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11 Signs You Need to Detox and Gentle Herbs and Supplements to Get Started

Your detoxification system is one of the hardest working systems in your body. If it fails to work properly, it could result in a buildup of toxins that could poison your entire body, resulting in myriad health issues. Many people turn to detox protocols to try to clear out these toxins. But what are the signs you need to detox? To understand when you need to detox, you need to understand how your Detoxification Circuit does its job.

The Detoxification Circuit and Signs You Need to Detox

An image of a sign saying time to detoxThe Detoxification Circuit, as part of your NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response, works at maintaining a state of balance in your body. It is made up of the liver, extracellular matrix, and immune system. Together, they work to rid your body of reactive metabolites resulting from stress and digestion, as well as toxins from outside sources. These toxins enter our bodies via the chemicals on and in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and even products we use to clean our homes.

A detoxification system dysfunction could result in various health issues. This adds to your adrenal load, resulting in increased cortisol production. Ultimately, it can contribute to adrenal fatigue.

Symptoms of Detoxification Dysfunction and Signs You Need to Detox

Common symptoms of a Detoxification Circuit in a state of dysfunction include:

  • Anxiety
  • Brain fog
  • Insomnia
  • Flare-ups of autoimmune disorders
  • Migrating pain of unknown origin
  • Food sensitivities
  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Dizziness
  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Paradoxical reactions to medications

How the Detox Process Works

Essentially, your body gets rid of toxins through your kidneys, liver, skin, lungs, and intestines, which remove toxins.

Of the different components of the Detoxification System, your liver is the center. It works 24/7. Its main focus is cleaning your body of toxins from whatever source. However, when the toxic load becomes too much, your liver becomes sluggish. This sluggishness could slow your body’s ability to remove toxins and lead to a toxic buildup that causes increased stress on already overworked adrenals. When your body cannot get rid of toxins, they get stored in your fat and bone structure.

Many people who do a detox find they lose weight easier, and notice an improvement in skin health, arthritis, and digestive disorders. Many also notice an improvement in their state of depression if suffering from the condition.

Signs You Need To Detox

Someone in perfect health does not need to detox, although they might benefit from the occasional detox protocol. The main reason for doing a detox is to cleanse your body of built-up toxins that your body is having difficulty getting rid of. But to know whether your body needs this type of approach, you need to make yourself aware of the signs you need to detox. Fortunately, if you are mindful of your body and its changes, there are several signs you need to detox.

Fatigue is a Sign You Need to Detox

Fatigue is one of the first signs you need to detox, especially if it persists throughout most of the day. You may feel the need for caffeine or an energy drink, but these could do more harm than good. They provide an artificial stimulus that can spike and crash your energy levels, on the one hand, while increasing your toxic load on the other.

Constant fatigue could result from an overworked liver. If your liver works overtime, so do other body processes, including your metabolism.

Changes In Skin Color

Skin color changes are another of the signs you need to detox. Your skin may either start turning yellow or develop a pale or bluish tinge. This is a sign of raised bilirubin levels.

Bilirubin is a yellowish by-product of normal red blood cells breaking down. It passes through your liver before being excreted through the normal processes. When you have high bilirubin levels, it means your bile ducts or liver have issues. Normally, it indicates your liver’s inability to flush toxins from your body as it should.

Nausea is a Sign You Need to Detox

Nausea and vomiting are both possible signs you need to detox. They are often a reaction to accumulated toxins that your Detoxification Circuit cannot flush out. Nausea is another early sign you may have liver issues.

Weight Issues

Carrying excess weight may be one of the signs you need to detox. Your body stores excess toxins in fat. Many people starting on a weight loss journey first go through a detox. This helps the body begin flushing those stored toxins.

Digestive Issues is a Sign You Need to Detox

An image of a woman holding her mouth like she is about to throw upAcidity, bloating, and constipation are all signs you need to detox. All three digestive issues are indications your liver needs help and is unable to get rid of toxins like it is supposed to. You may find this happening even if you drink enough water and have a fiber-rich diet. To help your liver function properly, you may need to detox your gut. You can do so by eating a diet rich in raw vegetables and fruits while avoiding processed or sugary foods. Looking after your gut will also improve your immune system function.


Frequent headaches or migraines can be the results of toxic buildup in the body. Many people find relief after following a detox program.

Sleep Issues is a Sign You Need to Detox

The buildup of toxins in your body may interfere with your hormone levels. In the brain, you may experience lower melatonin levels, which interfere with your normal sleep patterns. You may, for example, find it difficult to go to sleep at night while wanting to nap during the day. Detoxing may help restore your body’s natural sleep cycle.

Skin Conditions

Certain skin conditions like acne and rashes are signs you need to detox. They result from the building up of impurities under your skin. Your skin is one of your detoxification organs. You will also sometimes find breakouts occur while detoxing. If this happens, do not worry. It is a sign of your body ridding itself of toxins.

Aches and Pains is a Sign You Need to Detox

One of your liver's functions is the purifying of your blood before allowing it to return to your muscles. A liver in distress cannot fulfill this function as it should. As a result, the blood returning to your muscles and tissue still contains impurities. This can result in aches and pains throughout your body as well as dry, red eyes.

Tongue Film

The development of either a white or yellow film on your tongue may indicate digestive issues resulting from the accumulation of toxins in your body.

Concentration Difficulties is a Sign You Need to Detox

Brain fog and difficulties with concentration may result from the buildup of toxins in your body and brain.

What to Do When You Show Signs You Need to Detox

If you show signs you need to detox, the obvious thing to do would be to follow a detoxification program. But choosing a detox protocol to use can be difficult. So many people offer these programs or insist a certain program is better than another.

Generally speaking, a good detox is very gentle and mild. One where you barely feel a difference. If you detox and suddenly feel things happening in your body, it means you have congestion.

Detoxing too rapidly can backfire and cause a retoxification reaction, in which more toxins are released from storage into your body than can be flushed out. This can lead to an adrenal crash and more severe health problems. So if your detox program if it makes you feel worse instead of better, stop and call your doctor. You should only consider doing strong detoxes with the guidance of your healthcare provider.

Two Gentle Detoxes

An image of a bowl of coconut oil and wooden spoonTwo gentle detoxes, oil pulling and lemon water, should not make you feel worse.

Oil pulling, often using coconut oil, activates your salivary enzymes. They, in turn, absorb different toxins including bacterial, chemical, and environmental toxins directly from your blood. These toxins are removed from your body via your tongue. Oil pulling can thus help with full-body detoxing.

Lemon water is another gentle and easy detoxing solution. Simply made of water with some added lemon, it acts as a diuretic to flush out toxins while supporting liver function and bathroom regularity.

Detoxing Supplements to Use When You See Signs You Need to Detox

Many supplements claim they help with your detoxification process. And they may do the job. But it could come at a price: these supplements could overstimulate the detoxification process and result in crashes.

However, the supplements recommended here have a gentle action and should not cause this kind of reaction. Do, however, contact your healthcare provider in the event of any negative changes concerning your health.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is the product of superheated carbon material. The material uses in its manufacture include coconut shells, wood, sawdust, and peat. The end product, an exceptionally fine powder, is then made into a powder, capsule, or tablet for human consumption.

The activation process of the charcoal frees up various bonding sites, making it ideal for use during cases of poisoning or toxin exposure. Toxins attach to the bonding sites, thereby losing their negative effects. The anti-toxin properties of activated charcoal have resulted in its use in a variety of applications.

With regards to the health of your Detoxification Circuit, activated charcoal provides two benefits. Firstly, it may help rid your intestines of accumulated gas and reduce gastrointestinal inflammation and damage. Secondly, it may promote kidney health by removing toxins from urea. It may also reduce inflammation in your kidneys.

Only use activated charcoal after consultation with a healthcare provider. Possible side effects include diarrhea, constipation, dehydration, stomachache, and vomiting. Also, note that it could interfere with the absorption of certain medications and supplements, so should be taken 2 hours away from food, meds, and supplements.

Liposomal Glutathione

Your body produces the antioxidant glutathione. Although found in most tissues throughout your body, the highest concentration occurs in your liver. Glutathione is a tripeptide consisting of three essential amino acids (glutamate, cysteine, and glycine). Its main function is to protect your cells from free radical damage. Its powerful antioxidant activity helps your liver remove pollutants, chemicals, and drugs from your cells. Glutathione also has strong immune-boosting, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.

Lower glutathione levels, typically due to the aging process, stress, the presence of environmental and other toxins, and poor nutrition, could lead to liver conditions. A liposomal glutathione supplement may help increase the levels of this antioxidant and thereby promote better liver function and detoxification.

Possible side effects associated with this supplement include bloating, stomach cramps, and allergic reactions.


As single-cell freshwater algae, chlorella has many nutrients including a wide variety of antioxidants, iron, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and more. Often used as an immune-boosting, cholesterol-lowering supplement, it is great for use when you show signs you need to detox.

Literature suggests chlorella is very efficient when it comes to removing heavy metals and harmful compounds from your body.

Although your body needs certain metals like copper or iron, large quantities of these and other metals become toxic. While not common, heavy metal toxicity could result from exposure through pollution or certain occupations like mining. Besides detoxing heavy metals, chlorella may also help reduce the percentage of harmful chemicals present in your body. These chemicals often come from food sources due to the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

Fermented Milk Thistle

An image of milk thistleFermented milk thistle, a natural herb, may help with a variety of health issues, including detoxification. Containing a large variety of beneficial nutrients, fermented milk thistle has a strong antioxidant effect and may help manage type-2 diabetes and cholesterol.

Its antioxidant effect provides liver support, and it may also help address different liver-related health issues. These include jaundice, cirrhosis, and hepatitis. The herb may also benefit those with gallbladder conditions.

Other fermented milk thistle health benefits may include the ability to:

  • Promote bone health
  • Fight the spread of cancer
  • Support weight loss
  • Improve the symptoms of allergic asthma
  • Reduce insulin resistance
  • Promote healthy skin
  • Address cholesterol issues
  • Support the immune system
  • Improve cognitive function

Although very few people report side effects when using this herbal supplement, it may cause heartburn, an upset stomach, and nausea. Furthermore, it may have a laxative effect. Some people, when taking it in high doses, have reported a mild allergic reaction.

The Takeaway on Signs You Need to Detox

Toxic buildup can compromise your liver function and general health. If you notice any signs you need to detox, however, please consult a healthcare practitioner first. Detox protocols can backfire.

If you show any signs you need to detox, here are a few steps to take:

  • Make a list of your symptoms.
  • See your healthcare provider so you can get to the root cause of the condition.
  • Explore a gentle approach to detoxing gradually.

If you have signs you need to detox and want more info on how to support your detox system safely, the team at Dr. Lacm Coaching can help. We offer a free** no-obligation phone consultation at +1 (626) 571-1234 where we will privately discuss your symptoms and various options. Alternatively, send us a question through our Ask The Doctor system by clicking here.

© Copyright 2022 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Lam’s Key Question

There are many signs you need to detox. If you show symptoms of bloating, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, or headaches, amongst others, please take note and contact your healthcare provider. They may suggest that you do a gentle detox to help with these issues.

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