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Blood Type Diet - Type O Overview

Blood type O diets require a lot of proteinType Os thrive on intense physical exercise and animal protein. Unlike the other blood types, Type Os muscle tissue should be slightly on the acid side. Type Os can efficiently digest and metabolize meat because they tend to have high stomach-acid content. The success of the Type O Diet depends on the use of lean, chemical-free meats, poultry, and fish. Consuming these kinds of high quality animal proteins ensures the smooth functioning of the body without undue metabolic stress. This is important since metabolic processes make up fully half of the functional circuits of the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response, and maintaining smooth functioning of the NEM systems is critical to good and stable health.

Type Os don't find dairy products and grains quite as user friendly as do most of the other blood types.

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Blood type Os do best with a high amount of proteinThe initial weight loss on the Type O Diet is by restricting consumption of grains, breads, legumes, and beans. The leading factor in metabolic dysregulation leading to  weight gain for Type Os is the gluten found in wheat germ and whole wheat products, which interferes with insulin efficiency and slow down metabolic rate. This slowdown has a knock on effect throughout many systems in the body, including other circuits of the NEM stress response system.

Another factor that contribute to weight gain is certain beans and legumes (lentils and kidney beans) contain lectins that deposit in the muscle tissues making them less "charged" for physical activity. This puts a crimp in the metabolic readiness of the body with regard to physical exertion, which can result in extra stress on the body and muscles when exercising.

The third factor in Type O weight gain is that Type Os have a tendency to have low levels of thyroid hormone or unstable thyroid functions, which also cause metabolic problems. Therefore it is good to avoid food that inhibits thyroid hormone (cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard green) but increase hormone production (kelp, seafood, iodized salt).

Several classes of vegetables can cause big problems for Type Os, such as the Brassica family (cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) can inhibit the thyroid function. Eat more vegetables that are high in vitamin K, which helps the clotting factor which is weak in Type Os. The nightshade vegetables can cause lectin deposit in the tissue surrounding the joints.

Because of the high acidity stomach, Type Os should eat fruits of alkaline nature such as berries and plums..

Your diet requires protein, stay balanced for blood type OType Os should severely restrict the use of dairy products. Their system is not designed for the proper metabolism. If you are a Type O of African ancestry, you should eliminate dairy foods and eggs altogether.

The physiological characteristics individuals with blood type O are predisposed and how their bodies deal handle different kinds of diets is also tied to how their bodies handle stress. The body’s stress response is governed by the neuroendometabolic (NEM) stress response system, made up of multiple neuroendocrine and metabolic circuits, functional systems that mitigate and minimize the effect of stressors on the function of different organs and areas of the body. These circuits all work together to ensure the body’s continued function is not in question every time a stressful occurrence or event arises.

The archetypical blood type O physiology tends to have engender fragility in some components of the metabolic circuits of the NEM stress response. Accordingly, metabolic symptoms will likely arise first when the stress response system becomes disrupted or dysregulated such as weight gain and reduced exercise capacity. The first line of defense against such symptoms is first to adopt lifestyle practices to minimize stress and promote relaxation. On top of this, proper nutrition is another pillar critical to maintain proper metabolic health and a healthy body in general.

Supplement For Blood Type O

Incorporating the supplement Deflect O into your Blood Type O Diet can be a game-changer in optimizing your nutritional choices. This supplement has been specifically formulated to complement the Blood Type O diet by blocking harmful lectins that may disrupt the digestive process and potentially lead to various health issues. For individuals with Blood Type O, lectin sensitivity is a significant concern, as it is believed that this blood type may be more susceptible to lectin-related reactions. Deflect O is designed to mitigate these concerns and enhance the effectiveness of the Blood Type O diet.

Deflect O contains a powerful blend of natural ingredients carefully selected to target lectins harmful to Blood Type O individuals. Among its key components are N-acetyl D-glucosamine, which can help block the harmful effects of lectins on Blood Type O cells, and Bladderwrack seaweed, known for its potential to support digestive health. These ingredients, along with others like Larch arabinogalactan and D-mannose, work synergistically to promote better digestion and overall well-being, making Deflect O a pertinent addition to the Blood Type O Diet. By incorporating this supplement into your dietary regimen, you can take proactive steps to support your unique nutritional needs and thrive on the Blood Type O diet.

Blood Type O Details

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