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Radiation Poisoning from Nuclear Accidents, Weaponry and Terrorist Acts

Chernobyl power plant caused a large amount of radiation poisoningOver 1,550 people have died between 1945 and 1987 in 285 nuclear accidents. Chernobyl is an example that comes to mind. Radioactive particles blanketed Europe with the meltdown of Chernobyl's graphite core nuclear reactor. 1,800 children and counting have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. People that worked the Chernobyl clean-up were 6 times more likely to have children with genetic mutations. This means that inheritable conditions can be caused by low doses of radiation poisoning.

Three Mile Island, another nuclear incident beginning in 1979, found strontium particles blown as far as 150 miles away. These particles stay in our environment for hundreds of years. Even after containment, the radioactive material is still decaying and will continue to do so far at least another year. During this time, more radioactive particles are being released into the environment.

The impact on society after any nuclear accident is great. We can come into contact radioactive particle virtually from any source, air, water, food, etc. Once in our body, radioactive particles attach to cells and absorb minerals and trace elements, hindering the body from carrying out normal functions. Our immune system is left vulnerable, leaving us unguarded to viruses and other microorganisms.

Some common side effects of radiation poisoning include loss of appetite, skin problems, loss of taste, and fatigue. The three organ system affected most are the gastrointestinal track, thyroid, and bone marrow. Prevalent longer term symptoms present such as premature aging, cancer, leukemia, genetic mutations, and bone and thyroid disorders are common.

Potassium Iodide for Radiation Poisoning

Potassium Iodide (KI): KI, when taken, provides a stable iodine source for your thyroid to absorb. The thyroid absorbs as much iodine as it can, leaving it unable to absorb any radioactive iodine for the next 24 hours. KI are available in tablet and liquid form after a nuclear related accident. Per FDA, these doses are suitable to ingest when internal contamination has occurred or is suspected to have occurred.

  • Adults - 130 mg (includes breastfeeding women)
  • Children (3 - 18 yrs) - 65 mg
  • Children (150 lbs plus) - 130 mg
  • Infants (1 mo - 3 yrs) - 32 mg
  • Newborns (birth - 1 mo) - 16 mg

When KI is not available, Iodine supplements may be used. They contain less iodine than potassium iodide but are still a good source if no other is available. Just one dose of KI will protect your thyroid for 24 hours. In cases where radioactive iodine may be in the environment for more than one day, then take KI every 24 houses. Only do this after having consulted with your doctor, public health official, or emergency management personnel.

You should not take KI if you are allergic to iodine (If you are unsure about this, consult your doctor. A seafood or shellfish allergy does not necessarily mean that you are allergic to iodine.) or you have certain skin disorders (such as dermatitis herpetiformis or urticaria vasculitis).

People with thyroid disease (for example, multi-nodular goiter, Graves' disease, or autoimmune thyroiditis) may be treated with KI. This should happen under careful supervision of a doctor, especially if dosing lasts for more than a few days.

In all cases, talk to your doctor if you are not sure whether to take KI.

Natural Compounds to Fight Radiation Poisoning

  • Vitamin C is an excellent fighter against radiation damage and a first line of defense. Regular Ascorbic acid needs to be taken in high doses. Liposomal vitamin C such as Lypospheric C or Liponano C offers the best delivery method.
  • Glutathione is an antioxidant used to decrease tissue damage in radiation therapy. It is also an anti-inflammatory and helps the liver clear toxic metabolites from radiation damage. Tablet forms and precursor are not very effective. Liposomalized forms again, are the best.Seaweed is an excellent chelator of radiation poisoning
  • Sea vegetables are an excellent radiation chelator, with their high sodium alginate levels. Kelp, agar agar, nori, and wakame are some suggestions. Miso soup is also helpful. Be careful not to overtake as it can cause hyperthyroidism.
  • Other natural chelators are green foods such as chorella and spirulina. Green food powder is easily available over the internet. Green Balance is one such example.
  • Table salt with iodine contains enough iodine for a normal healthy person. However, its concentration is not high enough to prevent radioactive iodine from being absorbed by your thyroid. Do not substitute iodized table salt for KI.
  • If KI is not available, you can get the potassium iodide equivalent amounts through nutritional supplements that offer lower quantity, and are available over the counter, such as IOPlus.
  • Foods rich in minerals such as potassium and calcium are ideal for supporting thyroid function, which is easily impaired by radiation exposure. Nuts and seeds as well as fish and fruits are viable sources. Brazil nuts, rich in selenium, are good for thyroid function.
  • Molecularly distilled high potency fish oil with anti-inflammatory properties can help support cellular damage repair from toxins. A variety of brands are available. Recommended dosage 2,000-5,000 mg.

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