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How To Detoxify With a Gradual, Natural Liver Cleanse

An image of a woman who looks tired while looking at her computerIf you’ve been feeling sluggish and tired, you may need a liver cleanse. But doing a liver cleanse isn’t as easy as taking a few pills and watching your health improve. In fact, a drastic liver cleanse can cause serious stress for your body, which, depending on your health, can be catastrophic. Instead, the safest option is to plan out a gradual, natural liver cleanse that focuses on foods that gently aid your liver in returning to a state of good health.

Does Your Liver Need Clearing?

The liver has several very important jobs.

  • First and foremost, it breaks down substances that pass through your body. This allows any wastes, chemicals, or toxins that you ingest in water, food, alcohol, or drugs to be passed safely out of your body.
  • Your liver also produces glucose and bile, which are essential for energy, digestion, and health.
  • Finally, your liver filters your blood and helps it to clot.

Your liver health is absolutely essential to your overall health, so when it is unhealthy, it can cause a range of problems.

Because the liver filters out toxins and pollutants, it can also become overloaded with them. These toxins can come from:

  • Processed foods
  • Fatty foods
  • Fried foods
  • Pesticides
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Prescription medication

When your liver is overloaded it will slow down. This slows the expulsion of wastes, like a traffic jam at rush hour slows the flow of traffic, leading to an all-over build-up. Your entire body can become clogged with toxins when this occurs.

Symptoms like brain fog, aching joints, sensitivity to meds and supplements, and paradoxical reactions could happen when the liver gets congested. Blood tests done for liver function might be normal, but you don't feel normal.

This is why you may need to think about the best way to do a natural liver cleanse. Done correctly, this can reduce the toxic overload in your body and liver and stimulate the liver’s ability to expel wastes. Your health may improve markedly when you take this step.

Why Choose A Natural Liver Cleanse

Performing a dramatic liver cleanse when your body is already congested with toxins can seriously backfire. This is because the liver uses a two-step process to filter out toxins, first converting them to a more reactive but more easily removable form, and then sending them for excretion. Dramatic cleanses can leave your body with a sudden, huge load of very reactive toxins that it's not able to filter out through stage two. This can cause your body serious stress and retoxification reactions.

It’s far more effective to perform a gentle and natural liver cleanse to allow your body time to process out the toxins as it filters them.

How to Do a Natural Liver Cleanse

These strategies focus on reducing the toxins you take in, giving your body more time to filter them out, and gently improving your body's filtering capabilities. Some strategies that will help with this are:

Sleep More

An image of a woman sleepingSleeping gives your body a chance to relax. When you sleep, physical functions shut down so your body can focus on healing and detoxifying. When you sleep, your lymphatic system works with the liver to expel toxins from your body.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising makes you sweat, which helps to move toxins out of your body faster. You can also get the same effects from a sauna session. Just be careful when exercising when your adrenals are weak, as it could cause additional stress and worsen your condition.

Reduce Your Toxic Intake

Expelling extra toxins from your body won't help much if you’re still ingesting them. Toxins can be found in all kinds of products these days, from pesticides, antibiotics, and heavy metals in foods to chemical toxins in plastics, packaging, body and cleaning products, and your environment. Considering researching what you are putting into and on your body and opting for the cleanest options. It's also a good idea to avoid alcohol, drugs, and unnecessary medications while doing a natural liver cleanse.

Eat Probiotic Foods

Probiotic foods like kimchi, pickles, or sauerkraut improve the functioning of the immune system and its balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut. This helps keep your digestive system is functioning at its best, allowing it to help eliminate toxins so that your liver doesn’t have to.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water is good for all of us, but especially if you are doing a natural liver cleanse. You should be drinking around 4 liters a day to encourage your body to move toxins through the liver and out of the body. Just make sure to avoid water in plastic containers, water high in toxins, and carbonated water for the best results.

Eat Liver Cleansing Foods

There are several foods that will help cleanse and strengthen the liver. Eating these foods regularly will also help decrease the chances of you experiencing a toxic build-up again.

Here are some delicious foods that will help detoxify your liver and strengthen it against further damage:

  • Garlic
  • Walnuts
  • Citrus fruits
  • Green tea
  • Mushrooms
  • Turmeric
  • Beets
  • Apples
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Beans
  • Carrots
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado

Liver Detoxes and Adrenal Fatigue

If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, caused by chronic severe stress, it's extra important that you proceed slowly and carefully with a natural liver cleanse.

Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS) is caused by overuse of the NeuroEndoMetabollic (NEM) stress response because of chronic stress. The NEM stress response causes changes throughout your body in times of stress. These changes are driven by the adrenal glands, which become fatigued and start to malfunction when they’re overused. This can cause a range of debilitating and cumulative problems and symptoms.

When you do a fast, intense liver detox, all of those stored toxins can be released back into your body suddenly. This can cause severe symptoms and problems. This is especially important if you have AFS and malfunctions in your Detoxification Circuit.

Detoxification Malfunctions and Stress

An image of a blackboard with the word Detox written on itsleep regular The liver is part of the body’s Detoxification Circuit along with the immune system and the extracellular matrix (ECM) or the spaces between the cells. This circuit is part of the NEM stress response and the three components of it work together and separately to help you de-stress.

When the Detoxification Circuit is functioning correctly, it works to deactivate and expel metabolites, the toxic substances that are produced when your body metabolizes substances. When you have AFS, this circuit becomes imbalanced, which can result in a build-up of these toxic metabolites and a range of symptoms.

How A Natural Liver Cleanse Helps Detoxification

A natural liver cleanse will help improve your Detoxification Circuit naturally and gradually.

Improved Liver Function

A liver cleanse can help to return the liver to a healthier state of function. This is very important when you have AFS. The three components of the Detoxification Circuit are interconnected, so when the liver’s health improves, the balance and functioning of the immune system and ECM will improve as well.

Improving the health of this organ will also help to expel more metabolites, which will lower the overall toxicity in your body.

Clear the ECM

When the body is overloaded with toxic metabolites, they gather in the ECM. This not only makes the body toxic; it also hampers chemical messaging between the cells. As the liver improves in health, it will start to clear out this toxic overload. This will clear the ECM and allow for better communication between cells.

Immune System Deactivation

As the toxic overload in your body builds up, it sends the immune system into hyperactivity. This will generate more metabolites and increase the likelihood that your immune system will start to malfunction. When the immune system is working correctly, it activates to kill harmful pathogens that get into the body. But when it malfunctions, it can cause food sensitivities or even start to attack the body’s own tissues. This is obviously a situation that you want to avoid.

A natural liver cleanse will help remove toxins and metabolites from the body. This will decrease the activity of the immune system and help it find a healthy balance once more.

The Takeaway

Done correctly, a natural liver cleanse can improve your health markedly whether you have AFS or not. However, done incorrectly it can cause poor health and worsen AFS as well as any other health conditions you may suffer from. Here are some easy steps to do it safely and gently:

  1. Make protecting your liver health a part of your everyday diet rather than a once in lifetime, burst of effort.
  2. Integrate more liver cleansing foods like garlic, avocado, apples, walnuts, beets, and green tea into your everyday eating routine.
  3. Stop your efforts immediately if you notice any adverse effects and see your doctor for advice.

For personalized tips on improving liver health without negatively impacting your adrenals, talk to our team on +1 (626) 571-1234 for a free initial consultation or click here to use the Ask a Doctor system.

© Copyright 2016-2021 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Lam’s Key Question

There are ways to do a natural liver cleanse that will not only encourage the expulsion of toxins slowly and more safely, they will also boost the health of your liver overall. This will help protect it from future damage and toxic build-up.

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