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Healthy Alternatives to Coffee: How to Wake with Energy

Evidence-based Reviewed Article

An image of a woman sipping a cup of teaThere is nothing like a cup of strong, aromatic coffee to wake you up in the morning. Over half the American population over the age of 18 years drink coffee. And not surprisingly, of those, over 60 percent have their first cup of the day at breakfast time. But drinking coffee if suffering from adrenal fatigue can have negative consequences. This is why those with adrenal fatigue symptoms should opt for an adrenal fatigue coffee alternative.

In fact, coffee can cause problems for anyone. Too much coffee can cause jitters, an increased heart rate, and even headaches. A 2021 study at Nutritional Neuroscience even linked excess coffee intake to smaller brain volumes and a higher risk of dementia. So, instead of drinking copious amounts of coffee to get you through the day, you may want to opt for something healthier with a better long-term outcome.

Your Adrenals On Coffee

Coffee drinkers know that a cup of coffee first thing in the morning kick-starts the day. It wakes us up, makes us more alert, and gives us the energy to get things rolling. Unfortunately, however, this energy boost is usually followed by a crash. And this could affect adrenal function.

Because of its stimulant properties, drinking coffee triggers the release of cortisol. And the more coffee you consume, the more cortisol your adrenal glands produce. If you take already overworked adrenals and add to their workload by drinking copious amounts of coffee throughout the day, you could worsen adrenal fatigue symptoms.

While the stimulating effect of coffee may give you an energy boost, once the coffee works out of your system, your body can go into a slump. You may feel tired and drained. Most people rely on another cup of coffee to help them elevate their energy levels. And while this works in the short run, it could worsen the progression of adrenal fatigue and lead to more serious problems.

Furthermore, coffee has diuretic properties. This can cause dehydration, which directly affects all your body systems, especially those relating to your endocrine system such as your liver. Your liver is your body’s main detoxification organ. Improper detoxification could result in a toxic overload which further causes stress and harms adrenal function.

Relying on coffee to keep up your flagging energy levels is not the solution. You should rather drink something that helps to stabilize your energy levels throughout the day. An adrenal fatigue coffee alternative may serve this purpose.

7 Adrenal Fatigue Coffee Alternative Beverages

There are several different ways to get your energy levels up in the morning without coffee. These eight adrenal fatigue coffee alternative drinks let you keep your morning beverage ritual without the energy-crashing side effects.

Cacao: A Perfect Adrenal Fatigue Coffee Alternative

Going cold turkey with coffee could lead to withdrawal symptoms. Although these symptoms vary from one person to the next, they include headaches, drowsiness, reduced energy levels, irritability, difficulty concentrating, brain fog, and feeling down.

Cacao, considered a powerful superfood, can give your body the benefits you feel when drinking coffee without these negative pitfalls. It gently wakens the body and keeps you alert and energized for much longer.

While cacao does contain a small percentage of caffeine, the main benefits come from theobromine. This active ingredient is a gentle stimulant that boosts energy levels while also having a relaxing effect. This kind of gentle boost is helpful for adrenal fatigue.

Cacao is also high in magnesium. Magnesium participates in more than 300 reactions in your body. These include your body’s ability to utilize vitamin D, absorb calcium, and metabolize glucose. It also plays a role in your body’s adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production.

ATP, found in the mitochondria of cells, helps with your body’s energy production. Furthermore, magnesium also helps with the creation of new
mitochondria, thereby promoting even more energy production.

Other benefits of cacao include its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Oxidative stress and inflammation are both linked to adrenal

Dandelion Coffee or Tea

Although technically a tea, dandelion coffee has a bitter taste similar to that of coffee. It can help stabilize blood sugar levels by helping with the regulation of insulin secretion. High in antioxidants, dandelion coffee may boost your immune system and lower inflammation. It also supports liver function, thereby helping with toxin eradication. Many of the compounds found in dandelion coffee may also promote heart health by addressing blood pressure and blood lipid issues. It is high in magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron.

Spiced Milk/Chai Tea

While many people know that a glass of warm milk at night helps you to relax and encourages you to fall asleep, few know that warm spiced milk could help you wake up in the morning and energize you through the day. The relaxing properties associated with warm milk are the result of tryptophan.

Tryptophan forms during the boiling process. Your body only gets tryptophan, an essential amino acid, from the food it consumes. The amino acid plays a role in the production and maintenance of various enzymes, neurotransmitters, proteins, and muscles. It also encourages the production of serotonin, your ‘feel good’ hormone.

It is the spices you add to your warm milk, however, that make it imminently suitable as a morning pick-me-up beverage. Made by steeping black tea and various spices in warm milk, you have a drink with amazing beneficial properties.

Traditional ingredients used in chai tea besides black tea and milk include cinnamon, ginger, black peppercorns, cloves, ginger, and cardamom.
The benefits of chai tea/ warm spiced milk, include:

  • Heart health benefits
  • A high antioxidant content
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Providing immune health support
  • Promoting digestive health
  • Increasing your energy levels and alertness

Do note that black tea contains caffeine, but it contains less than coffee.

Turmeric Latte

Another milk-based drink, a turmeric latte is made from milk steeped with turmeric and other spices like cinnamon and vanilla extract. You can sweeten your latte with honey or stevia.

Besides the benefits of honey and cinnamon, this drink also gives you the benefits derived from curcumin. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has many beneficial properties:

  • Strong antioxidant properties
  • Strong anti-inflammatory properties help address systemic inflammation
  • May improve your lipid profile
  • May help with digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome
  • Improve symptoms of psoriasis
  • Help address rheumatoid arthritis

Drink Water

Dehydration makes your heart work harder to keep blood flowing. Not drinking enough water could lead to increased fatigue. Staying hydrated may also help you manage cortisol levels.

Furthermore, your body needs water to encourage the healing process. Sufficient water is crucial for the health of the endocrine system. Dehydration puts added stress on adrenal function and could thus worsen adrenal fatigue symptoms. An adult should ideally drink about eight glasses of water daily.

Green Tea

Although both black tea and green tea contain caffeine, albeit less than coffee, green tea contains even less caffeine than black tea and has several beneficial properties to boot. Green tea:

  • Contains bioactive compounds that reduce inflammation and fight cancer.
  • Boosts brain function due to the presence of L-theanine which promotes Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) activity. GABA may improve your brain’s dopamine and alpha wave levels, thereby promoting better brain function.
  • Green tea boosts your metabolic rate and thus encourages weight loss.

Coconut Water

Coconut water contains energy-fueling electrolytes that hydrate and support hormone balance. It also contains vitamin C and potassium that keep you energized and awake. Furthermore, coconut water has antioxidant properties, may help manage blood sugar levels, and promotes kidney function. And its refreshing, too!

The Best Energizing Foods for a Coffee Alternative

If your main reason for drinking coffee is because you need an energy boost to start your day, certain foods can do the job equally well.
The following foods power you up after your overnight fast. They serve as a healthy source of energy and essential nutrients for the day.

Low Glycemic Index (GI) Foods

Your body takes a long time to process low-GI foods. As a result, glucose release is extended. This means you do not have blood sugar spikes. Because they take longer to digest, you also feel fuller for longer.

Good low-GI food choices include leafy green vegetables, whole grains, legumes like chickpeas, lentils, and kidney beans, and certain fruit. Apples are an example of a low-GI fruit. The peels and pulp are great sources of fiber and pectin. Pectin can promote easier bowel movements. Also high in antioxidants, apples help promote gut health and the removal of toxins.

A low-GI diet is ideal for those with or at risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

Good Carbs, Fats, and Protein

Carbohydrates provide the energy your body needs to function. The best carbohydrates are unprocessed carbohydrates. These include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Higher in fiber and with a lower GI, these foods are slower to digest and they are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and various phytonutrients.

Fats and proteins make you feel fuller for longer. Fat boosts your energy levels and supports cell function. Proteins, on the other hand, help speed up your recovery after doing exercise or suffering an injury, help build lean muscle, and help you maintain a healthy weight.

Additionally, based on a study, you may digest and absorb food better if you eat breakfast before a workout.

Examples of energizing breakfasts include green smoothies, avocado toast, eggs, cottage cheese, or banana nut oatmeal.

Hot Sauce

Hot Sauce contains capsaicin. It increases your metabolism which, in turn, increases your energy levels and promotes the burning of fat for energy. At the same time, your body thinks the spicy sensation is painful. As a result, it triggers the release of the feel-good hormone dopamine and endorphins.

Hot sauce can also promote a healthy gut microbiome. It aids in digestion and works as an anti-inflammatory, too. However, some people may want to use hot sauce sparingly, as it may cause an upset stomach.


An image of a Guarana fruitGuarana is a plant native to the Amazon region of Brazil. Its fruit looks like a bunch of eyeballs encased in red shell casings. For therapeutic uses, the seeds are made into powder. It contains caffeine as a stimulant and reduces fatigue. Moreover, it supports gut health. However, ingesting too much guarana can have side effects similar to caffeine. You can find guarana in energy drinks and supplements.

Wake Up Without Coffee and Get Physical

Fluids and foods are essential as you start your day. You can also exercise for an added boost of energy. These physical activities do not have to be strenuous or lengthy.

Breathing Exercises

Many kinds of breathing exercises can get your blood pumping and give you more energy. An example is bellows breathing in traditional yoga. It boosts alertness and energy when you take quick breaths through the nose with closed lips. Do this for 3 rounds of 10 breaths each. Then, rest before proceeding to a faster pace of 2 breaths per second.


Blood flow increases and muscles warm up as you stretch. Stretching in the morning helps relax muscle knots and tension upon waking up. As a result, it enables your muscle to work efficiently throughout the day. There are simple stretching techniques that benefit your body from head to toe. You could also consider tai chi and yoga to gently ensure a full-body stretching workout.

A Brisk Walk

Taking a 30-minute walk revs up your energy levels. The more energy you use, the more your body creates. At the same time, walking stimulates the release of certain hormones that help reduce pain, reduces stress, and promotes a ‘feel good’ feeling. These hormones also contribute to keeping you alert and awake.


Instead of walking, run if you want more speed and action. Similar to brisk walking, it releases hormones to keep you energized. Moreover, it sets your good mood for the whole day. Run for about 20 minutes a day or 1 to 3 kilometers.

Precautions for Adrenal Fatigue

Do note, however, that those in later stages of adrenal fatigue should not engage in strenuous activity. It can require additional cortisol to recover and act as a stressor, which your body may not be able to handle if it is already weak. Instead, concentrate on gentle forms of exercise like yoga or walking.

Furthermore, if you have not done any kind of physical activity for an extended period, please first talk to your healthcare provider. They are best able to determine whether a certain physical activity would help or hinder your recovery.

Morning Rituals as A Coffee Alternative

Connect With Nature to Wake Up Without Coffee

Ecopsychology suggests nature benefits physical and mental health. Enjoy nature while stretching, walking briskly, running, or practicing breathing exercises. Or you can pause and meditate on a park bench to collect your energy. Based on studies, being close to nature creates an increased feeling of vitality and well-being.

Go For Peppermint

Your breath smells fresher, and your teeth cleaner after brushing with peppermint toothpaste. In addition, sniffing peppermint leaves or oil enhances your concentration and focus. According to research, it keeps you alert because it stimulates your central nervous system. Furthermore, drinking peppermint tea may reduce tiredness and help raise energy levels.


A good massage helps blood flow and increases oxygen transport throughout your body. Your cells need oxygen for energy. Better circulation means more muscle energy and a reduced feeling of fatigue. There are many kinds of massages provided by massage therapists that benefit your health. But for starters, you can massage your temples, wrists, hands, and feet.

Take A Cold Shower

A cold shower may boost blood flow and alertness. You only need to spend 30-60 seconds in the cold water to see these effects.

Use Aromatherapy to Wake Up Without Coffee

The herbal scents of aromatherapy can soothe and stimulate. For example, lavender oil reduces physical fatigue. On the other hand, rosemary can make you sharper and improve your mental clarity. Sage enhances your alertness, attention, and memory.

Less-Healthy Coffee Alternatives

There are other commonly-recommended coffee alternatives that may not be so good for your health.

Inhaling Coffee Fragrance

The coffee scent alone contains no caffeine. However, in a 2018 study, 80 healthy young people inhaled coffee fragrances or a placebo for five minutes. The study revealed smelling may arouse alertness and improve memory. But contrary to other methods, it did not reduce stress. This may also worsen cravings for coffee and make it harder to maintain your commitment to drinking less caffeine.

Indulging In Dark Chocolate

An image of a woman biting into a bar of dark chocolateDark chocolate contains more caffeine and flavanols than milk chocolate and all the benefits of cacao. Moreover, it feels good as dark chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins.

However, the downside is weight gain from a high sugar and fat content. Many dark chocolates still do not contain much cacao, the healthy part, and some may be processed with heavy metals.

Caffeine Pills or Patches

Caffeine pills contain varying caffeine levels. They may improve mental function, athletic performance, and headaches. They are generally safe up to 400 mg daily. However, these still have the spike-and-crash side effects of coffee and they are not good for adrenal fatigue. The FDA warns about too much caffeine as it causes side effects and toxicity.


Coffee may benefit your health in the right amount. But it can also worsen adrenal fatigue and promote certain health issues too. An adrenal fatigue coffee alternative, a healthier option, can give you that energy boost without the side effects. These healthier choices will help you start the day calm, alert, and focused.

If you're interested in exploring adrenal fatigue coffee alternatives further, consider Dr. Lam's Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Program. This comprehensive program offers a natural approach to overcoming adrenal fatigue and its symptoms. With a focus on diet changes, meditation practices, regular exercise, and optimal supplementation, you can take charge of your health without the need for doctor visits, costly medical tests, or prescriptions.

Included in the program is a detailed meal plan and a step-by-step guide to conquering adrenal fatigue. Dr. Lam, who has personally battled adrenal fatigue and assisted thousands of sufferers in their recovery journey, shares his expertise to help you avoid common pitfalls and achieve lasting recovery.

To learn more about this program and how it can benefit you, reach out to the team at Dr. Lam Coaching for a free* consultation at +1 (626) 699-8284 or through our Ask The Doctor system by clicking here.

© Copyright 2023 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Andújar, I., et al. “Cocoa Polyphenols and Their Potential Benefits for Human Health.” PubMed Central (PMC), 24 Oct. 2012,

Sunni, Ahmed, and Latif, Rabia. "Effects of Chocolate Intake on Perceived Stress; a Controlled Clinical Study." International Journal of Health Sciences, vol. 8, no. 4, 2014, pp. 393-401,

Wirngo, Fonyuy E., et al. “The Physiological Effects of Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) in Type 2 Diabetes.” PubMed Central (PMC), 10 Aug. 2016,

Olas, Beata. "New Perspectives on the Effect of Dandelion, Its Food Products and Other Preparations on the Cardiovascular System and Its Diseases." Nutrients, vol. 14, no. 7, 2022, p. 1350,

Hewlings, Susan, and Kalman, Douglas. "Curcumin: A Review of Its’ Effects on Human Health." Foods, vol. 6, no. 10, 2017,

Dr. Lam’s Key Question

Why wake up without coffee? It can be good yet also be harmful in excess and long-term intake. Caffeine stimulates the release of the stress hormone cortisol from your adrenal glands. Eventually, your adrenals may become exhausted. As a result, you may experience fatigue, brain fog, and headaches.

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