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Natural Pain Relief: Homeopathic Remedies and Herbs

Natural pain reliefClinical trials on natural pain relief supplements are being conducted with greater frequency, and they prove what your grandma may have been saying. Those tried and tested remedies for pain relief do work. In many cases, natural remedies for pain can help reduce the need for over the counter medication while supporting your body overall.

The thing with natural pain relief remedies versus conventional, over the counter painkillers, is that the latter often contain man-made chemicals. In many instances, these chemicals are designed to substitute the actions found in certain herbs and roots. Natural remedies, however, are just that – 100% natural with no additives. For someone with adrenal fatigue, the added burden of digesting something containing man-made chemicals may prove quite taxing.

Pain is a signal sent by the body to warn us of underlying pathology. Pain symptoms, therefore, should be attended to by a qualified healthcare professional before taking any natural or over the counter pain control compounds. Those who are already on pain medications may not find natural compounds helpful as these are generally less potent than prescription pain medicine. Taking such natural compounds may also increase the power of your current medication, so it is important to clear your plans with your doctor first.

Homeopathy and Herbs for Pain Relief

Homeopathy works on the principle that whereas a large dose of a certain substance may make you very ill or even cause your death, smaller doses, which work at a cellular level, may actually stimulate your cellular activity. Homeopathic medicines use successive dilution and extremely small doses to do this.

Furthermore, homeopathic remedies work with your body. In other words, it gives your body the support it needs to address the cause of its initial distress.

Herbal medicines often work gently on your system and need to be taken in larger dosages to be effective. Thus, if you choose herbal pain relief options, it’s a good idea to pay special attention to the dosage recommendations.


Astragalus belongs to the pea family. The root is commonly used for medicinal purposes.

Very little scientific research has gone into the use, benefits, or dosage of the astragalus herb. Yet it has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. There, the main use is for heart disease, while they also believe it is effective for spleen stimulation, arthritis, asthma, low blood sugar, blood pressure, nervous conditions, asthma, and conditions relating to the lungs and liver.

Closer to home in America, the Lakota Indians would chew on the root of astragalus for the relief of back pain. It was also used for coughs and to increase breast milk production. When someone had respiratory problems, it was used in the creation of a steam vapor to give relief.

What research indicates:

Although little scientific research has thus far been conducted on the astragalus herb, that which has been done so far seems promising. The benefits of this plant may include the following:

Anti-inflammatory properties
Most medical conditions are due to inflammation. Studies indicate that certain components in this plant may reduce the inflammatory response (thus a form of pain relief) in certain conditions, including kidney disease due to diabetes. There are also indications that it may help wounds to heal more quickly.

An immune system booster
pain relief by boosting the immune systemAstragalus has long been used by the Chinese to boost the immune system. A study conducted in Beijing, China, seems to attest to this, as the study showed that the herb has the ability to help regulate your body’s immune responses.

An aid to prevent or regulate diabetes and related conditions
Quite a number of studies have focused on the use of astragalus as a means to deal with diabetes. Studies show it may help relieve insulin resistance. This implies it may be a natural means of dealing with the condition. Additionally, studies indicate that it protects the cells in the pancreas that produce and release insulin while acting as an anti-inflammatory for symptoms relating to diabetes.

A cancer fighter
According to certain studies, this herb has properties that help to decrease or get rid of tumors while having the potential of reversing the effects of chemotherapy.

An aid to heart health
Astragalus contains many antioxidants, preventing plaque buildup in your arteries. A 2014 study suggests that, when combined with conventional treatment methods, the patient outcome was more successful for heart conditions.

Other studies showed favorable results when it came to reducing blood pressure levels and preventing heart muscle damage due to a heart attack and the associated chest pain.

Other possible, scientifically favorable uses
Early research shows positive results in the use of astragalus for the following:

  • Seasonal allergies
  • Asthma
  • Angina (chest pain)
  • Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS)
  • Hearing loss
  • Hepatitis B
  • Certain cancers
  • Menopause symptoms and menstrual issues
  • Lupus
  • Fibromyalgia

Although possibly safe for most adults, its effect on pregnant women and children has not been determined. Do, however, talk to a healthcare practitioner before using this supplement, as it may have a negative effect on your health if suffering from certain conditions.

Figwort (Scrophularia nodosa)

Scrophularia nodosa, or Figwort, is a herb that gained great popularity during the middle ages and was commonly used as a treatment for tumors and swelling.

These days, the herb is more commonly used for its great diuretic and laxative properties, as well as a liver, heart, and blood circulation stimulant. It may also have a positive, stimulating effect on your lymphatic system, and is often used for chronic skin conditions, including psoriasis and asthma.

Scrophularia nodosa, however, also has anodyne properties, i.e. it is a painkiller, and is often used when treating inflammation, swelling, sprains, and historically, gangrene.

The uses of this herb include:

pain relief with figwort

  • Treatment of enlarged glands, such as in Hodgkin’s disease
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Abdominal pain
  • Menstrual pain and cramps
  • Painful hemorrhoids
  • Chest pains
  • Colic
  • Ringing ears and sudden hearing loss
  • Breast tumors
  • Hair loss
  • Asthma


A powerful herb that may be beneficial for many ailments, it is not without its dangers. It is in the same family as the poisonous foxglove and should be treated with respect. It is not recommended for those with heart conditions, pregnant women, or children. Ingesting large quantities of this herb may result in diarrhea and nausea. It is best to use it with the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner, as incorrect dosage could have severe consequences.

Tabebuia impetiginosa

A hardwood tree found in the rainforests of Brazil, it is the heartwood of this tree that is used for natural pain relief, amongst its other uses. So far, most of the research done in connection with this supplement has focused on the wood, with very little focusing on the health properties that may arise from the bark.

Usually sold as a herbal remedy, Tabebuia impetiginosa has analgesic (that is, pain relief), antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. It is also considered a great laxative. Traditionally, it is also believed to fight cancer.

This herbal supplement may be effective for:

  • Pain reduction – arthritis, joint pain, rheumatism, back pain, toothache
  • Immune boosting
  • Fighting infections - viral, bacterial, fungal
  • Fighting inflammation
  • Managing different skin conditions – eczema, scabies, herpes
  • An astringent – for a sore throat, peptic ulcers, acne
  • Improving blood circulation – for high blood pressure
  • Reducing heart disease and high cholesterol risk
  • Increasing red blood cell production – good news for those with anemia
  • Reducing stomach issues – has laxative properties and is used for gastritis, hernia, and parasites
  • Use against cancer
  • Diuretic - for bladder infections

Please be aware that high dosages of this remedy may result in nausea, vomiting, bleeding, and anemia. It is also not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women.


Thyroidinum, as the name suggests, is made from either sheep or beef thyroid. It is usually used to support low thyroid activity and its accompanying symptoms. These symptoms include, amongst many others, fatigue, weakness, hormonal issues, weight gain, depression, dry skin, and constipation.

This supplement may be effective for the following:

  • Pain relief from migraines due to thyroid hormone insufficiency
  • Anemia
  • Psoriasis
  • Memory issues
  • Obesity
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Rickets
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Allergies
  • Sexual disorders

Incorrect dosage with this natural remedy, however, may have adverse effects. These include feverishness, increased pulse rate, delirium, heart issues, and headaches. Do ensure you only use this remedy under supervision from an accredited health practitioner.

Formicum acidum

Formicum acidum, or formic acid, was originally prepared by distilling red ants. This natural remedy may provide pain relief for a number of conditions, but has other health benefits as well.

Its uses in homeopathy include:

  • Pain relief for articular rheumatism, chronic gout, arthritis, joint pain, pain due to overexertion (such as heavy lifting)
  • Weakness in the lower extremities
  • Lupus
  • Fatigue
  • Myalgia
  • Stomach and breast cancer

Incorrect usage of this remedy may result in burning pain and ulceration (if applied to the skin), gastrointestinal inflammation, and rapid breathing. Once more, please ensure you use this only with the guidance of a healthcare professional.


pain relief and siliceaSilicea is derived from quartz and is essential for bone and cartilage formation. Although slow to show any positive reaction, it is usually used in the field of natural medicine to assist in conditions that are slow to develop.
Silicea, as a means of pain relief, is said to be great for toothaches, headaches, and pains in the joints. Like many natural remedies, though, it has many uses.

Uses of silicea include:

  • Digestive issues
  • Skin issues such as boils, acne, cysts, blemishes
  • Sinusitis
  • Ear infections
  • Bone and joint problems
  • Foot problems such as bunions, brittle nails, ingrown toenails, sweaty feet
  • Problems with breastfeeding, mastitis
  • Strengthen dry, brittle hair and prevent dandruff
  • Certain mental health issues like anxiety and possibly depression

Incorrect use of silicea may result in digestive issues. People with any silicea or silica implants, such as breast implants, should avoid using this remedy as it may encourage the body to try and expel the implants.


Our bodies take in sulfur from the fruit and vegetables we eat. Studies show, however, that due to the use of chemical fertilizer and over-farming which depletes the soil of this mineral, the western diet is low in this much-needed mineral. Deficiencies due to this may include compromised cellular health, arthritis, and digestive issues.

Many studies confirm that sulfur is essential for the transport of oxygen throughout our bodies, that it plays a role in cell regeneration and detoxification, and that it is needed for the creation of hormones and antibodies.

The main benefits of sulfur:

  • It is a natural means of pain relief for arthritis, neck pain, and others.
  • It promotes cellular, lung, and digestive health.
  • It plays a role in detoxification.
  • It promotes collagen production and helps protect against scarring.
  • It helps maintain healthy hair.
  • It is a histamine inhibitor.
  • It fights inflammation.
  • It is anti-parasitic.
  • It helps with correct nutrient absorption.
  • It may inhibit cancer growth.

Although instances of sulfur toxicity are very low, ingesting too much may result in digestive issues and diarrhea. Please consult a healthcare professional before embarking on a course of sulfur supplementation.

Thuja occidentalis

Thuja occidentalis was used by the Native Americans as a curative for fever, menstrual issues, muscle and joint pain, coughs and fevers, and headaches. They may have been on to something because research shows promising results for its use in a number of conditions.

This remedy may be taken internally or made into an oil, diluted, and applied to the skin.

The benefits associated with Thuja occidentalis:

  • Applied to the skin it may help alleviate joint pain, muscle pain, and osteoarthritis.
  • It may act as an insect repellent.
  • It may help with certain skin diseases, warts, cold sores, and skin cancer.
  • It may help improve your white blood cell count.
  • It may help fight sinusitis.
  • It may ease a sore throat.
  • It may help build up your immune system.

Certain compounds found in this plant may cause asthma or seizures. Do not take the essential oil internally, as it can cause gastrointestinal problems and may cause an abortion if used by someone who is pregnant.

Aurum metallicum

Aurum metallicum is gold. The gold they use for jewelry. But it is not only something pretty and shiny; it has many health benefits long associated with it as well. It is especially good as a means of pain relief for both mental and physical issues.

Health benefits of Aurum metallicum:

pain relief and gold

  • Provides pain relief from headaches and migraines.
  • Helps with reproduction issues such as testicular inflammation in men, and painful menstruation, prolapsed uterus, and fibroids in women.
  • Provides bone pain relief.
  • May help counteract angina and the associated high blood pressure, chest pains, heart palpitations, and breathlessness.
  • Mostly used as an antidepressant and may be particularly beneficial for depression and possible substance abuse.

As with all natural supplements, consult your healthcare professional before embarking on the use of this remedy.

The Cause of Most Pain

All of the above remedies can help with pain, among other conditions. However, in addition to seeking pain relief remedies, it is important to address the overall cause of pain and any imbalances in the body that can worsen it as part of your overall plan of care.

Many painful conditions can be worsened by or lead to adrenal fatigue. The reason for this is that the adrenal glands play an enormous role in proper body function, impacting almost everything, from depression (usually due to a hormonal imbalance in the brain) to digestive issues, to procreation issues, and almost everything else in between.

pain relief and AFSAdrenal fatigue results due to normal stress. Once your brain believes it is under threat, which can include the tiniest virus to a car accident, it immediately goes into a state of self-preservation. The result is automatic, with your hypothalamic-pituitary axis kicking in, and your body’s automatic NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response going into overdrive. This results in an increased cortisol production that makes you ready to either run from the problem or fight it.

Under normal conditions, you remove the threat, your body’s cortisol production returns to normal, and you are fine. No damage is done. Continued stress, however, can have a debilitating effect, resulting in what is referred to as Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS), where your adrenal glands become overworked. This has a negative impact on the entire body, affecting hormone production, creating digestive issues, and influencing your body’s immune response, to name only a few.

Many of the pain relief remedies discussed have additional benefits that may be of great benefit to those who suffer from adrenal fatigue as well, as many of the symptoms they address overlap with this common condition. In fact, many of the conditions they may be of benefit to are also symptoms of AFS.

© Copyright 2018 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Lam's Key Question

As with any form of medication, supplements have their positives as well as their negatives. To ensure you avoid the negatives and make the best choice for your body, it is always safest to consult a healthcare practitioner before using any sort of remedies.

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