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The Top 2 Science-Backed Supplements for Autoimmune Disease Prevention

An image of gold gelcapsThe rates of autoimmune diseases seem to be rising. But because the causes of autoimmune diseases are still unknown, there seems to be no way to protect yourself from these conditions. However, new research suggests that two supplements may lower your chances of developing autoimmune diseases. And these supplements also improve your health overall at the same time. Here's how these supplements for autoimmune disease prevention work.

What are Autoimmune Diseases?

First, you'll need to understand what an autoimmune disease is. If you have an autoimmune disease, it means that your immune system is overactive and attacks your own tissues instead of infections. This not only damages the tissue that’s under attack, but it also means that your immune system isn’t doing its job, so you will be more prone to catching infections.

Some of the most common autoimmune diseases are:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Lupus
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Psoriasis
  • Type I diabetes
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Unfortunately, we don't know precisely what causes autoimmune diseases, which can make it difficult for you to lower your risk of developing one. That’s why it's so exciting to have research supporting supplements for autoimmune disease prevention.

Study on the Best Supplements for Autoimmune Disease Prevention

There are two good supplements for autoimmune disease prevention according to the latest research. In the study, conducted by the Lupus Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, over 25,000 participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups that were given the following supplement regimens every day for just over 5 years:

  • An omega-3 placebo and a 2,000-IU vitamin D supplement
  • An omega-3 placebo and a vitamin D placebo
  • 1,000 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids and 2,000 international units of vitamin D
  • 1,000-mg omega-3 fatty acid supplement and a vitamin D placebo

At the end of the study, the doctors reported the rates of common autoimmune diseases among the participants for each group.

Here’s a rundown of what they found for each supplement:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is mostly found in sunlight, though it can also be found in certain foods. Research has shown that around 40% of people in the US are deficient in this vitamin. This could be the cause of some serious health problems because vitamin D is vital for bone health. Areas of the world that have low vitamin D levels are also associated with higher levels of autoimmune diseases like inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis.

The recent study showed that this is one of the best supplements for autoimmune disease prevention. The research groups that supplemented with this vitamin alone or with Omega-3 had a lower occurrence of autoimmune diseases over the study period. The occurrence of these diseases decreased by around 25-30%. This is strong support for taking this supplement over the long term.


Omega-3 is a fatty acid that’s found in certain foods like fish and flaxseed. There are 3 different types of Omega-3 fatty acids found in different foods. Eating adequate amounts of fatty acids are linked to a healthier heart, better brain health, improved mood disorders, and lower inflammation levels.

The new research into supplementing for autoimmune disease prevention shows that taking Omega-3, in conjunction with vitamin D or alone, appears to lower the rate of autoimmune disease by around 25-30%.

This is strong support for taking omega-3 and vitamin D as supplements for autoimmune disease.

A Warning About Supplements for Autoimmune Disease

However, you should always be careful when taking new supplements for autoimmune disease prevention or any other condition. Although supplements are often assumed to be completely harmless, they can actually be quite powerful, particularly if you’re already unwell. Supplements can also interact with other medications, causing side effects and other health problems.

An image of someone holding a magnifying glass over supplementsThis is why you should always talk to your doctor before you start taking any kind of supplement.  This is particularly important if you have any conditions associated with adrenal fatigue, which can cause your body to become oversensitive, putting you at risk of paradoxical reactions. The additional workload associated with processing supplements may also increase your stress levels, worsening any adrenal fatigue or detoxification issues.

Stress and Supplements for Autoimmune Disease

Ongoing stress is a common complaint in the modern world, and it can severely impact your health. The NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response is the mechanism in your body that helps you cope with stress. It includes six circuits that each contain three organs and systems that work together to help you cope with stress.

When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands release cortisol, which alters how the NEM circuits and their components function. Once the period of stress is over, cortisol levels go back to normal and so do your body’s circuits. But when you’re under constant stress, this return to normal doesn’t occur. Cortisol levels remain high, and the body’s circuits remain in their stressed state.

Over time, this can cause the adrenal glands to fatigue, resulting in Adrenal Fatigue (AF). The body’s circuits and their components can also begin to degrade in health and functioning, resulting in some very debilitating problems and symptoms.

A high number of people with Adrenal Fatigue also experience autoimmune dysfunction and disease. This is often because of dysfunctions within the body’s Inflammation Circuit.

How Inflammation Problems Contribute to Autoimmunity

The immune system is one of the three parts of the Inflammation Circuit along with the gut and the microbiome, or the balance of bacteria in the body. The immune system can become overactive or underactive. When it becomes overactive, rampant inflammation can occur. This inflammation can then attack the body’s tissues in a mistaken attempt to fight off invaders, leading to autoimmune disorders.

Declining gut health can be one cause of this problem as digestive issues, poor nutrient absorption, and poor elimination cause toxic build up. The human gut is directly connected to the immune system, so as the gut becomes dysfunctional, it can worsen immune system overactivation.

The microbiome can also become unbalanced leading to the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the body, which can lead to leaky gut, allowing food particles and toxins into the bloodstream. This also increases immune system activation and inflammation. And in some people it can lead to autoimmune diseases and other issues.

The supplements for autoimmune disease prevention may be able to help with this situation. Here’s how:

Omega -3

Omega-3 is known to lower inflammation levels, which can help with Inflammation Circuit dysfunction. Taking this supplement may also help to correct any omega-3 deficiency, giving your body what it needs to function correctly. Because a poor diet is very common in Adrenal Fatigue, people with this condition often have deficiencies.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiencies are also very common, so supplementing with this nutrient will help with that. You can always check the level of this vitamin by blood to ensure your levels are optimized.

Supplements for Autoimmune Disease: The Takeaway

Autoimmune diseases can be very serious and may have a severe impact on your quality of life. That’s why any research into supplements for autoimmune disease prevention is very important. As long as you’re careful with how you take these supplements, then it’s worth experimenting to see if they help you. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Talk to your doctor first to ensure that the supplements won’t interfere with any medications that you’re already on.
  2. Consider getting tested to see if you have any relevant deficiencies.
  3. Start with low doses of the supplements and stop taking them if you notice any adverse effects.

For more ideas on managing autoimmune disorders, explore Dr. Lam's guide to Adrenal Fatigue Recovery, where you'll delve into understanding your specific stage of adrenal fatigue, the optimal use of supplements, dietary recommendations, beneficial exercises, and much more. Over the span of this program, you'll be equipped with knowledge for informed decision-making and insights to sidestep the challenges Dr. Lam encountered during his own path to recovery.

Ready to take control of your health journey? Give us a call at +1 (626) 571-1234 for a free initial consultation. Let’s work together to create a personalized plan that supports your well-being!

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© Copyright 2022 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Lam’s Key Question

Unfortunately, at this stage medical research hasn’t come up with any way to eliminate autoimmune diseases or to completely overcome the symptoms associated with them. However, according to the research, there are ways to reduce your chances of developing one with the best supplements for autoimmune disease prevention.

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