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Apitherapy: Exploring Bee Products as Natural Medicine

An image of bee products arranged on a wooden platterRemember Baloo, the friendly bear from the movie The Jungle Book persuading Mowgli to help him collect honey for hibernation? The sight of Baloo gorging on fresh wild honey dripping right from the honeycomb is truly amusing. Winnie the Pooh is another famous bear with a similarly amusing penchant for soaking himself in honey. And you don’t have to be a bear to love the taste of honey. All bee products including honey are reservoirs of nutrients. They are loaded with medicinal, natural healing, and health-promoting properties. Naturally sweet and healthy as well as tasty, honey is truly one of nature’s best gifts.

Ancient Apitherapy

Apitherapy refers to the use of bee products - including pollen, honey, venom, royal jelly, wax, and propolis - as medicine. Since ancient times, people have used these natural products. The first record of humans collecting honey was documented in a prehistoric painting of nearly 9000 years old found in Spain. Egyptian medical papyri dating back to 1550 BCE indicates that honey was used as a natural remedy. Collecting insects were used on Alexander the Great and Charlemagne the famous Holy Roman Emperor to successfully help hip pain and gout. Pollen and honey are referenced in almost every major culture and scripture including the Bible, Talmud, and Quran as well as ancient books of Greece, the Orient, and Rome.

These natural products have been touted as health tonics, nutritive food sources, youth elixirs, aphrodisiacs, and medicines. In fact, the father of medicine, Hippocrates, recommended the use of pollen and honey to cause warmth, soften ulcers of the lips, clean ulcers and sores, and heal carbuncles.

However, despite the numerous health benefits of these products, their medicinal properties are hardly recognized by the conventional medical system. It was only in the late 1900s that researchers could figure out the chemical composition of bee venom. Fortunately, present-day medical science is now realizing the potential therapeutic benefits of these natural products.

The Top Five Healthiest Bee Products

These natural products are packed with nutrients and therapeutic properties that can make a big difference in your health. Here are some of the stunning therapeutic benefits of the top five healthiest bee products:

Raw Honey

When it comes to products from bees, raw honey is the first thing that pops into most people’s minds. Pure and unprocessed, raw honey is loaded with immense health benefits. Raw honey is rich in antioxidants, possesses antibacterial properties, heals digestion, and boosts the immune system.

It is lower on the glycemic index than sugar, helping to avoid a sudden drop in your energy levels. Raw honey serves as a healthy sweetener. However, its intake needs to be in moderation. This is because, like sugar, honey breaks down into glucose and fructose.

Besides honey bees, honey is also produced by honey wasps, honey ants, and stingless bees. Based on the source, honey varies in taste and texture. Raw honey is regarded as a great remedy for allergies. As the nature of your allergies depends on where you are located, locally harvested honey is recommended.

Loaded with antimicrobial properties, honey works as a great natural remedy for bed sores and external wounds as well. Honey contains two types of antibacterial agents known as inhibins. While one of these inhibins derived from hydrogen peroxide degrades on heat application, the other one is thermostable, which prevents it from breaking down after heat application. Honey is also used as a natural remedy for ulcers, gastrointestinal illnesses, colitis, and cough. Over-the-counter cough medicines contain decongestants, antitussives, antipyretics, antihistamines, and expectorants. Data suggest that such formulations do not provide much relief from pediatric coughs and can even be dangerous for children. A Cochrane meta-analysis involving 18 trails on 616 children with viral coughs shows that OTC medicines could not reduce the frequency or severity of coughs. Further, the analysis revealed that two common over-the-counter ingredients, diphenhydramine and dextromethorphan, were no better than placebo at relieving cough symptoms. Codeine, considered best for coughs, also proved less effective than placebo. Moreover, the side effects of codeine increased susceptibility to nausea, troubled breathing, and sedation.

An image of a variety of bee products arranged on a wooden tableIn contrast, extensive studies suggest that just a single dose of honey can be effective in reducing cough and mucus in children. In fact, honey has been shown to be more effective than honey-flavored dextromethorphan in reducing cough symptoms. Taking honey has also been linked with reduced severity of coughs and improved sleep both in children and adults. Since 2001, honey has been recommended for coughs by WHO. Honey proves a cheap and effective remedy for all types of coughs. Children should be given only pasteurized honey.

However, honey is not recommended for infants younger than one-year-old due to the risk of botulism spores contaminating the honey and being too much for their undeveloped digestive systems to process out.

Bee Pollen

Flowers produce pollen which honey bees carry. High in enzymes, protein, sugar, amino acids, and nutrients, pollen is regarded as a superfood. It is packed with almost all the nutrients that the human body requires to thrive. You would be surprised to know that these pollens are fifty percent higher in protein than meat. They also have medicinal properties which have been used to help in diarrhea, hypertension, appetite modulation, memory loss, cancer, constipation, autoimmune disorders, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and depression.


Propolis is the cement that binds the hives together. It is mainly composed of resins which honey bees collect from trees and plants. The composition of propolis varies based on the nature of the soil, type of plants, climate, and season. Propolis contains wax, essential oils, minerals such as copper, iodine, zinc, and magnesium, and vitamins such as A, E, B1, B2, and C. Some of the medicinal uses of propolis include psoriasis, gingivitis, chronic gum erosion, periodontal disease, denture soreness, external warts, and tissue regeneration. Propolis also has anticancer and anti-tumoral properties. Further, the antifungal properties of propolis help manage fungal infections such as candida, and it curbs herpes reproduction. Propolis and its extract also help fight colds, parasites, and improves fertility in women.

Bee Venom Therapy (BVT)

This therapy has been practiced since ancient times for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Initially, live stings were administered, but over time these have been replaced with injections. Bee Venom, an influential book written by American physician Dr. Bodog F. Beck, mentions the use of live stings for various health ailments. Inspired by the book, Charlie Mraz, a Vermont beekeeper, started administering live bee stings for arthritis. The venom contains more than sixty components with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. BVT is also used for arthritis, adhesive capsulitis, and post-herpetic neuralgia. The venom also finds use in acupuncture. People allergic to insect venom need to avoid BVT.

Royal Jelly

Royal jelly, secreted from the glands located in the heads of worker bees, is highly prized and expensive. Resembling mucus, royal jelly is fed to the queen larvae. Fifty percent of royal jelly is composed of water, and the rest is proteins and sugar. High in antifungal and antibacterial properties, it is used for osteoporosis, hypercholesterolemia, and to help in tissue repair, wound healing, and improving cognitive function.

How Bees Can Help Stress-Related Conditions

An image of a stressed-out man in a store looking for bee products to help him with his stressStress-related conditions are an increasingly common problem in the world today, and many with these conditions have found some relief with apitherapy.

Your body responds to stressful situations through NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response System. It is comprised of six circuits, including the inflammation circuit, which function together to help fight stress. A pair of walnut-shaped adrenal glands located above your kidneys is also a part of the response system. When a stressful situation arises, the NEM signals your adrenal glands through the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis to secrete the anti-stress hormone cortisol to deal with the stress.

However, when stress is constant, more pressure is exerted on the adrenal glands to secrete additional cortisol to deal with the situation. Eventually, this can overburden your adrenals, and they become unable to secrete adequate cortisol. As a result, the stress-fighting ability of your body reduces which can lead to adrenal fatigue.

When you frequently experience extreme fatigue along with symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, brain fog, difficulty in waking up, low concentration levels, low energy levels, constipation, stubborn weight gain, or cravings for salty and fatty food, then you could be dealing with Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS).

The inflammation circuit of the NEM system includes the gut, immune system, and microbiome. Any imbalance in this circuit can lead to recurrent infections, autoimmune disorders, leaky gut, prolonged healing time, musculoskeletal pain, food and chemical sensitivities, and yeast infections.

Bee products are powerhouses of nutrition, essential minerals, powerful antioxidants and protein which help promote the health of your gut, immune system, and microbiome which, in turn, supports the effective functioning of the inflammation circuit and can help your body deal with the effects of AFS.

Apitherapy for AFS

An image of a bee covered in pollen on a purple flowerApitherapy can prove beneficial for people with adrenal fatigue. Raw honey, propolis, royal jelly, and pollen can all help reduce AFS symptoms and accelerate the recovery process. However, they can also trigger crashes if not used properly.

Here is how these natural products from honey collecting insects can help in adrenal fatigue recovery:

Raw Honey for AFS

When used in moderation, raw honey can help reduce the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. The weaker the body, the less should be used. People with AFS tend to suffer from stubborn weight gain, insomnia, low energy levels, and poor immune health. Studies have linked the intake of honey with reduced weight, lower serum triglycerides, and a decrease in obesity.

Staying away from triggers and allergies are also crucial tools for successful adrenal fatigue recovery. The pollen present in raw honey helps ward off allergies and boost immunity. Extremely rich in minerals, protein, pollens, and vitamins, raw honey is a great source of energy and helps fight fatigue. Raw honey is also rich in disease-fighting antioxidants and flavonoids such as pinostrobin, chrysin, and pinocembrin which help boost immunity and fight cancer. Honey also promotes restorative sleep by increasing melatonin production.

Pollen and Propolis for Adrenal Health

Pollen is rich in anti-inflammatory properties which helps fight inflammatory conditions. Studies also show that these pollens are rich in anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties which help fight several diseases. Being a powerhouse of nutrients, pollen is also a great dietary supplement and support for adrenal health. Further, the high nutrition content in pollen helps fight stress by strengthening the nervous system, boosting mental capacity, enhancing energy levels, and increasing endurance. Propolis is rich in essential minerals, vitamins, and oils which can help nourish your adrenals.

Royal Jelly for Adrenal Fatigue

Extremely rich in nutrition and probiotics, royal jelly helps boost energy levels, promotes gut health, boosts immune health, enhances cognitive ability, lessens allergic reactions, and improves bone health, all of which can be problematic symptoms of AFS.


Apitherapy involves using bee products including pollen, honey, venom, royal jelly, and propolis as medicine. The modern medical industry is now realizing the vast potential benefits of the products derived from honey bees. However, many ancient civilizations across the world were familiar with the remarkable therapeutic properties of these natural products.

Bee products are packed in nutrients, antioxidants, and proteins which help promote great health and accelerate the adrenal fatigue recovery process. Loaded with antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties, raw honey is a great natural remedy for colds, coughs, external wounds, and bed sores. Raw honey is also rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

An image of a variety of bee products arranged in gars and plastic tubs on a long tableIn people with AFS, taking raw honey in moderation helps boost energy levels, fight fatigue, promotes restorative sleep, and strengthens immunity. Packed in nutrition, bee pollen is a great superfood and an effective dietary supplement, especially for AFS sufferers. Its amazing medicinal properties help fight several health issues including constipation, autoimmune disorders, diarrhea, hypertension, and memory loss. Bee venom therapy is an ancient natural remedy for pain. The therapy has now gained popularity for correcting conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, and multiple sclerosis. Royal jelly is high in nutrition and probiotics that promote gut health, boost immune health, and improves bone health. Its antifungal and antibacterial properties help deal with osteoporosis, hypercholesterolemia, tissue repair, and wound healing.

However, apitherapy is not for everyone. Due to the sensitivity of AFS sufferers, do not embark on self-navigation if your body is sensitive or weak. Not everyone reacts well with bee products. The weaker the body, the greater the risk of paradoxical reactions and negative side effects.

© Copyright 2019 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Lam's Key Question

Bee products are loaded with therapeutic properties making them a safe, effective, and natural remedy for many health issues. However, it is important to use natural, unprocessed products to reap their complete health benefits. For instance, raw honey is much higher in medicinal properties than compared to processed honey, which is often stripped of its nutrients.

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