Our modern diet vastly differs from that of our ancestors. It even differs from that of our great-grandparents. This is because their diets included many whole foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Add to this that all meals were prepared from scratch and contained a lot of fiber. On the other hand, we tend […]
With a powerful blend of ingredients, Adrenal Gut Restore is a unique formulation supporting the gut lining due to the benefits of licorice and aloe. These two ingredients work synergistically to nourish and restore the gut lining and, as a result, enhance overall gut wellness. We'll explore how the ingredients in this supplement work together […]
Bloating is a common digestive issue many people deal with. Whilst bloating can be a sign of an underlying issue, it sometimes can be resolved with the right knowledge and using proper tools. This article will explore various home remedies for a bloated stomach and how they might help. What Is Bloating? Bloating is simply […]
Healthcare practitioners usually require a colon cleanse before a patient undergoes certain procedures, like a colonoscopy. A colon cleanse flushes out everything in your colon, also known as your large intestine. Many people also opt for this procedure to flush out toxins, especially those suffering from headaches, bloating, constipation, or low energy levels. Some even […]
Problems in your gut can lead to an array of problems throughout the body. But good gut health can be supported by several nutritional strategies. One of these nutritional strategies is the use of prebiotics and probiotics. These two compounds may sound similar, but they are very different, and are both important in optimizing your […]
There are several reported benefits of grape seed extract supplements, ranging from improving heart health to preventing cancer. However, experience teaches us not to take the words of supplement manufacturers and marketers at face value. The truth is many supplements do not offer the benefits advertised and may even be detrimental to health. Is this […]
Over-the-counter aloe vera gels that people apply to their skin are derived from aloe vera plants. Yet while these gels tend to contain many additional skin-soothing ingredients, like calendula and echinacea, aloe is also a powerful skin-soother. There are over 400 different species of aloe vera plant, although the most popularly used kind for skin […]
As the body ages, its organs do as well – and this includes the brain. This brain aging translates to cognitive decline and memory issues, especially above the age of 65. And two out of ten Americans in this age group experience mild cognitive impairment, which is a more severe form of cognitive decline. Considering […]
Magnesium plays a vital role in many body functions. Yet many people do not get enough. Studies estimate that 50-80% of the US population is deficient in magnesium, and many could be suffering from symptoms of deficiency without knowing the cause. For these people, magnesium supplements may help not only address these issues, but also […]
Heartburn can leave you feeling uncomfortable, and frequent heartburn can result in serious health complications. While your stomach can handle its acidic content, your esophagus can become irritated, and it’s also possible for injury to occur as well. However, many cases of heartburn can be prevented or alleviated if you have the know-how. If you […]