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Sexual Wellness: What is the Role of Nutrition and Supplements?

Evidence-based Reviewed Article

An image of a man and a woman in bedThere is so much focus on sexual health today, and this is best illustrated by the sheer number of sexual health products marketed online and in physical stores. However, despite the hype on these products, they make up only a small proportion of sexual wellness. Attaining optimal sexual wellness requires an understanding of its various components. We will consider that below, as well as the role nutrition and supplements play in enhancing sexual health and achieving sexual wellness.

What Is Sexual Wellness?

Sexual wellness is not a straightforward concept to define because it means many different things to different people. When some people think of sexual wellness, they may think of having a healthy sex drive. Others may view it as being free from sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time, there are parties that believe sexual wellness to mean totally embracing their sexuality.

Considering this, it becomes tricky to arrive at one definition that caters to all the aspects of sexual wellness. However, experts and researchers often consider sexual wellness in relation to its constituting domains.

Sexual wellness can be defined as the total evaluation of an individual’s sexuality in four dimensions: psychological, social, biological and behavioral, and cultural.

  • The psychological aspect involves cognitions, emotions, and concepts.
  • The social aspect involves relationships and shared experiences.
  • The biological and behavioral aspects include functioning, behaviors, and scripted sexual activities.
  • The cultural element involves age or time in life, gender, and sexual orientation.

These dimensions are necessary for the development and experience of sexuality.1

Therefore, sexual wellness should be viewed in a holistic approach that considers all the aspects of sexuality and its relationship to overall human health and well-being. So it’s not just the sex drive, or the absence of sexually transmitted diseases, or having safe sex, or embracing sexuality. It is all of these things and more.2

What Are the Components of Sexual Wellness?

Sexual wellness involves all factors that affect your sexuality. These factors can be grouped into the following components that define sexual wellness.

Sexual Wellbeing

This component involves different domains, including sexual safety and security, sexual respect, sexual self-esteem, resilience in relation to sexual experiences, forgiveness of past sexual experiences, self-determination in one’s sex life, and comfort with sexuality.3 Sexual well-being is not dependent on partnership status or sexual activity.

Sexual Pleasure

This component of sexual wellness considers how satisfying the sexual experience is and the enabling factors like self-determination, consent, safety, privacy, confidence, and the ability to communicate and negotiate sexual relations.4 The factors affecting sexual pleasure can be physical or psychological.

Sexual Health

This entails key issues like fertility regulation, prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections, sexual violence prevention, and sexual functions (which include sexual desire and arousal).

Sexual Justice

This represents the role of the community and public organizations to ensure there are possibilities for equitable, individualized sexual experiences. Sexual justice involves social, cultural, and legal support. It aims at preventing discrimination and adverse events due to sexual experiences.

How Does Nutrition Affect Sexual Wellness?

An image of a man holding a blue pillSexual health and wellness rely on the presence of several nutrients in the body along with overall health. For instance, sexual pleasure, which is one of the components of sexual wellness, is dependent on proper blood flow and energy. Since some nutrients support blood flow and assist with energy metabolism, these nutrients can contribute to sexual wellness.

Some nutrients can also directly affect sexual drive or libido, which contributes to sexual health. Typically, the nutrients do this by causing the production of sex hormones that are required for sexual stimulation and the generation of pleasure. The sex hormones in the body are estrogen and testosterone, primarily for females and males, respectively. However, to produce these hormones, the body needs another hormone produced in the adrenal gland called dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Protein and vitamin D are nutrient sources critical in maintaining healthy DHEA levels.

Nutrition also helps regulate mental well-being and stress levels in the body, both of which are necessary for a healthy sexual drive. Also, many health conditions, like cardiovascular disorders, can affect sexual health, and the right nutrients can help in the management of these conditions.

Stress and Sexual Wellness

Stress is one of the most important factors affecting sexual wellness. When the body is stressed, it produces cortisol to help manage the stress. After removing the stressor, the body’s natural stress response system – the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response – is activated. The NEM consists of six circuits spanning different organs and systems. In the face of stress, the adrenal glands of the hormone circuit of the NEM produce cortisol (the stress hormone).

After removing the stressor, the body’s stress response system is deactivated, and cortisol levels return to normal. However, there are times when the stress is persistent and keeps the body’s stress response activated. This is known as chronic stress and leads to an increase in cortisol levels. This is bad for sexual health, as studies show that high levels of chronic stress are related to lower sexual arousal.5 High-stress levels also lead to mood disorders, which can influence sexual health.

If this stress persists, the adrenal glands may tire from the increased cortisol demands, leading to a condition known as Adrenal Fatigue (AF). Adrenal fatigue is a sub-clinical, non-Addison form of adrenal dysfunction where the body cannot cope with daily life stressors. Considering the adrenal glands produce DHEA, which is essential for the production of stress hormones, people with adrenal fatigue also typically notice a reduction in their sex drive.

Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements for Enhancing Sexual Wellness

Several vitamins, minerals, and supplements can help enhance sexual health. They do this in different ways, and they include:

Vitamin E

This vitamin is commonly called the “sex vitamin,” which is unsurprising, considering its role in the production of testosterone and sperm cells. This vitamin improves blood flow to the genitals during sex, helping to maintain an erection. Vitamin E also has antioxidant effects and can improve vitality and energy levels, allowing for increased sexual pleasure.


Magnesium helps to relieve stress in the body by promoting relaxation, and this alone can help in improving sexual wellness, as stress is one of the major contributors to poor sexual health. The mineral can also help in keeping sex hormones in the blood, increasing sexual desire.

Vitamin D

Deficiency of vitamin D has been associated with impaired sexual function, erectile dysfunction, and insufficient production of sex hormones. This may be because of its ability to regulate blood pressure and increase nitric oxide production, contributing to erectile function.

Vitamin B3

An image of Vitamin B3 pillsAny substance that can contribute to increased energy levels will help improve sexual wellness, and vitamin B3 is one of the best vitamins for this purpose. Aside from improving energy levels, vitamin B3 can also help sexual health by improving erectile function.


Deficiency of zinc has been linked to infertility and reduced sexual desire. This may be due to zinc being important in the production of testosterone and the development of sperm cells and semen in men.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

This hormone is a major contributor to the production of sex hormones in the body. Therefore, low levels of DHEA are associated with low levels of testosterone and a higher risk of erectile dysfunction.


Calcium is best known for its roles in strengthening the bones, but it can help sexual wellness, too. Studies reveal that there is an inverse relationship between calcium intake and erectile dysfunction.

Best Supplements for Sexual Wellness

Choosing the right supplement for sexual health and wellness depends on several factors. One is the reputation of the supplement manufacturer. It is also important to consider the ingredients in the supplement for their effects on the body. The amount of the ingredients in the supplement also matters.

From these factors, here are three of the best supplements for sexual wellness you can get:

Pyro Zinc by Dr. Lam®

Pyro Zinc contains zinc as the main ingredient, with magnesium being a complementary ingredient. Considering the role of zinc in improving sexual desire and testosterone levels, it is a great supplement for improving sexual health and wellness.

DH Pro by Dr. Lam®

DH Pro contains dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), an essential hormone for producing sex hormones. Since sex hormones are responsible for driving sexual desire and stimulation, DHEA supplementation can help improve sexual health, especially among individuals with erectile dysfunction.

D3K2 by Dr. Lam®

D3K2 contains calcium, vitamin D3, vitamin K, and bioperine. Calcium and vitamin D3 help improve sexual wellness by reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction. Vitamin K in the mixture guarantees maximum calcium and vitamin D absorption, allowing maximum benefits.

Sexual Wellness: Conclusion

Sexual wellness is the totality of all psychological, social, biological behavioral, and cultural factors that affect sexuality. It involves sexual health, sexual pleasure, sexual justice, and sexual well-being. One of the best ways to achieve full sexual wellness is through nutrition. Several important vitamins, minerals, and supplements can help in improving sexual desire and sexual health. While the right supplements are beneficial, remember to consult your healthcare provider before using any of these supplements.

If you want to find out more about sexual wellness and appropriate dietary supplements for you individually, call our office at +1 (626) 571-1234 for a consultation on what might work for you.

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© Copyright 2024 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Mitchell, Kirstin R., et al. "What is Sexual Wellbeing and Why Does it Matter for Public Health?" Lancet Public Health, vol. 6, 2021, pp. e608-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00099-2.

LADS, Lara. "Sexual Wellness: A Movement Happening Worldwide." Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, vol. 45, no. 12, 2023, pp. e745-e746. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0043-1777700.

Syme, M. L., et al. "‘At My Age: Defining Sexual Wellness in Mid- and Later Life." Journal of Sex Research, vol. 56, 2019, pp. 832–42. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2018.1456510.

The Global Advisory Board for Sexual Health and Wellbeing. Sexual Pleasure: The Forgotten Link in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. The Global Advisory Board for Sexual Health and Wellbeing, 2018. https://www.gab-shw.org.

Hamilton, L. D., and C. M. Meston. "Chronic Stress and Sexual Function in Women." Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol. 10, no. 10, 2013, pp. 2443-54. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsm.12249.

Deng, C.-Y., et al. "Dietary Calcium, Phosphorus, and Potassium Intake Associated with Erectile Dysfunction in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001 to 2004." PLoS ONE, vol. 19, no. 2, 2024, p. e0297129. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0297129.

Dr. Lam’s Key Question

Stress can increase cortisol levels in the body. High cortisol levels have been frequently associated with a decrease in sexual desire. Also, stress can alter the mood, which is also important in maintaining sexual function. Chronic stress can cause adrenal fatigue, which can lead to a decrease in relevant sex hormone production.

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