker sore that won’t go away could be a sign of something more serious, like oral cancer. Also, a canker sore that won’t heal could be oral erythroplakia (OE). This condition, according to an article in the Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, is a rare but highly risky, potentially malignant disorder that features a predominantly fiery red patch that causes a white or red spot inside the mouth.

Still, a canker sore could also be a sign of other conditions, like gastrointestinal disorder or Adrenal Fatigue  (AF), the non-Addison's form of adrenal dysfunction, where the body's stress response cannot keep up with life's chronic stressors.

Canker Sores, Stress, and Adrenal Fatigue

The constant stress that is a feature of adrenal fatigue could cause canker sores to occur as one of the many potential symptoms. This stress causes your body to produce an increase in the hormone cortisol to help it cope with the stress. This causes the inflammation circuit of the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response to work overtime. Eventually, this chronically activated state can lead to nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and immune system imbalances, making canker sores more likely.

That is why, with canker sores, it’s important to focus on addressing the root cause of the canker sore problem, be it stress or vitamin deficiency. Many of the following natural remedies can also help in this case.

9 Natural Canker Sore Remedies

An image of someone applying canker sores ointment Prevention is always better than cure, but canker sores can also be ameliorated with some simple home remedies that can boost healing, minimize pain, and manage other related symptoms. Here are 9 home remedies that you can try:


According to research, honey is known for its antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. As such, it can help with wound healing and pain relief. Also, honey can help to prevent secondary infections that could potentially worsen your canker sores.


As a natural probiotic, yogurt provides good bacteria like lactobacillus that help to fight the canker-causing bacteria. One cup of Greek yogurt each day can supply your body with good bacteria to ease your canker sore symptoms. Additionally, the cooling effect of the yogurt helps to reduce pain.


Sucking on an ice cube may help reduce pain as well as inflammation. Low temperatures slow down blood flow in the affected area, and in so doing, reduce both pain and swelling.


Certain supplements could be used to support canker sore healing. Dr. Lam®’s LysoPure contains lysine, an amino acid that is key to collagen production and can help improve mucosal and skin health. However, take care before using any supplement to seek the advice of a healthcare practitioner.

Vitamin E

A little vitamin E oil applied directly to the sore helps it to heal much quicker. Also, the oil coats the sore and prevents it from becoming infected.


Sage is an herb that has been used for natural canker sore relief for centuries. It fights bacteria and viruses and helps reduce inflammation. Add two teaspoons of dried sage to a cup of warm water and allow to steep. Once cooled, use sage-infused water as a mouth rinse up to three times a day.

Tea Bags

The alkalinity in tea neutralizes acids and certain compounds in tea can also alleviate pain. Applying a dampened tea bag to the affected area for a few minutes provides great natural canker sore relief.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera reduces the pain caused by canker sores and speeds up the healing process. Apply the gel from the aloe vera plant directly to your canker sore to get relief.

Baking Soda

The alkaline properties of baking soda neutralize acids in your mouth that may irritate canker sores. Additionally, it helps to keep bacteria at bay and supports healing of the canker sore. Look into the type of toothpaste that you’re using and switch to something less acidic like Sensodyne. Changing the pH in your mouth could ultimately help reduce the incidence of canker sores.

The Takeaway

Canker sores can be painful and annoying. So, next time you have one, try out these natural canker sore relief remedies to relieve pain and speed up the healing process. Do not ignore canker sores that won’t go away, as they could be a sign of a serious health issue.

Visit your doctor if you notice any unusual symptoms or if you suspect that your canker sore is infected. When it comes to canker sore vs. cancer, you shouldn’t ignore any worrisome canker sore symptoms.

For those seeking additional support in managing adrenal fatigue-related symptoms like canker sores, consider exploring our Adrenal Fatigue Nutritional Recovery Program, which offers a comprehensive suite including a 30-day supply of proprietary supplements, an eBook on Adrenal Fatigue, video trainings, guides on diet and exercise, tools for restful sleep, lifetime access to online learning, and several bonuses including personalized consultations and stress management techniques, all aimed at restoring energy and adrenal health. To learn more about our program or to schedule a consultation, please call us at +1 (626) 571-1234.

© Copyright 2024 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

A, Gasmi B., et al. "Oral Aphthous: Pathophysiology, Clinical Aspects and Medical Treatment." Archives of Razi Institute, vol. 76, no. 5, 2021, pp. 1155-1163,

Lorenzo-Pouso, Alejandro I., et al. "Critical Update, Systematic Review, and Meta-analysis of Oral Erythroplakia As an Oral Potentially Malignant Disorder." Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, vol. 51, no. 7, 2022, pp. 585-593,

Khounganian, Rita, et al. “Effect of Two Different Delivery Systems of Honey on The Healing of Oral Ulcer in an Animal Model.” Journal of Food Science and Technology, vol. 57, no. 11, 2020, pp. 4211-4219. doi:10.1007/s13197-020-04459-6

Dr. Lam’s Key Question

When it comes to canker sores vs. cancer, canker sores can be ameliorated with the use of aloe vera, baking soda, yogurt, honey, supplements, vitamin E, tea bags, ice, and sage. These home remedies can help to alleviate the symptoms related to canker sores and speed up healing.

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