Video is summarized in article below.
Dr. Lam: Many people complain of nonspecific-type symptoms that can range from multiple chemical sensitivities, reactions to perfume and petroleum, to slow recovery. What is it all about?
Dr. Carrie: Well, this is just saying that your immune system is flaring up. Whether it’s causing more inflammation in your body, all these symptoms are crying out for help. Whether it’s your food or chemical sensitivities, these all have a very strong adrenal component. Right, Dr. Jeremy?
Dr. Jeremy: Yes, and actually, many of these sensitivities are because there is a release in histamine which is trying to fight these sensitivities.
Now, the body’s normal response is to put out cortisol, which is an anti-inflammatory hormone. But the weaker the adrenals, the more they increase the frequency of allergies because they can’t fight off the histamine release.
Dr. Lam: Yes. Now, these are not acute allergies that cause you to have anaphylactic shock. These are just like sensitivities that are subtle, but it kind of bugs you and it bothers you. So, you cannot eat the food that you want. You get discomforts, migraines, bowel aches that kind of move around the body. The body’s just not liking it.
Dr. Carrie: So, your body's immune system is acting up. And therefore, your adrenals want to put out more cortisol, which is the anti-inflammatory hormone. As it puts out more cortisol to try to put out the inflammation that your body is going through, your adrenals get tired over time, and this vicious cycle can lead to progressively worsening adrenal exhaustion.
Dr. Lam: So, for the short-term, you take a pause and learn that these are normal responses that your body is trying to use to whisper to you, “Hey, please help me with my adrenals.” Of course, long-term you want to do the right thing to help to boost the immune system and support it better. Once the adrenals get that support, then the body will then automatically help itself and then get stronger.
Dr. Carrie: Yes. So, some short-term things that you might be trying already are like omega-3 fatty acids, or turmeric or curcumin, even antihistaminic herbs like bromelain or quercetin. However, these herbs might not be helping. So, in the long run, you might actually feel your immune system and your inflammation getting worse.
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