At a time when we are all using so many beauty products, some 24 hours a day, it’s important to think about what goes into the things we put on our bodies. The skin absorbs good moisturizers, as well as the toxins present in most store-bought cosmetics. By making a few of the things that you use on a daily basis at home naturally, you can start to limit the levels of harmful substances that enter your body. Homemade lip balm is a great start.
The frequency at which our bodies are exposed to chemicals is alarming, to say the least. Anything you can do to mitigate chemical contact is a good idea.
This homemade lip balm is all natural, easy to make, and works better than most store-bought alternatives.
Getting started may be easier than you think. The ingredients for this homemade lip balm recipe are all natural, as well as whole-food based.
You might think that it’s not a big deal to use conventional lip balms and other store bought products that have been on the market for years. The problem comes when all these separate products begin to add up, culminating in a much higher level of toxicity than your body was meant to handle.
A lot of extra toxicity overworks your liver which can lead to the inability to detoxify properly. The liver is responsible for the majority of the detoxification process. Though there are many things you can to help your liver recover, the first step is to cut down on how many harmful chemicals you introduce into your system in the first place.
The system through which our bodies handle stress is known as the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response. This system explains the entire stress response process, from neurotransmitter signals in the brain to the physical changes that take place in the body. A hormonal cascade responds to stress by releasing large amounts of cortisol into the body.
Cortisol is a hormone produced and released by the adrenal glands, located on top of the kidneys, which has several effects. For a healthy individual experiencing stress, cortisol levels peak and then normalize when stress subsides. The NEM Stress Response is an efficient mechanism, and when it isn’t overworked, it functions quite well.
Problems begin to occur when the NEM Stress Response is overworked, and the adrenal glands cannot produce enough cortisol to do their duty. This causes cortisol levels to spike or crash and can lead to a condition known as Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS).
There are many issues associated with AFS. You can experience low energy levels, brain fog, and disruptions in nutrient uptake. A common problem in people suffering from AFS is an inability to detoxify properly.
When you have elevated cortisol levels due to stress, a reaction takes place in the liver which is called upon to release glucose tied to protein stores there. This excess glucose demand not only raises blood sugar levels, but it also depletes glucose in the liver, stressing the organ.
When the liver is overworked due to high stress or AFS, it can’t cleanse the body of toxins in the way it’s meant to. A high toxicity environment occurs, causing chaos in the body and negative effects. Toxicity is linked to anxiety, joint pain, and depression; just to name a few.
It’s important to note that making a small change, like replacing store bought lip balm with homemade lip balm, won’t make a huge difference in for AFS. But it is not about making a single change to your routine to help your liver cope with toxins and recover from AFS. It’s about making many small changes. We all need to consider how the items that we’re using on a daily basis can affect our overall health. There is never going to be a single silver bullet to solve all of our problems, but by the same token, we have to start detoxifying somewhere.
Cosmetics are some of the worst toxic offenders, especially for women as they tend to use more than men. Cutting down on your usage of these products or finding natural alternatives is a great first step to helping your liver and body recover from AFS.
Not everyone has the time or the inclination to create their own products at home, but there has been a move in many industries to create more natural products for purchase. This is a welcome change, and it’s a good idea to look into other products you can replace with natural substitutes. It may be possible to mitigate some of the problems linked to AFS, as well as improve your liver function, when you begin to take control of what is going onto your body.
There is more than one benefit to producing your own products to use and share with friends. An obvious benefit is cutting down on the toxins that enter your system. A not so obvious benefit is the satisfaction and relaxation that you can get from doing a project at home. Making homemade lip balm is fun and easy way to take time for yourself.
This is part of a mind-body approach to your health. Just making a conscious effort to reduce toxicity and care for your body can help to lower your stress levels.
As with many things in health, stress and toxicity can be a cyclical process. The truth is, it doesn’t matter how the cycle starts, just that it gets broken. If you can limit the likelihood of becoming stressed by strengthening your body, then you can lower your chances of being crippled by AFS. Likewise, if you can help your body detoxify by implementing natural solutions, then your body will more easily recover from too much stress.
Everyone is in a different stage of AFS. If you suspect AFS is a problem for you, especially if you are in the later stages, contact your health provider as soon as possible. Also, keep in mind any allergies you may have before changing the routine products you use to ensure it’s the best choice for you. Once you know it’s all clear, then you’ll be free to enjoy soft lips with lower toxicity for your body.
© Copyright 2017 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.
One of the greatest things about this natural lip balm is that it is much safer than conventional products. This homemade lip balm recipe uses all natural, food-based ingredients that are already in most of our diets, and you can flavor it however you want!