Video summarized in the article below.
Now we’re going to go through the three keys that you need to know to recover from adrenal fatigue. Once you understand the common mistakes of people with adrenal fatigue and some facts, it’s time to learn the right way to recover.
Key number one is to learn from a survivor. If you don’t know something, how are you going to fix what’s wrong? I was a survivor and I went through this myself. Knowledge is power, and you need to know what’s going on, because no one’s going to care for your body more than yourself.
So what better way to learn about this convoluted syndrome than from someone who's gone through it themselves? I’ve gone through adrenal fatigue personally. I’ve gone through the ups and downs of crashes and recovery. I know how the journey works. Most of all, I’ve documented this meticulously in a process that allows me to share with people from around the world.
My website,, is to educate people from around the world. It’s free. It has thousands of pages and articles about what I’ve written and discovered. I believe education is so important to healing that I really need to share, and that’s one of the purposes of why we’re doing this webinar here. I wrote three books on adrenal fatigue, including a reference textbook. I share my knowledge on social media.
We are constantly learning every day as well. Learning from research and learning from the adrenal fatigue survivors that we coach. We coach sufferers of adrenal fatigue from all over the world by telephone, and we do this work because no one else truly understands.
I’m sure you’ve had this experience before where you go to a doctor and you say, “I think I have adrenal fatigue” and they look at you like you’re crazy. And they don’t know what adrenal fatigue is, or they don’t believe in it. Unfortunately, adrenal fatigue is not an established medical diagnosis. It isn’t being taught in medical school at this moment, and doctors don’t know what it is.
I was skeptical just like them until it happened to me. I was not taught about adrenal issues. We were taught about Addison’s disease. We were taught about all the pathology, but not a weakness in the adrenal system where it is in the middle. Just beyond the continuum that we understand from a conventional perspective.
I know what you’re going through because I went through this myself. I know what it’s like to be couchbound. I know what it’s like to not able to even go to the bathroom one time without assistance. I’ve helped thousands of people from around the world through this experience and helped them to recover. I’ve experimented on myself in order to find the ultimate solution to this problem.
So, the key is for you to learn from a survivor. Learn from someone who’s been through adrenal fatigue because they’re the best person that can really help you.
That moves us to the key number two which is trying to understand the whispers of your body. Now that you know what’s going on, the next step is to actually apply that to yourself.
Each of you have unique bodies and you’re all in different stages of recovery. You need to be able to take that knowledge and information that you’ve learned and be able to apply it to yourself. How do we do that? It’s by teaching you to understand the whispers of your body.
Understanding the whispers has been a lost art in modern medicine. Now, remember that Western medicine’s only about 200 years old. While it has contributed much to medical knowledge, it does not really have a monopoly of the world’s combined medical knowledge. In fact, people have been healing themselves for 5000 years without labs, MRIs, and CT scans until the last hundred years. So, how did the physicians of the old times do it? Well, it’s simple. They listened to the body.
Let’s take a look at Debbie, one of our clients who presented with these symptoms such as food sensitivities, allergies, heart-throbbing for no apparent reasons, blood pressure instability, and excessive fatigue.
Debbie: I have had thyroid, adrenal, and hormonal issues for years. I’ve seen numerous physicians, healthcare professionals, nutritionists. I’ve even self-treated, basically doing my own research and getting supplements and looking at the latest thing to help the next symptom that I’ve had or the next one that popped up. That’s pretty much how I did it all these years until about 2005. Hurricane Katrina struck and our world completely turned upside-down.
After losing everything, we made multiple moves trying to figure out where we were going and where we were basically going to start over again. Once we got settled, I pretty much had what I know now was a major adrenal crash. I had a hard time functioning.
I was an exhausted, emotional mess. My eyelashes were falling out. My hair was falling out. Eyes were sunken. I started developing food sensitives and just horrible allergy and sinus problems. I began having heart palpitations. My blood pressure shot up which that’s the first time that’s ever happened, and I started having kind of what I can only describe as these waves of exhaustion that would just kind of come over me at any given time. It was a pretty scary time.
Does that sound familiar to you? That is Debbie’s story. By going through our telephone-based nutritional coaching program, we were able to teach Debbie how to listen to her body and understand her symptoms and their effects on her body specifically. Then she chose a plan to help the natural healing process.
Debbie: I honestly can’t tell you how dramatically it has changed my life. Now when a situation comes up that is a potentially stressful situation that could affect my health, I’ve learned how to recognize the symptoms and kind of take a step back and readjust what I’m doing before I get into this full-blown adrenal crash thing. I’ll tell you; those are no fun.
It’s really helped me to kind of notice these symptoms and notice these things before they become a big problem.
It’s just so great to hear from her. It is vital for you to identify the signals your body is sending you so that you can stop the downward spiral before it’s too late. Only you can truly understand because it is your body.
Preventing an adrenal crash is so key for recovery, as it can really ruin and incapacitate your life, not being able to do anything. So, that’s why we like to teach you to really listen to what your body is telling you.
Sometimes the body signals are very loud and clear. For example, fever can really point to an infection going on. Redness and swelling usually mean there’s some form of inflammation, and you can have lab tests that are very cut and dry, like elevated HbA1c is diabetes.
Sometimes the body signals are just whispers and you have to listen really closely. The body does behave logically, but sometimes the symptoms all get convoluted and they all overlap each other. That’s why you need a practitioner to truly understand what is going on in your body.
Here are some examples of the whispers that the body sends when you have adrenal fatigue. Being irritable for no reason, inability to handle stressful situations, difficulty sleeping, falling asleep or falling asleep after a few hours, then waking up for no apparent reason, unable to fall back asleep. Brain fog or foggy thinking is very common. Inability to handle excessive exercise or having a reduced libido for no apparent reason. Inability to take in simple carbohydrates, pasta, and things like this. Having a food coma, having cold hands and feet. Dizziness.
When you look at all these symptoms, they don’t really point to one specific thing by themselves, but if you look at it collectively, it’s really the body painting a picture that it is in trouble. It is tired. It is strained and it wants something to be done.
Here's what else our clients have said about understanding the whispers of the body and learning from a survivor.
Matt: So, Dr. Lam’s program did in fact restore some balance to my body again. It greatly reduced the amount of times I would wake up in the middle of the night with a stressful dream and a racing heartrate. Sometimes it would just flow into a full panic attack. I would wake up and my heart would just pound out of my chest. So, I had these things I just didn’t understand.
With what I had done with their plan, my body began to stabilize. I’ve slept better, and I had better energy. So, that was fantastic.
Karen: I first noticed at the end of two weeks a little bit of improvement, and I thought, “No, this can’t last.” I was having severe crashes approximately every two weeks which were a lot like the symptoms that I had previously, only these were about 50% worse. So, I was in a bad way.
After a couple of months or probably a little bit less, I noticed that I was coming up in levels. I was getting a little better and I thought, “No, just wait. Hopefully, this will last.” Guess what? It’s been now seven-eight months I’ve been on Dr. Lam’s program and I continue to gradually improve, and I can’t tell you how absolutely thrilled I am.
Tracey: The not-knowing what is wrong with you has got to be the scariest thing. It is for me. I can handle whatever I’m going through but it’s the not knowing that about does me in, which is major stress emotionally, which was just breaking down my adrenals even more. Anyway, I emailed Dr. Lam, and he sent me a voice email back. I told him about what was going on, and he was so calm and said, “This is nothing new for us.”
It’s so great to hear from our clients that they have been empowered to truly understand the whispers of their bodies and learn to recover from it. Our mission is to let people around the world know that they’re not alone.
That comes to our key number three, which is to take a holistic approach. You are not alone in your recovery journey, and you have a dedicated team that could help and guide you every step of the way.
We take a holistic approach. We answer all questions and we give very specific instructions in every little detail in life all by telephone.
We’ve seen a lot of people try to self-navigate. They go on the internet, they see one thing. They hear from their friends, “Oh, this is good. This is good” and they try to take different things to help themselves, but they end up calling back asking for our help.
Learning from a survivor, understanding the whispers of your body. These are steppingstones to a full recovery and for you to take a holistic approach.
© Copyright 2020 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.