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The Truth About Miscarriage Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Prevention

Understanding First Trimester Recurrent Miscarriages of Unknown Cause

Avoid recurrent miscarriages by understanding miscarriage symptomsDid you know that there are miscarriage symptoms?  What if you knew what the miscarriage symptoms were and thus could prevent the loss of your child? If you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, read this article to learn more about what to look for regarding miscarriage symptoms. Recurrent miscarriages are generally regarded as loss of three or more pregnancies consecutively. Miscarriages are one of the most common pregnancy complications experienced by women. It is the spontaneous loss of pregnancy before the fetus reaches viability. Miscarriage includes all pregnancy loss from the time of conception until 20-24 weeks of gestation. Recurrent miscarriage symptoms are more than physical, and can make you feel utterly drained of hope; most times, it is difficult to keep trusting in the future.

If you have multiple miscarriages during the first trimester, and your doctors cannot find the root cause of such miscarriages, consider Adrenal Fatigue as a possible cause. When you have Adrenal Fatigue, reproduction is not the top priority as far as the body is concerned. Oftentimes, low libido and missed periods are common; but if you really want to get pregnant despite what your body is experiencing (Adrenal Fatigue), your challenge will be to have the fertilized egg stick to the womb and adhere to the uterine wall without it coming off. That is if you are fortunate enough to conceive and able to get through the implantation period. Remember that during Adrenal Fatigue, the body wants to slow down to conserve energy. Keeping the womb intact requires nutrient and energy resources that the body is already low on. The body’s natural response, if it feels that survival is at stake, is to abort.

The first trimester is the riskiest period in a pregnancy. This is the time when most miscarriages occur. The first trimester is a critical time for implantation to be successful and secure. There is a hormone called progesterone, which is responsible for the implantation period. When evaluating miscarriage symptoms, in the case of relating Adrenal Fatigue to miscarriages, progesterone levels tend to be low relative to estrogen, and so, the amount of progesterone on a relative basis to the body’s needs is insufficient, even though the level may be normal on a laboratory test.

Is Recurrent Miscarriage Really Common Enough to Deserve Attention?

Recurrent miscarriage is very common. About one woman out of one hundred experiences recurrent miscarriage, and many are unaware that there are variable miscarriage symptoms. The most frustrating part of a miscarriage is that, most times when someone who is experiencing recurrent miscarriage visits their doctor, the doctor can’t explain the reason behind about 50 percent of the cases. Women are often sent home with the miscarriage dismissed as the natural consequence of a defective or unhealthy fetus. The hidden truth of Adrenal Fatigue may not be explored due to the lack of knowledge concerning miscarriage symptoms.

What are the Possible Causes of Recurrent Miscarriage?

There are various things viewed as the possible cause of recurrent miscarriage, but there is no proven scientific cause. The following are the possible causes of recurrent miscarriage:

  • Adrenal Fatigue: When you have Adrenal Fatigue, reproduction chances may become less of a priority to your body. Most times, Adrenal Fatigue creates a challenge for the womb to stick and adhere to the uterine wall. If progesterone is insufficient, then the womb will not stick; and if the womb does not stick, miscarriage will oftentimes occur. This usually occurs between week six and week twelve in the first trimester and it is very classic. Too much stress, which is a major cause of Adrenal Fatigue, can be a cause of recurrent miscarriage. When you stress out your body during pregnancy, it may lead to loss of pregnancy.
  • Uterus that is abnormally shaped: Most miscarriages, especially late ones, are considered to be caused by an abnormally shaped uterus. Just a half uterus may develop – this is known as unicornuate uterus. Abnormality may be either from the egg or from the early embryo.
  • Infections: Infections may cause miscarriage in women. When you fail to treat certain infections properly, it can result in miscarriage. Bacterial infection can raise the risk of miscarriage; bacterial Infection in women can inflame the lining of the uterus and make it impossible for the embryo to develop.
  • Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs can increase miscarriage symptomsAbnormal chromosomes: If there are mismatched chromosomes, it can result in miscarriage. Chromosomes carry our genes and there are 23 pairs of them in each cell of the human body. When the sperm and egg meet and one of them is faulty, the chromosomes may not line up properly. In such cases, the resulting embryo may have chromosomal abnormality and result in miscarriage.
  • Lifestyle: If you smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and abuse drugs, there is a possibility of having recurrent miscarriage. This is because nicotine is able to cross the placenta, interfere with the blood supply, and affect fetal growth.

Miscarriage Symptoms

There are various signs and symptoms of miscarriage, they include:

  1. Pain: You may have a persistent dull ache in your lower back, pelvic cramps, or belly pain.
  2. Vaginal bleeding: You may have vaginal bleeding which is light or heavy, constant or irregular. Although bleeding is a general sign of miscarriage, bleeding during first trimester can also occur with a normal pregnancy. However, when there is a combination of pain and bleeding, it will likely result in miscarriage. If bleeding is heavy and continues as if you are having a normal period, the color will be bright red, and you may experience a miscarriage.
  3. Blood clotting disorder: Blood clotting disorder may lead to miscarriage.

Bottom Line

Recurrent miscarriages increases the chance of psychological miscarriage symptomsOB doctors who are very astute will give extra natural progesterone to nurture the womb during the first trimester and help the adrenals become stronger without use of stimulants. However, that is only a temporary solution. The underlying stressors that lead to Adrenal Fatigue, and subsequent low progesterone levels relative to need, should be addressed. If this is not resolved, then, even if pregnancy proceeds to term, the risk of additional problems such as postpartum slumps and crashes is significant because if the body doesn’t have enough nutrients and energy reserves to sustain itself after delivery; fatigue will set in, and lactation may cease. When this happens, the mother will suffer tremendously.

Miscarriages during the first trimester can be a crucial signal of underlying adrenal weakness. The most important thing you need to do is to pay attention to the symptoms and your history; don’t just brush it off as nothing. Fortify the adrenals, but don't over stimulate or use compounds that can be harmful to the fetus if you do have adrenal weakness. Herbs and glandular compounds, though natural, can be especially problematic because they can mask the underlying dysfunction. Always consult an experienced clinician in Adrenal Fatigue if you are in this state.

Miscarriage symptoms


Understanding miscarriage symptoms, risk factors, and prevention strategies is crucial for anyone navigating this challenging experience. Knowledge empowers you to take proactive steps towards a healthier pregnancy. If you have concerns or need personalized guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out.

For personalized support and to discuss your unique situation, give us a call at +1 (626) 571-1234 for a free initial consultation. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

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