Modern agricultural soils are nutritionally depleted due to overuse and a lack of replenishment. The average human, like the soil, is also depleted. Essential soil nutrition such as magnesium and fulvic acid benefits have been steadily decreasing in recent years, as has the health of the world’s crops, livestock, and humans.
The devastating effects of adrenal fatigue are a fairly recent development, over the last 100 years, in human health. Living in the modern stressful world is no easy task. The body’s response to stress, as a survival mechanism, is embedded in each and every organ system. The overall reaction is controlled by the body’s neuroendometabolic (NEM) stress response. This stress response helps us deal with daily stresses, from meeting deadline at work to death of a loved one. Without the proper nutrients to support the stress response, the body can gradually develop different symptoms. The lack of trace minerals in the soil could be an additional cause of improper balance in the body, especially if the body is weak and undernourished at the cellular level through supplementation of fulvic acid at the right time and dosage, you can rebalance your nutrition with this ancient and beneficial source of natural wellbeing.
Fulvic minerals (or fulvic acids) are a “humic substance,” which means that they are a major building block of living matter. A component of soil, fulvic acid is released as organic matter decomposes. As this process occurs, millions of highly beneficial microbes are released, making it one of the most chemically active compounds in soil. This mixture makes fulvic minerals rich in an assortment of hormones, fatty acids, ketones, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals, and a host of other healthful substances.
Numerous in rare trace minerals and amino acids, fulvic minerals contain all the life-giving properties that allow earth to host life in such abundance. All life that has or will exist, all the DNA and RNA from every organism, will eventually become fulvic acid, further aiding in the proliferation of life on this planet.
Research is just recently bringing to light the important role that fulvic acid benefits play in the human body, supporting health in a variety of ways including digestion, cell health, brain development, and more. Fulvic acid benefits may offer protection against heavy minerals and many other health concerns, including diabetes, inflammation, and adrenal fatigue.
Typically found in healthy soils, fulvic acid is then absorbed by plants. In today’s world, current farming practices and the use of agricultural chemicals have severely depleted fulvic acid levels present in the soil. Modern water treatment facilities have further removed fulvic acid from our food supply.
With the depletion of fulvic acid in the soil, the crops grown today, on a massive scale, are significantly deprived of nutrients that make them healthy for our bodies. Crops grown in depleted soil have also been shown to be more prone to infestations of insects, viruses, fungi and other problems that not only create a situation in which stronger and more dangerous pesticides are needed, but also reduce the yield and drive up the prices.
Modern industrial methods of farming have not only stripped the soil of precious trace minerals, but also rendered the plants grown in those soils unable to utilize the remaining elements. Crops grown in these conditions are commonly nutritionally deficient. Add the fact that the majority of our food is then highly refined and processed, furthering the degradation of the nutritional value, it isn’t difficult to see how you may not be getting the antioxidants required to keep you healthy.
When fulvic minerals are present in the soil at normal levels, fulvic acid causes the biochemical mechanisms of plants to function at a much higher level, accelerating them and making them more efficient. They acts as catalysts. Research shows that exposure to fulvic minerals can potentially improve plant cell growth. It also assists the plant in absorbing more nutrition from the soil, aiding in penetrating the roots, and transporting the nutrients through the stem and throughout the rest of the plant. This boost in nutrition intensely improves plant growth. In the end, you are left with a nutrient-rich vegetable that provides you with a healthy and natural source of fulvic minerals.
In humans, fulvic acid benefits assist in the transportation of nutrients to deep tissues, helping to overcome weakness, lethargy, and fatigue. It has also been shown to help cardiac, gastric, and nervous system disorders, as well as a potent anti-stress agent. Fulvic acid has also been shown to assist in retarding age-related body deterioration.
Through the absorption of fulvic minerals, the naturally occurring enzyme activity may be increased and cell membranes become more easily penetrated, allowing water to enter the cells at optimal rates. This can be beneficial to both plants and animals by promoting ideal hydration and assisting the body in passing unwanted toxic substances. Fish swimming in water rich in fulvic acid have been shown to have mercury toxicity levels up to six times lower than average. These catalytic properties make fulvic minerals a potentially important tool in helping those with Adrenal Fatigue.
In the modern world, you are constantly under attack by heavy metals and other harmful substances in your food supply and other sources of pollutants, such as the air you breathe and the water you drink. Over time, these toxins will build up in your body’s fat and blood cells, preventing your liver and adrenal glands from working properly. This stockpile of toxins could be one of the causes of the discomfort and lethargy now associated with Adrenal Fatigue.
The most beneficial aspect of fulvic minerals, to those who suffer from adrenal fatigue, is their amazing chemical catalytic capabilities. Toxic pesticides and herbicides have been shown to detoxify from the body in the presence of fulvic acid. These powerful minerals help to form new ions that bind with pollutants such as pesticides and herbicides, catalyzing the breakdown of these detrimental toxins and helping to eliminate them from the body. If your diet is lacking in fulvic acid, all of these toxins that you come in contact with eventually build up in your body, putting stress on your liver and adrenal glands, thus causing the debilitating symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue.
A lot of adrenal fatigue sufferers, especially those in advanced stages, may have a hard time tolerating different supplements and medications. One of the reasons is that their liver and interstitium are congested and unable to detoxify the new products given to the body. Along with that, the immune system becomes sluggish from the effects of toxins from inflammatory products and the environment. These three systems are part of the detoxification circuit in the NEM stress response. When these toxins build up in the fat and blood, the liver becomes overworked and congested, slowing its natural detoxification process. Fulvic acid can support healthy metabolic breakdown process of the liver.
The interstitium is a network of non-living tissues that provide support to cells. The interstitium is one continuous interconnected ground substance. Every cell in the body is nourished via the matrix, and all waste products of cellular metabolism pass through this ground substance. It is important for providing a pathway for detoxification. However when toxins and stress come upon the body, the interstitium starts breaking down and becomes congested. When the interstitium is congested, cellular breakdown is inevitable. Fulvic acid decongests the interstitium by binding to the pollutants and facilitates the elimination of toxins. It is really great for detoxification
Healthy living and a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can greatly assist in the detoxification process and immune system, but with the depletion of fulvic acids in the soil, these healthy foods may not be as rich in antioxidants or nutritionally complete as you may think.
Fulvic acid can bond with vitamins and minerals, making them more easily absorbed by the body through the cell walls. The mineral compounds in fulvic acid balance and invigorate living cells. Its biological assets work almost instantly upon contact and begin a healing and reinvigorating process. Actively seeking out free radicals, fulvic acid supplies necessary electrolytes, enhances the transportation of nutrients to the cells, acts as a catalyst for enzyme reactions, stimulates the metabolism, and changes simple inorganic mineral compounds to organically complex minerals. It also assists in repairing damage to cells done by toxic compounds such as heavy meals and free radicals.
Fulvic acid has low molecular weight and low molecular size, making it capable of penetrating the cell walls much more efficiently than substances of larger molecular size. This allows fulvic acid, as well as the various nutrients that it binds to, to pass through the semi-permeable membranes of cell walls. This increased supply of nutrition to the cells sensitizes the cell membranes and increases physiological function of that cell.
Minerals such as iron, not typically readily absorbed, are easily transported through the blood and to the organs. Fulvic minerals also dissolve and transport other necessary components of good health, such as vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and natural antibiotics that are found in a healthy and well-balanced diet. Certain bacteria, fungi, and other organism in decomposing organic matter in the soil produce these various substances.
Many vitamins can be found in healthy soils, and these vitamins make their way to your plate either directly through consuming vegetables, or less directly through consuming the meat of an animal that has been fed on said vegetables. Plants can, of course, synthesize many vitamins on their own, but fulvic acid benefits further aids plants in their health and development, similar to how they aid you. Upon consumption, these nutrients are readily available for digestion by both animals and humans, as they are, in the natural plant form, grown in healthy soil. As previously stated, crops grown on modern farms are lacking in fulvic acid and supplementation is needed on your end.
One of the most damaging problems that occurs with Adrenal Fatigue has to do with the immune system. As the detoxification circuit becomes unbalanced, the immune system simultaneously becomes overworked, leading to increasing levels of inflammation. This is a very damaging situation that causes a repeating loop of dysfunction. As the immune system declines, infections, funguses, and viruses become more common, which leads to more inflammation. But when you have Adrenal Fatigue, you already have a damaging amount of inflammation in your body because of stress and widespread circuit dysfunctions. The amount of inflammation builds, which further stresses the immune system and worsens Adrenal Fatigue symptoms.
Fulvic acid may be able to help with this situation in a couple of important ways including the following:
By improving the function of the immune system and lowering inflammation, this acid can help to rebalance this system. And because of the interconnection between the three systems in the detoxification circuit, this will naturally encourage better functioning in the other systems as well.
Aside from natural sources of fulvic minerals, such as food and untreated water, fulvic acid benefits can be delivered orally as a nutritional supplement. There are several options you can choose to supplement your diet.
Modern supplements usually come in the liquid form in oxidized protected bottles with a dropper. Fulvic acid is soluble in water and can be used by both plants and animals, including humans.
Fulvic acid is a powerful supplement that must be used with care. Adrenal Fatigue sufferers in advanced stages are typically weak and fragile. Fulvic acid can be helpful to enhance energy, but can also trigger adrenal crashes if the body cannot tolerate it. Proper filtration and ongoing adjustment under professional care is recommended.
In addition to its own unique properties, fulvic acid benefits can also increase the intake of some minerals that may be over stimulating. Those with thyroid issues should be careful. Purchase only from reliable supplier. It is crucial to find fulvic mineral complexes that are extracted from pure and unpolluted sources for best results.
Fulvic acid is often seen together as a supplement with humic acid. While they are similar, There are also difference to note. Fulvic acid is actually a type of humic acid. However, the benefit of fulvic acid compared to other humic acids is that that it is low in molecular weight making it much easier to be absorbed by cells. Most other humic acids are of higher molecular weight, making them more difficult to absorb.
If, decades ago, we had the foresight to protect our soils from hazards such as toxic chemicals and heavy metals, these important life-giving substances would have remained in our food supply, supporting a natural and healthy population. Of course, this is not the case.
Our soils and crops are lacking in essential minerals. This creates a need for supplementing our diet in order to achieve true wellness. Every biologically active organism needs organically complex trace minerals in order to maintain optimal health and adequate immunity to disease.
Whether for better or worse, much of the world has changed since our ancient ancestors began to cultivate the land. Thanks to new research, you can now reclaim your health and regain nutritional balance with fulvic mineral supplements; detoxifying and regaining the vigor to overcome adrenal fatigue and balance the metabolic pathway of the NEM stress response system. The key in getting the most out of this supplement lies in proper titration of dosage and frequency to match the body’s ability to process it without causing over-stimulation or adrenal crash. For this reason, professional guidance is highly recommended.
If you are looking for help with detoxification and supporting your immune system, give us a call at +1-626-571-1234 and we can discuss what you are experiencing.
Incorporating fulvic acid into your routine can offer numerous benefits for managing adrenal fatigue. Its powerful antioxidant properties, ability to enhance nutrient absorption, and support for cellular health make it a valuable ally in your journey toward recovery. As you explore the potential of fulvic acid, remember that personalized guidance can significantly enhance your results.
If you're ready to take the next step toward revitalizing your health and addressing adrenal fatigue, give us a call at +1 (626) 571-1234 for a free initial consultation. Our team is here to help you understand how fulvic acid and other natural strategies can support your recovery. Don’t wait—let's embark on this journey together!
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