Metabolic syndrome affects about 23% of the U.S. population. One of the most severe results of this syndrome is coronary artery disease. Three of the main components of metabolic syndrome are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity. This triad typically leads to coronary artery disease (CAD). How probiotics and metabolic syndrome affect CAD is the focus of this article.
A constellation of symptoms and conditions makes up metabolic syndrome. Symptoms include an accumulation of fat around your torso, high blood pressure, triglycerides out of control, and high cholesterol build-up over time.
Insulin resistance shows up as the primary factor in metabolic syndrome. Essentially this means that your diet interferes with your body’s attempts to burn up the sugar you ingest. Eating a large amount of sugar increases your risk of developing this syndrome.
With a lot of sugar flooding your body, your pancreas releases more and more insulin. Insulin allows sugar to enter your cells to be used as fuel for your body.
In metabolic syndrome, your cells become insulin resistant. Your cells don’t get enough sugar for optimum functioning, so your pancreas releases more and more to push the sugar into your cells.
This leads to an overabundance of insulin circulating in your body. High levels of insulin cause damage to your internal systems.
Numerous studies show the development of CAD as a result of metabolic syndrome. One study showed the presence of CAD in women with metabolic syndrome to be higher than in women with normal metabolic function, but lower than in women with diabetes.
Another study showed a high likelihood of cardiovascular (CV) disease is present with metabolic syndrome. This study included two forms of CV disease: CAD and peripheral vascular disease. The researchers went on to say these two forms related to each other so closely that when one is present, the other should be suspected. In addition, they noted when at least three of the five major symptoms of metabolic syndrome are found, one or both of the forms of CV disease will be present.
When considering how probiotics and metabolic syndrome relate, you must consider how probiotics function. Benefits from probiotics have been shown in numerous research studies and popular articles.
They contribute to good gut health. Supporting good gut health is one-way probiotics and metabolic syndrome are related. If your gut remains healthy, your risk of developing metabolic syndrome decreases.
Populating your gut system with good bacteria is the most important benefit of probiotics. This helps keep your gut system in balance.
Ideally, your gut consists of 85% good bacteria and 15% bad. Unfortunately, due to diet and lack of exercise, most people’s gut contains the reverse percentages of bacteria. This leads to metabolic syndrome.
Other ways probiotics and metabolic syndrome relate include probiotics’ ability to boost your immune system and thus reduce inflammation. Inflammation plays a role in many conditions, including CAD.
Also, probiotics work as very effective antioxidants. A significant increase in free radicals in your body results from chronic stress, poor diet, and toxins in the environment. Two of these three sources also affect the development of CAD. Decreasing free radicals leads to a lower risk of developing CAD and other chronic conditions.
Recent research pointed out the relationship between probiotics and metabolic syndrome in CAD. The study investigated the interactive effects of weight loss, probiotics, and metabolic syndrome in people with CAD.
This research involved 44 people in a randomized, double-blind controlled study. At the end of 12 weeks, the people who took probiotics daily showed lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol compared to those who took a placebo.
These findings suggest a benefit for people with Adrenal Fatigue (AF) who deal with the significant symptoms of CAD. The relationship between probiotics and metabolic syndrome appears to be that probiotics help high cholesterol, inflammation, balance gut bacteria, and decrease free radicals.
The high levels of stress in the modern world can be a cause of metabolic syndrome. Adrenal Fatigue (AF) develops when your adrenal glands become overburdened with the demands placed on them. Your adrenal glands make up your first line of defense against the effects of stress.
When stress from any source affects your body, your adrenal glands release cortisol into your bloodstream. Cortisol fights the effects of this stress. With increasing and chronic stress, as seen in the culture today, your adrenals may reach the point of no longer releasing enough cortisol. This begins
The way stress affects these many systems of the body is described by the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response system. It is a comprehensive approach to assessing and remediating stress effects. Six circuits comprised of organs and systems interact with one another to address the impact of stress.
These circuits overlap one another in such a fashion that what affects one affects others. Each of the circuits generate symptoms if they become dysfunctional. The primary circuit affected by CAD is the cardionomic circuit.
Dysregulated metabolism is a hallmark of early problems with the NEM stress response. The body’s metabolic system provides an early warning sign of internal derangement, but the symptoms are often overlooked. Uncontrolled metabolic syndrome symptoms can lead to the development of CAD. Research strongly suggests a relationship between metabolic syndrome and CAD. Metabolic syndrome also develops in people who suffer from Adrenal Fatigue , both in the early stages and the late stages.
The cardionomic circuit contains the cardiovascular system (CVS), the autonomic nervous system (ANS), and the adrenal glands. When this circuit becomes dysfunctional, severe symptoms develop.
The CVS and ANS work in conjunction and balance with one another in the ideal response to stress. However, should these and the adrenals in this circuit become overloaded, dysfunction occurs.
The breakdown of this circuit progresses in a stepwise manner. First, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis becomes overloaded and dysregulated. Following this, imbalances in metabolism emerge. These imbalances include hypoglycemia, fatigue, sugar craving, and exercise intolerance.
The ANS becomes dysregulated next. The ANS is responsible for regulating levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine. The increasing levels of these two hormones produce anxiety, rapid heart rate, and sleeplessness.
The CVS then responds with damage to the cardiac nodes that regulate heartbeats. This results in several irregularities in heartbeat along with high blood pressure.
From the findings of current research, it appears that ingesting probiotics helps with some of the symptoms involving the CVS. The relationship between probiotics and metabolic syndrome symptoms leads to benefit for your heart.
Studies suggest it best to take probiotics with food or at least thirty minutes prior to eating. Taking probiotics with food tends to support their survival as they progress through the stomach into your gut.
Fats supply this protection well. Putting milk of any kind on your cereal in the morning serves this purpose. Also, eating nut butter provides a buffer for your probiotics.
There are different schools of thought. Some think that you should take probiotics that contain at least five different bacteria types and switch them around every few months to give yourself different types of gut bacteria. Other people like taking higher amounts of probiotics.
You should always consult a healthcare professional familiar with any conditions you have, including Adrenal Fatigue , before starting probiotics.
If you are considering the relationship between probiotics and metabolic syndrome and the results of research, it is also essential to know the potential side effects of probiotics. Although few, the side effects may show up.
Stomach upset is the most common. Usually, it goes away fairly quickly.
Taking probiotics may lead to infections. This side effect most often occurs in infants and those with compromised immune systems.
Your immune system may rarely mistake the probiotics for invaders of your system. The result will be fever, fatigue, and an elevated white blood cell count.
Because probiotics affect people in different ways, you may experience other side effects as well. Excessive probiotic use can lead to constipation.
I would like to talk to you about two probiotic formulas that I have developed that may not only promote metabolic health but supply adrenal support as well. Remember, metabolic dysbiosis has a strong link with adrenal fatigue.
The first one, Pro-B, is a probiotic supplement containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, and Bifidobacterium longum. These three bacterial strains not only work at ensuring gastrointestinal health but have other benefits as well. These include, amongst others, your immune health, the proper breaking down and absorption of food, and even the lowering of cholesterol levels.
The second probiotic supplement I want to mention is Adrebiotics. This supplement contains ten different probiotic bacterial strains that, besides promoting digestive health and thereby combatting metabolic syndrome and its symptoms, also has far-reaching beneficial effects that may help combat diverse health issues while, at the same time, supplying you with much-needed immune and adrenal support.
Metabolic syndrome appears to be reaching epidemic proportions. And research shows a relationship between probiotics and metabolic syndrome. Recent research indicates ingesting probiotics leads to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.
These findings suggest probiotics help with the major symptoms of both metabolic syndrome and CAD.
This means that there is a possibility probiotics could benefit you if you suffer from Adrenal Fatigue . However, considering how probiotics affect different people in different ways, always consult with your healthcare professional before starting probiotics. Some people also experience side effects from taking probiotics.
Probiotics represent only one possible part in an overall comprehensive plan to address metabolic syndrome and CAD. Take control of your health today by enrolling in Dr. Lam's Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Program, a comprehensive course packed with supplement education, tailored dietary advice on foods to eat, targeted exercises, and much more. Transform your well-being and reclaim your vitality—sign up now and make the first step toward a healthier, happier you.
Ready to take control of your health and explore how probiotics can benefit you? Give us a call at +1 (626) 571-1234 for a free initial consultation, and let’s discuss how to optimize your wellness journey today!
Probiotics and metabolic syndrome affect CAD differently. CAD is a possible result of metabolic syndrome. Research has shown probiotics to help decrease the symptoms of CAD brought about by metabolic syndrome, particularly high cholesterol.