Once thought inedible and potentially toxic, potatoes are now enjoyed roasted, baked, fried, mashed, and boiled in soups and stews. Potatoes are now the 4th largest food crop in the world.
Common wisdom is that vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are found in colorful foods, and those foods lacking color are short on nutrients. Add to this an increased focus on low-carb foods, and the potato has been all but nutritionally demonized. The fact is, despite their 17% starch content, the potato is a nutrition powerhouse.
One medium potato has just 164 calories, 37g carbohydrates, 4.7g dietary fiber and surprising 4.3g of protein, along with calcium, vitamin C, multiple B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Just be sure to avoid highly processed potatoes such as potato chips and French fries, because they may be high in sodium and hydrogenated fats which have been shown to cause inflammation in the body. It is important to note that most of the nutrient content of potatoes is just below the skin, so it’s important to eat the skin, or at least as close to it as you can, otherwise you miss out on a lot of the nutrient value. Whether you eat the skin or not, leaving it on during cooking helps minimize loss of nutrients.
They also contain alpha-lipoic acid, a compound that plays a role in using glucose for energy. Alpha-lipoic acid is also thought to help regulate blood sugar, improve blood flow, and protect against certain complications associated with diabetes.
Potatoes are thought to be one of the worst foods to eat when trying to lose weight. While this is true of French fries, potato chips, and baked potatoes loaded with butter, sour cream, and bacon, potatoes alone can actually help with weight loss. Potatoes are approximately 70-80% water by weight which, along with the protein and fiber content, helps you fill up fast.
Potatoes are a good source of fiber that supports healthy digestion and prevents constipation. The carbohydrates are easily digestible, making potatoes a good source of energy for those with digestive issues. The vitamin B6 in potatoes plays a vital role in the conversion of carbohydrates and protein into glucose and amino acids. Fiber has also been shown to help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
Potatoes are a good source of phosphorous, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc, all nutrients vital to bone health. It is important to note, however, that too much phosphorous can actually lead to bone loss without enough calcium.
Potatoes also contain choline which, combined with vitamins C and B6, and potassium, is a powerful anti-inflammatory. These nutrients can help ease inflammation throughout the body, especially the digestive tract.
The nutrients in potatoes can also help promote a healthy heart and brain, protect against many types of cancer, and protect your skin against damage caused by smoking and exposure to sun and wind.
It is important to eat whole fruits and vegetables that promote health and support the body through providing vitamins, minerals, and healthy compounds that are useful to our body for energy. The body is a unit made up of many systems that work together to maintain health. In stressful situations, these systems are observed through the Neuroendocrine Metabolic Stress Response. The NEM Stress Response is made up of six systems that include cardionomic, hormonal, neuroaffect, metabolic, inflammation, and detoxification. When out of balance, an issue with one system can lead to issues in others, therefore it is important to eat foods that support many different systems in the body to help maintain balance.
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Serves 4
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