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What is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), and Is It Suitable for You?

An image of a tower emitting electromagnetic fieldsPulsedĀ Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), also sometimes called Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy and Low Field Magnetic Stimulation (LFMS), is a type of therapy that uses electromagnetic fields for therapeutic purposes, mainly for brain tumors, depression, pain relief, and to speed up the healing process of certain injuries and ailments.

The therapy is conducted through the use of devices that send out electromagnetic fields in pulses or phases, and so far, several such devices have been approved by the FDA for the different therapeutic purposes. Unfortunately, there are some practitioners that use these devices for purposes that are not yet approved, and there are some manufacturers that are building devices that also not yet approved. But overall, if done correctly, the results seem promising.

To understand how Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) works and whether or not it is suitable for you, itā€™s important to understand what electromagnetic fields are and how they influence the human body, both negatively and positively.

An electromagnetic field (EMF) is the physical field created by and around an electrically charged object, and this field will interact with and influence any other charged objects that get in contact with it. This is why, for example, many people are concerned with how their cell phones, electrical appliances, computers, Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices may be affecting their health - because the human body is a conductor of electricity.

Every cell in your body is made up of electromagnetic energy. In fact, many things in the natural world are electricity conductors and have their own natural EMFs. Thatā€™s never been the problem. The problem is that, nowadays, people are constantly exposed to man-made frequencies, and the fact of the matter is that the human body is not made for that.

Within your body, the two most sensitive organs to EMF radiation are the eyes and the pineal gland in the brain. Both of these organs affect melatonin production, which is a major sleep hormone.

Low levels of melatonin have been linked with an increase in the nighttime activity of your sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which is the part of your autonomic nervous system that has to do with wakefulness and the ā€œfight or flightā€ response. This increase in SNS activity brings along with it an increase in the ā€œfight or flightā€ chemicals, adrenaline and norepinephrine. Low melatonin has also been linked to cardiovascular issues, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia.

Although EMF hypersensitivity is still a topic of debate in the scientific community, scores of people have reported similar signs and symptoms when exposed to EMFs and also report relief and recovery when limiting their exposure to EMFs.

Adrenal Fatigue and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

Adrenal fatigue is a condition that affects a large majority of the adult population at least once in their lives, and many go on to develop the advanced stages. Adrenal fatigue is a condition that develops when your adrenal glands become overworked while trying to help your body cope with and neutralize stress. It is a result of being exposed to chronic stress, whether psychological or physical in nature.

When your body is exposed to stress, your adrenal glands produce cortisol, your bodyā€™s main anti-stress hormone. In the beginning stages of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS), cortisol output increases, bringing along a set of symptoms that are usually not easily detected. Once your adrenals are exhausted and their cortisol output drops, you enter into the more advanced stages of AFS, with symptoms that are clearer and more severe.

Symptoms of AFS include fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, brain fog, hair loss, loss of libido, PMS, infertility, food and drug sensitivities, lowered immunity, anxiety, mild depression, hypoglycemia, salt and sugar cravings, an inability to handle stress, heart palpitations, and an increased sensitivity to EMFs.

On the flip side, those with EMF hypersensitivity may be more susceptible to AFS, since their body perceives EMF exposure as a stressor, and thus triggers the adrenal glands into secreting more and more cortisol.

The adrenal glands are only one component of one circuit of the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response, which is your bodyā€™s global response to stress. The circuit that the adrenals are part of is the Hormone circuit, and the other five circuits are the Bioenergetics, the Cardionomic, the Neuroaffect, the Inflammation, and the Detoxification circuits.

Understanding this system is a key tool in understanding how PEMF can impact the different but interrelated systems of your body.

How Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) Affects Your Body

When considering how Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) affects the body, weā€™ll focus on the Cardionomic and the Inflammation circuits.

PEMF reduces red blood cell ā€œstickinessā€, leading to unbundling of rouleaux formation during its flow through the blood vessels. This leads to increased oxygen-carrying capacity and thus supports healing.

The Inflammation circuit of the NEM is composed of your immune cells, your gut, and your microbiome. Inflammation itself is a natural and necessary part of your immune response, and it helps to get rid of harmful stimuli, such as toxins and pathogens, as well as the dead and damaged cells that resulted from the attack of this stimuli. It is closely tied to the Detoxification circuit, which needs to be in optimal condition so that the debris created by inflammation is eliminated in a timely fashion.

The problem arises when inflammation becomes chronic, and this can happen when the stressor that is causing acute inflammation persists.

Some of the stressors that lead to chronic inflammation include:

An image of a woman refusing to take bread

  • Chronic allergies or food sensitivities, such as gluten and dairy sensitivity, which prompt cyclical immune responses.
  • Gut dysbiosis, the imbalance in the microbiome that can lead to leaks in the lining of the gut, which can then allow substances into the bloodstream that shouldnā€™t be there, prompting a cyclical immune response.
  • Exposure to toxins, such as heavy metals, chemicals in drinking water, air pollution, and chemical additives in food.
  • An unhealthy diet full of processed foods, fat, and sugar.
  • The overconsumption of alcohol and sodas, which can cause dysbiosis in the gut.
  • Certain medications, such as antibiotics, which can also cause dysbiosis.
  • A sedentary lifestyle.
  • Chronic infections that keep triggering the immune response.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Other stressors, such as over-exposure to EMFs while being hypersensitive to them.

As weā€™ll get into in more detail, the critical moment when acute inflammation begins to turn into chronic inflammation is the best time for a non-invasive intervention, such as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF).

How Inflammation Works

The process of inflammation begins as soon as the body perceives a threat, such as a toxin or pathogen. It involves signals that happen at the molecular and cellular levels that change the normal physiological responses within your body. For example, the blood capillaries dilate and capillary walls become more porous, allowing immune cells, mainly white blood cells, to pass through the walls and penetrate the area that is being attacked.

A balanced inflammatory response has to do with the release of the appropriate types of immune cells, anti-inflammatory cells, and cytokines and in the right amounts, and this involves a lot of communication between the cells. Disruptions in any of these conditions, whether in the type of immune cells, the quantities released, or the cell signaling that coordinates the immune response can cause inflammatory diseases.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) can influence the cell communication in an immune response, and thatā€™s because all cells can conduct electricity.

As these physiological changes occur in order to help the body fight off harm and get rid of dead and damaged cells, certain symptoms of inflammation can appear, such as pain, redness, swelling, and heat. Once the inflammation has done its job and the harm has been neutralized, the cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands acts to switch off the Inflammation circuit to allow the body to return to a state of rest and repair.
In general, inflammation that is associated with a certain chronic condition will be localized, meaning it will affect the specific area of the body that the chronic condition affects. For example, in those with heart disease, the inflammation is localized in their arteries, while those with Alzheimerā€™s will have inflammation in their brains. This is an important point when considering Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), because the EMFs should be directed towards the area where the inflammation is present.

Inflammation can be caused by EMF hypersensitivity, with an increase in histamine release being observed in those with this sensitivity. Thatā€™s why those with EMF hypersensitivity are more prone to chronic inflammation and oxidative damage until they take measures to lower their exposure.

Why PEMF Is Effective

Until recently, EMFs were thought to only be harmful to health, but nowadays researchers have been looking at the ways EMFs affect the progression of the inflammatory response. In some immunological studies, EMFs were shown to interact with tissues and cells, such as phagocytic cells, and some studies showed that extremely low-frequency EMFs can even decrease the rate of tumor growth.

The critical moment before an acute inflammatory response turns into a chronic one is the point at which Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) can be most useful in slowing down and even preventing the progression of inflammation and any condition that is triggered or aggravated by inflammation.

What seems to differentiate harmful vs therapeutic EMFs is the strength (amplitude) and frequency of the field. Radiation that breaks the electron bonds in molecules, such as DNA molecules, which is called ionizing radiation, is the type that can be harmful, while radiation that is not strong enough to break ion bonds, which is called non-ionizing radiation, is the type that can be used therapeutically by setting a beneficial frequency and amplitude.

Because the standard method of managing inflammation and any associated pain is through the use of pharmaceuticals, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) offers an alternative that can permeate tissues, increase the speed of healing even immediately after an injury or insult, and can help to bring more balance between free radicals and antioxidants, which seems to be one way to impede the progression of inflammation.

In Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), a device can be used in two ways: capacitive or inductive coupling. In the former, there is no direct contact with the body, it works by emanating an electromagnetic field in all directions, while with the latter, two opposing electrodes are placed on the surface of the skin in the area where the inflammation is localized.

These devices work by stimulating the immune system and suppressing the inflammatory response at the level of the cell membranes by passing through the skin and penetrating the conductive tissues within the body.

The important thing is to only get this kind of therapy from experienced professionals, because the difference between harmful and helpful exposure depends on the frequency and amplitude, as well as what you are getting the therapy for. Different conditions may require different devices and different applications. And it is even more important to take precautions if your body is in a weak state, such as when suffering from advanced stages of AFS, as it may not be able to handle such exposure. You should ask an Adrenal Fatigue specialist if PEMF is the right therapy for you at your stage of recovery. It could potentially cause more harm when used at the wrong time.

What Can You Use Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) for?

Because Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) works on reducing inflammation, it can support recovery from many inflammatory conditions, but it can also help increase circulation, decrease oxidative stress, improve blood oxygenation, enhance muscle function, speed up bone healing, and mitigate the negative effects of stress.

Some conditions that it can be used for include:

An image showing pain in different parts of the body

  • stress
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • PTSD
  • osteoarthritis
  • different types of cancers
  • migraines
  • sleep disorders
  • eye problems
  • ear problems
  • back pain
  • sciatica
  • osteoporosis
  • arthritis
  • tennis elbow
  • musculoskeletal disorders
  • fibromyalgia

Of course, using Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) alone for such serious conditions may not be sufficient, but there is a lot you can do to support your bodyā€™s natural healing abilities. Always ask your doctor or an experienced professional before starting therapy.

A common misconception is the ā€œstrongerā€ the PEMF, the more effective. The most effective dose is one that works for each person. For some people, a less intensive dose works better. In fact, too strong a PEMF can cause serious problems or trigger adrenal crashes. The weaker the body, the greater the risk. Heart arrhythmia has also been reported in those who already have a sympathetic overtone or underlying cardiac instability.

Other Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Reducing chronic inflammation should be a priority if you have any chronic health condition, from autoimmunity to adrenal fatigue to depression. And other than using Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), there are tried and tested ways to do so without reverting to pharmaceutical drugs that can have negative side effects. Even if you are taking anti-inflammatory medications, you should still do your best to reduce inflammation naturally.

Because inflammation almost always begins in the gut, your efforts to reduce it should begin there too. And so, the first step in that process is to eliminate any inflammatory foods or drinks, and any foods or drinks that can cause dysbiosis. These include gluten, dairy, eggs, highly processed foods, unhealthy fats, foods and drinks that contain chemicals, sugar, alcohol, sodas, and any other foods or drinks that you may be allergic or sensitive to, such as peanuts.

Once you have eliminated these, you can begin adding foods that help seal leaks in the gut, such as bone broth, foods that help rebalance the microbiome like fermented foods and foods that contain prebiotics and probiotics, and anti-inflammatory foods, such as foods that contain a lot of antioxidants. However, it is always a good idea to make changes to your diet under the supervision of a nutritionist with experience in your health condition.

If you have AFS, the adrenal fatigue diet will help with all of the above as well as helping to strengthen your adrenal glands. This is vital if you want to reduce inflammation because getting your cortisol levels back in the normal range will help you in your fight against inflammation. And the benefits go in the other direction too: if you lower inflammation, you will reduce the pressure on your adrenals to keep producing cortisol in order to neutralize it.

Reducing your exposure to toxins is another important step. You can replace any home and beauty products you use that contain chemicals with more natural and organic products. You can reduce your exposure to EMFs by unplugging any electronic devices when they are not in use. And you can reduce your exposure to air pollution by using air filters in your home or consider moving to an area with cleaner air.

An important part of recovery is getting the rest and sleep your body needs. This is crucial in AFS recovery as well as in allowing your body to heal from the damages chronic inflammation caused. You can calm your body and mind with breathing exercises, adrenal yoga, meditation, and preparing your room and home in a way that supports good sleep, such as by using blackout curtains and soundproofing your windows.

Supplements can also be helpful in recovery, but they should be used prudently, as they can cause paradoxical reactions in those with adrenal fatigue. The guidance of a health professional is highly recommended for this. Multiple sessions are often needed to achieve clinical results. Having patience and professional guidance is critical to overall success.


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) can be a wonderful alternative to more invasive and harmful anti-inflammatory therapies and medications, such as NSAIDs. It can be used for a range of different issues, such as sleep problems, pain relief, and depression. And although its effectiveness is still being researched, recent studies have shown many promising results.

Its major benefit comes from its ability to influence cell communication in the inflammatory response, and so it can support your Inflammation circuit so that it does its job quickly and efficiently, while preventing the progression towards chronic inflammation. This will allow your body to go into a state of repair once the inflammatory response has completed its job.

An image of a young woman talking to a doctorThe important factor that determines whether it is suitable and useful for you will be what condition you are looking to use it for, and whether you can find a practitioner that knows what they are doing. Thatā€™s because what differentiates harmful and helpful EMFs is the frequency and amplitude of the waves used. You should also be careful if you intend on using this therapy if you have AFS or any other condition that weakens your body, as your body may not be able to handle it.

Whether you choose to use Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) or not, if you are dealing with chronic inflammation, you should be putting into place a holistic plan to reduce this inflammation through diet, sleep hygiene, physical activity, and the strategic use of supplements. That is what will give you the most sustainable results, and PEMF can act as a support in the beginning of the process, but should never be relied on as the sole approach.

Suggested Vendor

Understanding PEMF: Watch this 10 minute video:

PEMF Therapy: FDA Approved for Wellness

There are numerous companies that sell PEMF devices. Most units (such as the BEMER, are in the $6000 range.

We recommend you consider the system from QRS Technology sold by Dr. Bader. (

With the QRSĀ® 101 Home System-set the user receives a modern QRSĀ®control device including two QRSĀ®-resonance field beams, also called applicators.

The one applicator is a 1.70 m long high quality mat; the other is a pillow for local body therapy.
The system is expandable with other applicators for targeted QRSĀ®application. The whole set can be stored in a QRSĀ® traveling bag.

For Clients, Click here for more information on how to receive a special discount when purchasing this device.

Please note that Dr Bader's communication style can be considered aloof and is beyond our control.

Ā© Copyright 2019 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

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