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On-Demand Relaxation With This Stress Relief Pressure Point

Relaxation is incredibly important, especially on the most stressful, busiest days. In fact, the days when you don’t have time for relaxation is when you probably need it the most. If you’re in need of an easy, discreet way to relax and gain some energy, then press down on this easily accessible stress relief pressure point and you’ll feel better in seconds.

An Effective Stress Relief Pressure Point

An image of someone having a pressure point on their hand workedThe stress relief pressure point on your hand, between your thumb and first finger, is often called the Hoku spot or LI-4. In traditional Chinese medicine, this is an acupressure point that affects the flow of energy in the body. It’s also linked to muscle tension and circulation. Pressing down on this spot is meant to produce a range of positive effects in the body including:

  • Headache and migraine relief
  • Reduction of redness or swelling in the face
  • Pain reduction
  • Improved circulation
  • Relief from sinus infections
  • Reduction of chemotherapy side effects
  • Relaxation

How to Find This Stress Relief Pressure Point

  • Press your thumb tightly against your index finger, the resulting mound is the pressure point.
  • Spread your finger and thumb into an ‘L’ shape.
  • Use the opposing thumb and index finger to press into the spot from both sides.
  • Massage the spot gently but deeply for at least one minute.
  • Breathe deeply as you massage.

This stress relief pressure point can be used by anyone at any time, but it’s even more beneficial if you have Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS).

Other Stress-Reducing Pressure Points

There are also other pressure points that will help to reduce stress including:

  • Directly between the eyebrows.
  • In the webbing between your big toe and second toe.
  • In the crook of your elbow.
  • The knuckle of your big toe.
  • On the top of the shoulder, halfway between the neck and shoulder point.
  • The crease of the inner wrist on the little finger side.
  • The hollow about two or three-finger width above the intersection of the big and second toe on the top of your foot.

Press down on these pressure points firmly but gently and massage in circles for the best effects.

How Stress Affects Your Body

An image of a stressed out young woman laying on the floor surrounded by her laptop, books, notes and cellphone as she holds her headHigh stress levels can trigger adrenal fatigue. When your body is healthy, the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response works to resolve stress in the background. It causes changes throughout your body that increase your alertness so you can face the causes of stress. At the same time, it helps protect your body from the damage that stress can do.

Unfortunately, chronic stress is a very common complaint in the modern world, and this can cause problems all its own. Many people experience stressful jobs, relationships, home lives, or just a busy day to day life. And when one part of your life is stressful, it will often affect other parts as well. The last thing you may want to do when you’ve had a long, hard day is exercise and eat well. Over time, this can lead to a diet that’s full of processed, unhealthy foods and a sedentary lifestyle. This only adds to your stress levels.

Everyone has a different tolerance level for stress, but nobody’s body can handle it indefinitely without adverse effects. When the NEM stress response is active for too long, the adrenals become fatigued because of the high cortisol demand. If the stress isn’t alleviated, the adrenals can dysregulate, unbalancing every circuit and organ in the body, including the Detoxification circuit.

The key to recovering from this condition is to reduce the amount of stress in your life. While lifestyle changes are essential to relieve stress long-term, a short-term technique like pressing the stress relief pressure point can be effective as well for momentary stress.

How Stress Affects Your Detox System

Your body's detox system, the Detoxification circuit, consists of the immune system, the liver, and the extracellular matrix (ECM). The three systems in this circuit work together and separately to rid the body of metabolites. These harmful particles are produced as the body digests and breaks down other substances. When the body is healthy, this occurs in the background. But when you have AFS, these processes can malfunction and cause devastating symptoms.

Metabolites are produced in huge numbers as a result of stress. And when the Detoxification circuit is unbalanced, the liver struggles to render them inert so they can be excreted from the body. As a result, metabolites can remain active and build-up in the ECM, where chemical messages are meant to pass between the cells. Over time, the ECM can become congested.

The threat that these metabolites represent activates the immune system, causing inflammation which is designed to expel the attacker. This has the effect of creating more metabolites and further overwhelming the liver. And because of the liver malfunction, these extra metabolites end up in the ECM, worsening the original problem.

Fighting Acute Stress

When you have AFS and your Detoxification circuit is unbalanced, it’s important that you make changes to reduce ongoing, chronic stressors. However, acute stress is just as damaging.

As you’re going about your days, there will be moments of acute stress, when you’re in a short-term situation that’s increasing your overall stress levels. This is where a stress relief pressure point can be very helpful.

In stressful moments, this stress relief pressure point can help to relax you and lower your stress levels, reducing the production of metabolites. When you're overwhelmed, it can promote relaxation and perhaps even lower your body’s demand for cortisol, letting your adrenals rest. It may also help to alleviate some of the symptoms that come along with those moments of stress such as headaches.

Pressing on this stress relief pressure point may also help to reduce congestion in the ECM and interstitium. Pressing on a stress relief pressure point may help to encourage better circulation in the ECM and interstitium. This could help to relieve the congestion and allow better communication between the organs and systems of your body.

A short term stress reduction strategy like pressing the stress relief pressure point is helpful when you have AFS because it's simple, easy to do, and works immediately to alleviate acute stress. And this is just as important as making lifestyle changes to reduce or eliminate long-term stressors.

Final Thoughts

An image of a woman getting acupuncture on her faceYou can use this stress relief pressure point or any of the others at any time of day, whenever you’re feeling tired and stressed. The best thing about this technique is that it’s simple. It requires very little energy or investment and you can do it anywhere. This makes it a valuable strategy for managing your everyday stress levels.

This strategy is a short-term fix to alleviate acute stress. Long-term stress is still a danger, and the best way to support your health is to make lifestyle changes to reduce overall stress. If you have or think you have AFS, a specialist can help put you on the right road to recovery. Self-navigation in AFS recovery could potentially set you back and make your condition worse. The best thing you can do for yourself is to invest in a practitioner who understands your body and can guide it back to a normal state.

© Copyright 2021 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Lam’s Key Question

Sometimes, you just don’t have the time or energy for the things that help relieve stress and need something that works quickly. This stress relief pressure point is found right between your thumb and forefinger, and it may help relieve headaches and improve detoxification as well.

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