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If you have acne as an adult, then you know how embarrassing it can be and how much money and time it can take to get rid of it. Adult acne is more common than most people think, usually because of hormone imbalances. But you don’t have to resort to harsh medications that have troubling side effects. Instead, you can try to add more of these acne-fighting foods to your diet to help resolve the problem naturally. This will also help improve your health overall, which is important if your acne is due to chronic stress and the resulting hormone imbalances.

Hormonal Imbalances and Stress

NEM Hormone CircuitIf you go through a long period of stress, whether because of specific events or your lifestyle, you may start to experience adrenal fatigue. Everyone has a different capacity for dealing with stress, and it has to do with the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response in your body. This is the system in your body that helps you deal with stress. It activates the adrenal glands, which causes the release of cortisol and makes other changes that get you ready to respond to stress. Basically, the NEM stress response both prepares you to respond to the cause of the stress and protects your body from its harmful effects. But when this system is overused, it starts to cause problems.

The NEM stress response is a short-term solution to the problem of stress. When it’s overused, multiple hormone systems, including the adrenals, become fatigued. Your cortisol levels may remain elevated in response to the stress in your life, but your adrenals will start to struggle to meet this demand. And this will cause imbalances and dysregulation in the organs and systems that are affected by cortisol and stress-related changes.

One of the first circuits that can be affected by Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS) is the hormonal circuit because it includes the adrenal glands. As these become fatigued, it causes the other two components of the circuit, the thyroid glands and the reproductive organs, to become unbalanced as well. The organs and systems in each circuit are interconnected, so the state or activities of one organ directly affects the others.

Signs of Hormonal Imbalances

The human body produces several hormones that are essential for health and good functioning. Hormonal circuit imbalances are becoming increasingly common in the modern world. If you have any of the following symptoms, you may need to talk to someone about the possibility of hormone imbalance:

  • Fatigue
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Weight gain
  • Lumpy breasts
  • PMS
  • An irregular menstrual cycle
  • Endometriosis
  • Acne

If your hormonal circuit is out of balance due to AFS, it’s important to seek the assistance of someone who has trained in the best ways to address the problems that come with AFS.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t attempt to correct some of the issues on your own. If you’re struggling with skin blemishes because of AFS, adding more acne-fighting foods to your eating plan is a safe and effective way to start addressing them.

Adult Acne: Sign of a Deeper Problem?

Acne is something that most people associate with teenagers, but it’s common in adults as well. That’s why information on acne-fighting foods is so valuable. There are several things that can cause adult acne including stress, the hormone fluctuations that come with menopause, pregnancy, menstruation, or the pill, medications or skin products, family history, and undiagnosed medical conditions. If you suddenly start experiencing adult acne, it can be a good idea to visit your medical practitioner.

You should never ignore a major change such as sudden adult acne just because it can be hard to address and embarrassing.

Likewise, acne can have mental health implications if left unaddressed. Many people with acne also experience:

    An image of a man suffering with mentals health issues from having acne

  • Lowered self-esteem.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Loneliness and isolation.
  • Poor self-image.
  • Decreased quality of life.

Skin blemishes can also cause scarring and long-term skin problems, and they can be notoriously hard to manage. Often people with acne are given harsh medications that can cause further health problems or side effects. That’s why you should always try more natural and gentle remedies first such as acne-fighting foods.

The Best Acne-Fighting Foods

Your diet is one of the best places to make some changes that will hopefully improve your skin and remove the problem of adult acne. If you have AFS, it’s important that you add these acne-fighting foods to your diet slowly. AFS may make your body overly sensitive to changes, even those that will ultimately benefit your health. So, make any changes slowly, and stop if you notice any adverse effects. Many of the top acne-fighting foods are also anti-inflammatory foods, so adopting a diet that helps reduce inflammation in the body is also a good way to go.

These are some of the best acne-fighting foods:

  • Water. Water is one of the best and the easiest remedies for acne, even though it isn’t technically a food. Water hydrates your skin, keeping it elastic and healthy, and it also helps flush all the toxins out of your body. This will help if your acne is caused by a build-up of toxins that are impeding your body’s ability to balance its hormones. Water will also help prevent collagen breakdown, which makes you more vulnerable to skin problems.
  • Cucumber. Cucumber is one of the best acne-fighting foods available. It’s mostly water, so it helps with hydration, and it also contains lots of vitamins and minerals that help with skin elasticity and health. It contains vitamin C, A, and E, all of which can reduce skin blemishes of all kinds, as well as essential minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Studies show that cucumber is also a natural antioxidant that protects your skin against the damaging effects of free radicals.
  • Nuts. If your skin blemishes are caused by hormonal imbalances, then try eating some nuts. Brazil nuts, cashews, and pistachios contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber that may help fight acne.
  • Wild Salmon. Wild salmon contains omega-3s, which helps calm inflammation and is one of the best acne-fighting foods available. Inflammation breaks down collagen and elastin in your skin, contributing to premature aging and poor skin texture. Omega-3s also hinder cytokine production, which not only contributes to inflammation, but also exacerbates acne symptoms.
  • Avocados. Avocado contains omega-3s, which fight inflammation and prevent the production of cytokines. It also contains vitamin E, which reduces inflammation and helps keep skin hydrated. Just be careful about adding too much avocado to your diet as it contains lots of fat and may cause weight gain. You can buy avocado oil to apply to your skin instead, but it may clog pores and cause additional blemishes, so use it carefully and sparingly.
  • An image of an arrangement of acne-fighting foods with a stethoscope

  • Blueberries. Blood sugar instabilities are another issue that people with AFS often experience, and this problem can cause acne. When your insulin levels are high, it can trigger the release of androgens, which are sex hormones that cause an overproduction of oil from your oil glands. If you already have hormone imbalances because of hormonal circuit dysregulation, this will make your problem worse. Blueberries can improve insulin resistance, which makes them one of the most powerful acne-fighting foods you can eat. They are also anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants.
  • Broccoli. Broccoli contains several nutrients that contribute to the health of your skin. This includes vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. Vitamin A is especially beneficial for adult acne because it encourages your body to shed dead skin cells which can otherwise block your pores and cause acne. A recent study has shown that Vitamin A may be a safe and easy way to reduce skin blemishes.
  • Dried Apricots. Dried apricots contain beta-carotene, which can be converted to vitamin A and help with the shedding of dead skin cells. Apricots also contain magnesium and antioxidants, which help decrease inflammation. Dried apricots also contain a fair amount of fiber, which will help to control your insulin levels and eliminate this acne-causing, secondary issue. This combination of benefits is what makes dried apricots one of the most useful acne-fighting foods you can eat.
  • Turmeric. If you have acne because of hormonal imbalances caused by AFS, then you probably have a large amount of inflammation in your body, which can exacerbate adult acne. Turmeric contains flavonoids, a type of phytonutrient that inhibits inflammatory enzymes. This is why turmeric can be an excellent ally in fighting skin blemishes.
  • Dark Chocolate. Dark chocolate is often blamed for causing adult acne, and there is evidence on either side of this debate. However, if you limit yourself to small amounts of dark chocolate, you should be able to enjoy the skin-enhancing benefits of this food without any of the drawbacks. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants including zinc, which can help with acne reduction. It’s also a known stress reducer. Stress is a key cause of acne and of AFS, which is what makes dark chocolate one of the top acne-fighting foods.
  • Legumes. There are several different types of legumes, so chances are that you can find one you enjoy even if you think you don’t like legumes. These foods contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber that make them powerful acne-fighting foods. Different legumes have different benefits for your skin as well. For example, chickpeas contain vitamin K, a vitamin that may promote tissue growth and renewal. This can help encourage the growth of new, healthier skin.
  • Oysters. If you enjoy oysters, now you have a reason to eat even more. Oysters contain zinc, which boosts immune function and may help destroy acne-causing bacteria. Zinc also stimulates collagen and helps your skin rid itself of dead skin cells, which can clog your pores and cause acne.
  • Eggs. Eggs are one of the best acne-fighting foods around. They contain vitamin A, which improves the shedding of dead skin cells which would otherwise clog your pores. It contains omega-3 to reduce inflammation and B-12, which boosts the immune system and can calm the bacteria that causes acne. Eggs contain selenium, which is an antioxidant that helps to neutralize free radicals. Eggs also contain zinc, vitamin E, copper, and manganese, which all have anti-acne benefits.
  • Brown Rice. Brown rice contains magnesium. This is a mineral that many people are lacking in their diets. Magnesium helps to relieve anxiety, improve sleeping patterns, and increase insulin sensitivity, all of which are problems common in AFS, as well as key causes of adult acne. Brown rice also contains the antioxidant selenium.
  • Sweet Potatoes. Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, and vitamin B6, which helps lower stress levels. They also contain copper and manganese to improve collagen production. This will boost your healing and help prevent acne scarring. And you shouldn’t eat your sweet potatoes deep-fried as chips either. Not only is this bad for your AFS because it adds unneeded fats to these healthy vegetables, but it may also kill many of the health benefits of this food.

The Takeaway

An image of acne on a woman's faceThese acne-fighting foods have the benefit of improving your skin and enhancing your overall health at the same time. When you have AFS or have been under a lot of stress, it’s a good idea to try remedies like this first before you turn to harsher strategies to beat acne. AFS can cause your system to become so sensitive that harsher medications can result in additional symptoms or even a worsening of your health.

If acne has put a blot on your life, trying natural strategies to rebalance your hormones, reduce inflammation, hydrate and regenerate your cells, and nourish your body is the best way to smooth out your skin and support your overall wellbeing.

© Copyright 2019 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Lam's Key Question

There are several types of acne-fighting foods that you can add to your diet that will help diminish skin blemishes caused by hormonal imbalances. These foods are also good for your health overall and can be delicious too. Some of the best include dark chocolate, salmon, broccoli, and water.

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