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How to Relieve Stress and Other Stress Questions

How to relieve stress before tests: Early preparation

Q: How to relieve stress when taking a test?

A: Have you ever wanted to know how to relieve stress when taking a test? Adequate and early preparation is the most important aspects of how to relieve stress. There is no substitute for regular and systematic revision. Rest and recreation are excellent stress relievers. Exercise, coupled with a healthy diet and adequate sleep, ensures concentration and mental well-being. How to relieve stress is easier than you think.

Q: How to relieve stress using exercise? Is it really a good form of stress release?

A: If you want to know how to relieve stress easily, learn more about exercise. Exercise not only has ant.i-aging effects, it provides you with time to be lost in thoughts, gives you time to think, and stimulates processes in the body that strengthen you. Exercise provides both physical and psychological benefits.

Q: What is stress and the answer to how to relieve stress is below?

A: The stress response is a chemical reaction. Heart rate, blood sugar, blood pressure, and breathing rate all rise during stress to get your body ready for action. Additionally, cholesterol and triglycerides increase; fluid is retained; and platelet clumping and free radicals are increased.  There are a multitude of mediums used to determine how to relieve stress.  Keep reading to learn more answers to your questions specifically about how to relieve stress.

Q: I notice that I have more stomach aches lately, why is that so?

A: You may have hypersecretion of gastric acid in response to stress. This may contribute to stomach or duodenal ulcers.

Q: I feel irritable, over react, and I have a short temper all the time with my children. How do I improve myself?

A: Children are a great joy and a great source of potential stress. Accept your kids as they are. Allow them to learn from you and then let them go their own way. Understand that parenthood is not about control. It's about freedom.

Q: What stresses out men?

A: Men want to feel on top of things, in control, so finances, work, ego and doubt (about themselves or anything else are the biggest stressors for men.

Q: After I started using the computer, I felt a lot of neck aches, what can I do to relieve the aches?

A: Using the computer is one of the main sources of stress. Check the screen, proper placement of the keyboard, and so on. Don't put the monitor, keyboard, or both off to one side on a desk. The keyboard should be at elbow height, the mouse should be as close to the keyboard as possible, the screen should be to inches from your eyes and the top of the screen at eye level.

Q: I notice that my husband is always angry, agitated and irritable. What causes him to be so?  Can I show him how to relieve stress?

A: It is important to always play a supportive and helpful role in your loving relationships.  Your husband may be faced with a lot of pressure at work. You can do something to help him relax. Pick him up to go to a relaxing picnic after work, send him loving cards, let him relax for a ½ hour after coming home by preparing a hot bath for him, go for evening walks together. Don't talk about work unless he volunteers.

Q: My friend at work is always happy and easy going. What makes him that way? I want to know how to relieve stress.

A: Everyone is different in his or her genetic makeup, early life experiences, upbringing, culture and societal influences. That's why your friend seems happy and easy going while you may not feel the same.

How to relieve stress: Avoid junk food

Q: I notice that when I am stressed out at work, I tend to eat only junk food. What can I do to change that?

A: Junk foods are usually high in calories and low in nutrients. Knowing this fact will help you make your food selection better. It has been shown that junk food actually makes you grouchy and cranky. Small amounts of carbohydrates can calm you down.

Q: I only get a few hours of sleep everyday. Is that harmful to me?

A: Skimping on sleep plays havoc with important hormones, possibly harming brain cells, depleting the immune system, and promoting the growth of fat instead of muscle. Sleep deprivation may speed up the aging process. Lack of sleep dulls the brain, saps energy, increases irritability and depression, and makes people more accident-prone. Researchers found that a lack of sleep causes blood levels of the stress hormone cortisol to go up, while two other important hormones - muscle-building human growth hormone and prolactin, which oversees the immune defense system - to go down.

Q: I am taking more time to complete my tasks; I find that I am losing my concentration. Why is that so? What can I do to improve my concentration?

A: Being in control is largely a matter of attitude. Unrealistic expectations cause stress because they make life feel unpredictable and out of control. So take the time to go over the week's events, plan in advance when you want to complete each task, you will be surprised how much more streamlined your days will be.

Q: Does what I eat make a difference when I am stressed out?

A: Studies show that certain foods tend to be stress reducing, like complex carbohydrates - pasta, potatoes - that are more slowly absorbed. Maybe that's why they're comfort foods! The main thing is that you don't want to "not" eat. Often when people are stressed, especially when they're feeling down, they tend to stop to eating. Starvation perpetuates the stressful environment as your body becomes stressed when it's deprived of nutrients for long periods of time.

Q: Should I avoid alcohol when I'm going through stressful times?

A: If you're not drinking alcohol to reduce stress now, don't start. On the other hand, if part of your lifestyle involves having a drink or two as a nightcap or when you come home and it seems to work, fine. The key phrase is "small amounts." You want to do it moderately. But don't introduce it as a new stress-management technique. There are better ways to relieve stress.

Q: I am a perfectionist, is that good?

A: A perfectionist is someone whose standards are so excessively high that no one could ever meet them. Constantly striving for perfection is a leading cause of stress.

How to relieve stress: Laughter!

Q: I find it difficult to laugh, I really envy those that can laugh at every little things. What's wrong with me?

A: A good laugh can work wonders on your heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension and thus diffuse stressful situations. Start your own humor collection - newspaper columns by writers who make you laugh, tapes of stand-up comedy shows, videos of funny movies, etc. When you arrive home, try to walk in with a funny story instead of a complaint. And be on the lookout for the kinds of experiences that are not only funny (and relaxing) when they happen, but will also make for good stories later.

Q: Are there any herbs that help to address stress?

A: Some herbs that will help include: Siberian Ginseng, Licorice Root, Golden Seal, Kelp,Passion Flower, Chamomile, Black Cohosh, St. John's Wort, Catnip, Hops, Kava Kava, Gotu Kola, Valerian, Capsicum, Garlic, and Ginger.

Q: How do women react to stress?

A: Women tend to worry, cry or become extremely anxious. Women ten to become more depressed than men largely because they don't feel as much in control of their lives as men. Four out of five women place persistent fatigue among their "top " health concerns.

Q: I find that I have to take sleeping pills to help me sleep at night. How do I stop using the sleeping pills?

A: Try a calming dose of something small: two small cookies, or a roll, or a few gumdrops. Listening to soothing music or taking a warm bath with a few drops of essential oil such as chamomile or lavender will also help you relax at night and prepare your body for sleep. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine or thriller movies before going to bed.

Q: I am always rushing around like a mad dog. What can I do to slow down?

A: The first step towards being able to effectively prioritize is to realize that not everything needs to be treated as top priority. Weekly, plan what you are going to do the coming week. Daily in the evening, plan what you are going to do for the next day. Lay out clothing and breakfast table before going to bed. Get the children's school bags all packed and ready to go. Plan to do certain chores regularly on certain days, get your gas every Sunday, make a list of all the things you need weekly to buy at the supermarket. Planning goes a long way in reducing last minute stresses.

Q: I get so frustrated when people don't listen to me. Is there something wrong with me?

A: Getting wound up because someone else hasn't met your expectations won't make the stress any easier to take. If you accept that sometimes your expectations won't be met, you can move through the stress and find a solution to the problem.

How to relieve stress: Loud music

Q: My children listen to this loud music. It gives me a headache, and asking them to stop gives me even more trouble. What can I do?

A: Understand why your children like the music. Ask them for their views, the meaning of the lyrics. Buy the music they like for them. In return, you make a request for them to play the music softer. Explain to them what their music is doing to you. Most music therapists believe that it's more effective to first match the music to your existing mood. On days that you are really agitated, you might try some hard rock first (ask your children for a recommendation), to acknowledge that mood, followed by medium-beat country music, finishing off with a mellow Bach quartet.

Q: Why do I get so irritated sometimes when I am around a lot of people?

A: You may have had a stressful day. Keep a stress diary to pinpoint exactly what events happened during the day caused you stress. You can note your stress levels and how you feel throughout the day. Write down every hour how happy you are or how stressed you are (scale of 1-10, how efficient you are at that time. If a stressful event occurs, note the events as well. Also, write down what happened and how you handled this stressful situation. After a couple of weeks, you should see patterns emerging and learn what you did, and what you should avoid.

Q: When does a problem or feeling reach the point at which I need professional help?

A: When problems or feelings interfere with your functioning in daily life, either in relationships or work, it's advisable to seek professional help. My friend goes through major crises in life without professional help. Should I?Just as we all have different degrees of physical strength and stamina, we have different genetic emotional strengths and weaknesses. Some people can lose a loved one and go through a normal and healthy grieving process, while others might succumb to a major depression. It's a tragedy that only a small percentage of people who need professional help actually seek it.

Q: I found so much chaos, clutter and need for repairs throughout my house that I'm shocked to inertia. Any suggestions on how to get past the utter despair?

A: Stress may arise from being disorganized and not having a grasp of the task at hand. Sit down, organize, and plan. Make a list of all the things you need to organize and repair. Be detail oriented, cut the job down to small sizes. Prioritize each job, and assign the amount of time needed to complete the jobs. See if you can get professionals or friends to help you with some of the jobs. Put down each job in your diary. You will find by the end of three months, you will have most of the repairs and the chaos has taken care of.

How to relieve stress: What are the biggest stressors for women?

Q: What stresses out women?

A: Relationships, family and married life, and feeling out of control are the biggest stressors for women.

Q: How do I cope with stress while driving? I often feel tense and get very angry and upset when someone beeps a horn or cuts me off.

A: Road rage is a very common source of stress for those of us who live in metropolitan areas. First, look at the source of your frustration. Are you exhausted and frustrated by long hours at work, or is the stress and tension of balancing work and family driving you crazy? Next, try to alternate your routes to create variation. Last, of all, try simple breathing exercises while driving or listening to your favorite music. It's no use getting upset at other drivers. It's like a domino effect where your frustration will cause the other driver to become more aggressive (no matter who is at fault). The result can be tragic. Instead, take a deep breath and let it slide. Your health and safety are not worth another driver's inconsiderate behavior.

Q: I thought watching TV is relaxing, but every time I watch a couple hours of TV, I feel so heavy headed afterwards. What could be done to prevent this from happening?

A: The key to really relaxing in front of a TV set is to watch shows, not mindlessly stare at the screen. Don't turn on the set unless you've planned what you want to see. Schedule the family's favorite programs each week, watch only those, and turn the set off immediately.

Q: My husband keeps telling me that having sex is a very relaxing for him. Is that true?

A: According to studies, about twice as many men as women consider lovemaking a favorite way to relax. An orgasm leaves men feeling relaxed and sleepy almost immediately.

Q: Why is yoga useful for relaxation?

A: Yoga relaxes your body and releases stress by using breath, movement, and body control.

Q: What are some mind-calming techniques?

A: One simple way to relax is to use visualization. Find a quiet place, and for a few minutes think of an image that relaxes you, maybe a beach with a warm breeze or a happy memory. Another simple way to calm your mind is to distract yourself - go to a movie, play a sport, immerse yourself in a hobby, or listen to some favorite music.

Q: Is there a simple, "do-anywhere" technique for easing tension?

A: Many of us, especially when we're under stress, tend to breathe poorly. We're chest breathing. Less oxygen reaches our bloodstream and brain, our heart rate goes up, and we feel even tenser. Breathing more deeply - using your diaphragm muscle and breathing more slowly - induces a more appropriate carbon dioxide-oxygen exchange in your blood, which leads to a feeling of relaxation.

Q: How do I change my reactions to what's happening around me?

A: We emotionally exaggerate a situation when we say, "This is awful! This is terrible! This is the worst thing in the world that could happen!" Start to correct those thinking errors by looking at situations differently. Calm yourself down by using "self-talk." The other thing is to find out where your stress trigger is coming from and look at that.

How to relieve stress: Complex carbohydrates

Q: Does what I eat make a difference when I'm stressed out?

A: Studies show that certain foods tend to be stress reducing, like complex carbohydrates - pasta, potatoes - that are more slowly absorbed. Don't skip meals when you are stressed. Your body becomes stressed when it's deprived of nutrients for long periods of time. In terms of what you eat, stay away from the usual villains like sugary snacks. Watch the coffee and the hidden stimulants in things like medicines, colas, and some of the bottled waters with caffeine.

Q: At what point should I seek professional help for being stressed out?

A: You should seek professional help when the stress is prolonged. If it is longer than your usual period of stress and you feel it's overwhelming, it can't hurt for you to consult with a mental health professional or someone who can set you on the right track. It doesn't mean that you're going to be in therapy for the rest of your life. It just means that someone with skills that you don't have can be a useful tool.

Q: Why is too much stress bad for me?

A: Unbeknownst to most, stress is extremely harmful to our bodies as, damaging us at the cellular level. If the stress doesn't stop, your body never gets a chance to heal itself. The immune system stays shut down, so infections, sickness, and disease occur more easily. There's increased the risk for heart disease because the cholesterol and triglycerides stay elevated, the blood pressure stays high, arteries stay constricted, and there's decreased blood flow to the heart. The risk of cancer is higher because the immune system is depressed. And there's the likelihood of depression due to the drain placed on the brain and nervous system.

Q: I am a housewife and I never seem to get my work finished. There seems to be a thousand little jobs that need to be done. I find myself yelling more at the kids when I don't get all the things done. Why is that so? What can I do?

A: Are you a perfectionist? You don't have to be perfect in everything you do. No one except you can tell whether your home is super clean. Make a list of the things you need to do regularly. Divide the jobs into a weekly schedule. For special projects, do one thing at a time. At the end of the day, you will be able to see how many things you have accomplished. Take time out for yourself daily to exercise, spend time with your friends or take up a hobby.

Q: I notice that my blood pressure has been going up at each medical check-up. The doctor is starting to prescribe medication for me to lower my blood pressure. I don't want to take medication. What can I do?

A: Stress in your life can increase your blood pressure. Good ways to help lower your blood pressure include: eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, but low in salt, fat and animal proteins; exercising regularly; and decreasing your weight to the anti-aging weight, which is - % below your ideal body weight.

How to relieve stress: Why do I break out in rashes?

Q: Why do I break out in rashes when I am nervous?

A: Experts believe a wide range of skin problems - acne, eczema, herpes, psoriasis rashes, and hives, are triggered or worsened by stress. Find out what makes you nervous, keep a log of them. When you have become aware of what makes you nervous, you can then conquer these stressors with the techniques such as biofeedback, hypnosis, and meditation. To start off, you can do the deep breathing technique. Simply breathe with your mouth closed, hold your breath for seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth, with your tongue placed at the top of your teeth. Do this or times, or until the tension has passed.

Q: I am attending college. I noticed that my friends "cram" during final exams, staying the whole night before the exam and studying, so I thought it was the right thing to do and did the same. But during that whole period, my stomach was upset, I experienced pain, and I couldn't concentrate because of the pain. What can I do to improve my studies?

A: Stress can affect stomach acid secretion. Some people may be good at "cramming" before exams, but most people are not. So the best thing for you to do is to start your studies and reviews early. Make a list of the subjects you need to study in details. Decide on the number of hours you need to spend on each subject. Then schedule them onto your daily schedule one month before your final exams. During the week before and the week of the final exam, you only have to review what you learned.

Q: Lately, my company is expanding, so my workload had increased . I have to work late and bring work home to finish. There is no time for me to have proper meals, and I go to bed late and had to wake up early to get to work. I find myself breaking out in rashes and my stomach always gets upset. What can I do to improve my condition?

A: You are obviously under a lot of stress at work, and you are bringing that stress home with you. Write down on a piece of paper everything that you have to accomplish. Prioritize the jobs. Set a dateline for each task you need to accomplish. Plan in regular meals in your schedule. Most importantly, you need to take care of yourself. Although work is important, you have to make time to take care of yourself. Consider eating properly as an urgent task with deadlines. Neglecting your body is worse than neglecting your work. An exercise is a great tool for reducing stress. Know your limitations and know when to quit. There is never enough time in a day to finish everything you want to do. Take care of yourself first. It is worse if you get sick. More work awaits you afterward.

How to relieve stress: Identify the source!

Q: When the telephone rings, I must answer it. I find that there is so much work I leave unfinished during the day. And I get so frustrated and become irritated. It seems like an endless cycle, and more and more work is left undone. Help !

A: You must identify the source of what's causing your stress. It seems that the phone may be the catalyst that initiates your stressful cycle. Use an answering machine to screen out your calls. Return the calls at your scheduled time, and plan on how long you are going to be on the phone. In that way, you can finish your chores and work uninterrupted as you planned.

Q: Both my husband and I work. We have been fighting a lot about who should be doing what around the house. We couldn't come up with any good solutions, and our relationship is getting worse. Please help.

A: Two-career families report enormous stress over dividing at-home job responsibilities. You and your partner need to pinpoint areas of contention around the home. Make a list of all the jobs that need to be done, and divide them evenly among the two of you. Be fair and flexible. Don't complain about each other's performance. Assign jobs or rooms and switch weekly. If all else fails, hire help.

Q: Morning time seems to be most stressful for me. There is never enough time to get ready. What can I do to make my mornings more relaxing?

A: Set up your mornings and evening as routines. Get up early, set out clothes the night before, prepare some of the breakfast the night before. Assemble school bags with homework, briefcases, paperwork, money, etc. the night before. If you take some time to plan ahead, your tasks won't seem as stressful.

Q: I am new at my job, and I think I am doing well. But I am never sure. My boss never gives me an indication of what he thinks of my work. I don't like that feeling of insecurity. Is there anything I can do to improve my security feeling?

A: Sit down with your boss and ask for a performance review if you are insecure about your performance. Your boss will be pleased to see you that you care about how well you are doing.

Q: I have a colleague that complains a lot about himself and everyone. He doesn't seem to like anything and always seem to be unhappy. It sometimes affects my mood too to hear so much negativism from him. What can I do to bring myself out of this negative mood?

A: Be aware when you start having the negative thoughts. Write them down, look them over and ask yourself whether the thoughts have any basis in truth. Odds are, they don't. After you have examined these negative thoughts, you are then in a position to attack them logically. And they will lose their power to get you down. You can also counter your negative thoughts with positive affirmations. These positive affirmations can build confidence and change negative behavior patterns into positive ones.

How to relieve stress: Prioritizing your time

Q: I seem to be a slave to events. Any plans I may have for the day tend to get buried under new agendas and constant crises. I just never seem to be able to make any headway. How can I get organized?

A: If you continue to live and work by responding to every crisis immediately as it arises, you will become stressed, disheartened, and exhausted. The key to beating this tendency is to avoid treating every task as a top priority. You need to learn to take control of your time, set your own agendas and start to prioritize your work effectively. Convince yourself that you should work according to your own priorities, not those of others. Learn to say: "This problem must take its place in line. It has to wait its turn."

Q: I seem to get memos on my desk virtually every day saying things like "this is top priority" or "please deal with this right away." I don't know how to deal with these messages. Please help.

A: Unless you are literally dealing with life or death situations, the word "urgent" is much overused. Generally, it is employed by others to bully you into dropping all of your other work. Deadlines are always relative and are often open to negotiation and compromise. Check your diary carefully and check all the facts before accepting any deadline. Be firm to say "no" when you know you can't meet the deadline. Negotiate to arrive at a date, which allows you the time to complete the task comfortably. Break the job down into different stages.

Q: I keep on missing my appointments and meetings, and being late in meeting my clients. What can I do to prevent any more embarrassments?

A: Keep all your appointments and meetings in a diary. A diary is also used to schedule when you need to start a job and what the completion deadline is. Your diary should be with you always, and if used properly, will prove a key tool in being organized.

Q: It always seems that I am late in meeting the deadline. It takes me ages to get started on certain tasks. I thought I was covering my tracks well, but just recently I was called by my supervisor asking me why one of my suppliers stopped our account. He found out that I haven't even unpacked the previous order, so payment was not made by the accounting department. I would like to know how to get out of this mess.

A: Most people suffer from a tendency to procrastinate in some form or other. The effect is that you will end up behind on your work. Find out the reason why you procrastinate. Is the job too boring, too difficult, too big for you to tackle, so important that you fear failure, or not as important as others. The key here is to get started somewhere and set realizable goals that you can achieve.

How to relieve stress: Do something you enjoy!

Q: My father became depressed soon after retirement. What can I do to help him overcome this stress?

A: Retirement is often accompanied by feelings of diminished usefulness, importance and independence. Reactions to retirement depend on the effectiveness of a person's adjustment mechanisms or coping behaviors. Especially helpful would be to find your father new tasks to occupy his time which will give him a sense of usefulness. Help him cultivate new relationships at clubs doing things he likes to do.

Q: What mental illnesses are related to stress?

A: The common mental illnesses are anxiety disorders and depression. Alcohol abuse or dependence is also common. Overwhelming work stress or marital discord can result in depression. Many depressed teenage girls resort to drug abuse in the face of relationship problems.

Q: How does stress cause headaches and backaches?

A: Stress often leads to tension in the muscles of the face, scalp and back. Spasms of blood vessels supplying the brain may also occur, leading to migraine attacks.

Q: Is stress always bad?

A: A little pressure can actually improve your performance and add color to your life. That is, if the stress is handled appropriately. The principle in stress management is to make stress work for you by recognizing stress before lapsing into the state of distress.

Q: Who is more prone to distress?

A: Some people tolerate stress remarkably well and appear to thrive on it, whereas others seem to fall apart under even seemingly minor pressure. Personality, which refers to enduring and characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving are an important factor in determining whether a person succumbs or survives in the face of stress. Personality is the product of a complex interaction of your genetic makeup, early life experiences, upbringing, culture and societal influences.

Q: Are introverts or extroverts more vulnerable to stress?

A: Wether your an introvert or an extrovert, at some point in your life it will be impotant to learn how to relieve stress. Extroverts are people that are sociable, cheerful, talkative and outgoing; whereas introverts are quiet, shy, withdrawn and unsociable. Both personality types have different vulnerability factors to stress. The extrovert tends to react with impulsive and angry behavior when stressed. They are more likely to resort to smoking and drinking alcohol. Introverts tend to react by becoming anxious or depressed, and they have a smaller social circle for social support.

Q: What are the vitamins and minerals that help to address stress and can I learn  how to relieve stress using them

A: It is easy to use supplements to help with stress. There are a few: Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium, Potassium, Zinc, Iron, Selenium, and Essential Fatty Acids.

Q: I have been brought up to keep anger to myself, but I find people around me always vent out their anger. Are they right? Is doing this a way I can learn how to relieve stress?

A: If your trying to figure out how to relieve stress it important to learn about properly processing anger. Anger or frustration that is not expressed in an acceptable way may lead to hostility, a sense of helplessness, and depression. It is very helpful to explain and assert one's needs to a trusted individual in as positive a way as possible. Direct communication with another person may not even be necessary; writing in a journal or composing a letter that is never mailed may be sufficient.

How to relieve stress: Get a pet!

Q: My friend has been asking me to get a pet. She said it really helped her to calm down. I was wondering how to relieve stress using an animal?

A: Many studies suggest that having a pet helps reduce medical problems aggravated by stress, including heart disease and high blood pressure.

Q: How to relieve stress, the proper way to do deep breathing exercises?

A: There are several ways, but here is a simple way to start. Breathe with your mouth closed, hold your breath for seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth, with your tongue placed at the top of your teeth. Do this - times, or until the tension has passed. How to relieve stress easily? Just, repeat the deep breathing exercise wherever you are whenever needed.

Q: I heard about muscle relaxation from my friend. He told me to do it at night and said it would help me sleep better. how to relieve stress using this technique?

A: This answer is all about how to relieve stress using muscle relaxation. Muscle relaxation techniques, often combined with deep breathing, are simple to learn and very useful in preparation for sleep. After lying down in a comfortable position without crossing the limbs, concentrate on each part of the body beginning with feet and work your way up to the top of the head while focusing on all the muscles in the body. Be sure to include the forehead, ears, eyes, mouth, neck, shoulders, arms and hands, fingers, chest, belly, thighs, calves and feet. A slow, deep breathing pattern should be maintained throughout this exercise. Tense each muscle as tightly as possible for a count of five to ten and then release completely; experience the muscle as totally relaxed and lead-heavy.  This is one of the best ways to learn how to relieve stress.

Q: What is aromatherapy and how to relieve stress with them?

A: If you're trying to determine how to relieve stress, aromatherapy is the art of using highly concentrated, distilled herbal essences, called essential oils. The volatile aromas of essential oils directly affect the brain, producing calming effects and other mental stimulations. Essential oils also create an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, and fungus cannot live.

Q: How to relieve stress using aromatherapy?

A: When evaluating how to relieve stress essential oils are best known for counteracting stress, with properties which can affect the mind and emotions to calm, sedate, or uplift. Add a few drops of essential oils into a carrier oil or use a diffuser or lamp. You can also add - drops or more of these oils to a warm bath and relax in the tub, or simply dab a couple of drops of oil on a tissue or handkerchief and inhale the aroma during the day.

Q: Can almost anything trigger a stress response?

How to relieve stress: Don't forget about environmental stressors such as air pollutionA: When learning how to relieve stress, the answer to this question is critical. Just about everything triggers stress. Environmental factors such as air pollution, plant pollens, and toxic reactions to metals. Physical trauma such as infections, fractures, cuts, burns, allergies also cause stress. Psychosocial stresses covering almost every possible aspect of life are all possible stressors. This doesn't even include your personal, unique stressors.

Q: How do men react to stresses?

A: Everyone reacts differently. Some tend to hold stress in. They remain stoic or have grim reactions. Some express their stress through anger or shouting, sometimes violence. Neither are healthy ways to deal with stress. It is important to do proper research and speak to your doctor about how to relieve stress.

How to relieve stress

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