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The Most Effective Recurrent Yeast Infections Treatment Plan

An image of a woman holding her groin in painA yeast infection on its own can be embarrassing, uncomfortable, and painful. However, when you have recurrent yeast infections, then you need to find better solutions. This will impact the health of your entire body, causing stress and adrenal fatigue. It will also cause feelings of general fatigue and poor health. There are several remedies you can try. It’s only by experimenting with them that you will find the most effective recurrent yeast infections treatment plan for your body.

What are Recurrent Yeast Infections?

Yeast infections can affect anyone and can happen in many different parts of the body. In women, they most commonly occur when the bacteria in the vagina becomes unbalanced, allowing an overgrowth of yeast. This causes symptoms like:

  • Pain during urination
  • Red and swollen tissues in and around the vagina
  • Pain during sex
  • Itching or irritation of the tissues in and around the vagina.
  • Vaginal discharge, which can be watery or white and clumpy.

Most people experience a single infection that goes away with treatment. But sometimes you can experience recurrent yeast infections, which means that you get more than four in a year. Some of the factors that can cause recurrent infections include:

  • Hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy.
  • Contraceptive devices and birth control.
  • Antibiotics
  • Diabetes
  • A weakened immune system due to other conditions like HIV or medication use.
  • Sexual activity or contact, particularly with a partner who already has a yeast infection.
  • Medications that treat the wrong kind of infection, which means it never really leaves the body.

To identify this condition, a doctor will need to take a swab of the area and examine it. Do not start a recurrent yeast infections treatment plan before this is done.

The Traditional Recurrent Yeast Infections Treatment Plan

If you go to your doctor, they will most likely suggest a traditional recurrent yeast infections treatment plan. This typically involves an oral or a vaginal antifungal agent. If you have a simple infection, then your symptoms should go away within a few days of trying these medications. But if the symptoms continue, then you may have recurrent infections and will need a more aggressive approach. Here’s what to expect from each strategy:

Vaginal Medication

Your doctor may give you an over-the-counter or prescription vaginal cream or tablet which is placed inside the vagina at bedtime. The length of treatment time can vary depending on how severe your infection is.

Oral Medication

The oral treatment is a pill known as fluconazole, though it comes in different brand names. For simple infections, you will be given one dose, but for recurrent yeast infections treatment, you may require another dose 3 days later. This pill is fairly safe to take but may cause rashes, stomach upsets, or headaches in some cases.

Natural Recurrent Yeast Infections Treatment

If you experience recurrent yeast infections, then you must visit your doctor to identify the cause. Sometimes, other conditions such as STIs can be mistaken for yeast infections, so you will need to get lab tests done. Several types of yeast can cause yeast infections, so if you’re given medications for the wrong one then you may experience ongoing infections.

However, there are also several natural recurrent yeast infections treatment options that you can try that may help. But make sure you check with your doctor before trying them:


Probiotic supplements can help to restore the balance of bacteria and yeast and are either taken orally or inserted into the vagina.

Boric Acid

A 600 mg of boric acid in a capsule can be inserted vaginally every day for 14 days can help with yeast infections.


An image of a woman eating yogurtThis tip sounds a little strange, but some studies show that probiotics in natural yogurt can help rebalance the bacteria in the vagina. Try adding more yogurt to your diet, applying it to the vulva, or inserting it vaginally.


Eating garlic does not affect yeast infections. However, a common recurrent yeast infections treatment is to insert a clove of garlic threaded on a string into the vagina overnight. This is a fairly low-risk remedy, though it may cause burning and damage in people with sensitive skin.

Oil of Oregano

This product is made using wild oregano, known as origanum vulgare, and contains thymol and carvacrol, two powerful antifungals. Some studies have shown that it can help inhibit the growth of Candida albicans. This oil can come in a capsule that can be inserted into the vagina at night, or it can be applied to a tampon and inserted.

Just remember that essential oils should never be applied to the skin without a carrier oil. Always test first for allergies by applying a drop to your arm before use. If there’s no reaction, mix 3-5 drops of the oil of oregano in 1 ounce of sweet almond, olive, or warmed coconut oil. And if applying to a tampon, make sure it’s changed every 2-4 hours.

Tea Tree Oil

This remedy should be used with extreme caution. The vagina is extremely sensitive, and this oil can irritate the skin’s walls and cause allergic reactions. However, it can also kill a range of fungi and yeasts, including candida albicans, the most common cause of yeast infections.

First, test the tea tree oil on the skin for allergies. If there’s no reaction, then put 3-5 drops in 1 ounce of warmed coconut oil on a tampon before overnight insertion. Remove the tampon in the morning and stop the treatment if there are any adverse effects.

Coconut Oil

Raw coconut oil is an antifungal and can help combat the Candida albicans yeast. Make sure you get a product that’s safe to use on skin. Apply it internally or externally to help with yeast infection symptoms.

Infections and Adrenal Fatigue

An image of a kidney and adrenal gland with a diagram of cortisol's molecular structureWhen you have Adrenal Fatigue (AF), this condition and infections exist in a circle of poor health and you’re more likely to need recurrent yeast infections treatment. Infections cause stress, which activates the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response and increases the body’s demand for cortisol. Cortisol is secreted by the adrenals, which can become fatigued if the demand for this hormone is higher than normal over a long period. Adrenal Fatigue occurs when stress becomes chronic and NEM stress response starts to break down, causing imbalances throughout the body’s circuit.

Yeast infections and other types of infections can be a cause of Adrenal Fatigue. The additional stress of the symptoms and inflammation puts more pressure on the adrenals to secrete cortisol and can further unbalance the NEM response. But the opposite is also true. If you have adrenal fatigue, the imbalances throughout your body make you more susceptible to all different types of infections. And the infections, in turn, will increase your stress levels, further fatigue the adrenal glands, and worsen circuit imbalances.

However, the link between Adrenal Fatigue and yeast infections goes even further than this.

Inflammation Circuit Imbalances and Infections

When you have an infection, the Inflammation Circuit is responsible for causing inflammation and trying to rid your body of the cause. This is a natural response and it’s an essential part of your body’s defense system. But when you have Adrenal Fatigue, this response starts to break down. The Inflammation Circuit includes the immune system, which becomes hyperactive and unbalanced when you have Adrenal Fatigue. This causes chronic inflammation, which starts to damage the body rather than protect it. The inflammation also upsets the delicate balance of bacteria in the gut and causes problems with digestion and elimination, further increasing your stress levels and symptoms of poor health. And then your microbiome, or the balance of good and bad bacteria in your body, goes out of balance and you start to experience more infections than ever before.

This is a very unhealthy situation. And as each part of the Inflammation Circuit becomes unbalanced, it affects the other parts and the functioning of the circuit as a whole. Infections your body previously fought off, then start to linger and you become more susceptible to infections of all kinds. So, if you have Adrenal Fatigue, it isn’t uncommon to suddenly start experiencing recurrent yeast infections. These will cause further dysregulation in the Inflammation Circuit, worsening the health and functioning of the circuit and the underlying condition as well.

The best way to recover from this cycle is by addressing the underlying adrenal fatigue and implementing effective recurrent yeast infections treatment options at the same time. Just addressing the yeast infections on their own won’t help, as the increasingly poor health of your body will make them more likely to reoccur. That's why you need to find a physician who can look underneath the overlying problem and find the real cause.


You don’t have to rely on your doctor to find an effective recurrent yeast infections treatment. By experimenting with safe and natural remedies, you can find relief without the side effects that often come with harsh medications. You can try:

  1. An image of fresh oregano and oilTry oral or topical over the counter treatments with medical advice.
  2. Try some natural remedies such as garlic, oil of oregano, or boric acid.
  3. Talk to your doctor about effective remedies and about how adrenal fatigue could be affecting your health and your susceptibility to infection.

If you experience frequent yeast infections and want help, then call +1-626-571-1234 to talk to the team or click here to use the Ask The Doctor System.

© Copyright 2021 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Lam’s Key Question

If you experience a lot of yeast infections, then you may think that you’ll never find relief from the pain and embarrassment. However, with some experimentation, you will be able to find a safe, natural, and effective recurrent yeast infections treatment that allows you to get on with your life.

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