I’ve gotten myself involved in something that is not stressful but morally weighs on my conscious. If I continue this can it affect my adrenals?
Emotional stress can weigh on your adrenals as much as physical stress. Most people take their emotional constitution for granted, but stress is a killer, make no mistake about it. When you are under stress, practice the Adrenal Breathing Exercise.
I’m an adrenaline junky. Not drugs or anything that is harmful to my body, but mostly cliff hanging, sky diving, cliff diving, and parachuting. Will these things effect my adrenals long term?
Adrenaline is a powerful hormone. It can help you help achieve peak performance; but over time, if you don’t moderate and give the time for it to burn off naturally within the body, it can damage your heart and adrenals, resulting in adrenal fatigue and heart arrthymias.
I’m always feeling depressed. Can this be caused by Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome although I don’t feel like I have any of the symptoms related to Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome?
You may be suffering from HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis imbalance instead of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. Depression is usually not directly caused by AFS. You should see your doctor and have a thorough checkup.
How does using “normal” household items, such as shampoos and conditioners, affect your adrenals? Could this be one of Adrenal Fatigue causes?
Normal household items have chemicals that resemble estrogen, therefore they may increase the estrogen level in the body. When a body is estrogen dominant, it may cause more stress on the adrenals.
Would breastfeeding cause stress on the adrenals?
It should not if you watch your diet and lifestyle, and make sure your body is nourished with sufficient vitamins and minerals.
I've gotten ill a lot in my life, had viruses and colds a lot. What does that say about my long term health prospects?
The body’s ability to regenerate and recuperate is tremendous. Infections (chronic sinus infections, epstein-barr, mono, etc) or inflammations usually have a strong adrenal component. Most infections or inflammations involve the release of pro-inflammatory substances. The body's response is to produce cortisol, a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-infection hormone. The weaker the adrenals are, the higher the frequency of infection. Because more cortisol is produced by the body to control the inflammatory response, the harder the adrenals have to work to produce more cortisol. When the adrenals are eventually exhausted, cortisol output is compromised, allowing unopposed infection to inflame the body more. This vicious circle can lead to progressively deepening adrenal exhaustion and produce more severe infections.
How are allergies and the adrenals correlated? Is there a possibility to cure my allergic reactions by strengthening my adrenals?
When the adrenals are weak, its ability to output cortisol to suppress allergies is compromised. Over time, the adrenals can be exhausted, leading to allergies running rampant which can be very damaging to the body. Fortunately, this is a reversible situation most of the time if you do the right things to heal the adrenals. Read my article on this issue: Histamine and Adrenal Fatigue.
Are there certain things in my life I should have avoided in order to prevent Adrenal Fatigue from coming on?
Proper stress management, lifestyle, diet and exercise management is the keys to prevent Adrenal FS from coming on.
How dangerous is it to go tanning? Will this affect my Adrenal Fatigue recovery?
Do not over tan or get burned. The best way to tell is whether you become more tired after a tanning session. If you become tired, then it is too much tanning.
Not only is cortisol a great anti-inflammatory and anti-infection hormone, it also plays a very important part in reducing stress. The hormonal response of the neuroendometabolic (NEM) stress response function, is primarily regulated by the organs of the thyroid, gonads and adrenals. The adrenal glands, sitting on top of our kidneys are responsible for the production of cortisol and where there is a disruption of the hormonal response due to excessive amounts of stress, unwanted symptoms can occur. These can present themselves as; waking up feeling unrefreshed, infertility, feeling cold when it is warm, intolerance for exercise, fatigue, PMS, irregularity of menses and a low libido.