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Low Energy? This Could Be Why.

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Dr. Lam: Sluggishness in the morning. Not getting up refreshed. Then you go through the morning, and itā€™s okay, and then you have an afternoon slump. Also, people can wake up refreshed, but then by mid-morning or early afternoon, despite having a meal which kind of perks them up a little bit, they start going downhill again.

What is this all about?

Dr. Carrie: Sometimes they also feel like they need to drink a coffee in the morning. If youā€™re that person, maybe youā€™re having low energy from an adrenal standpoint or youā€™re unable to produce enough hormones to give you the pick-me-up or to wake up. Thatā€™s why you feel the tiredness.

The Hormone Imbalance That Makes You Tired

Dr. Lam: Yes, what is the hormone involved?

Dr. Jeremy: So, itā€™s basically your anti-stress hormone, which is cortisol. So, the body has to draw from its internal reserves, and this may lead to depletion and low energy. So, if youā€™re feeling tired in the morning, especially if you have good restful sleep, then adrenal fatigue might be the answer.

Dr. Lam: You see, the body produces a hormone called cortisol. It rises very early in the morning in order for you to even get up from bed. It hits a peak around six to seven oā€™clock or eight oā€™clock if you wake up later. Then it starts going downhill through the rest of the day, slowly and gently, like a ski slope, until you get to the evening when you go to sleep.

So, thatā€™s a normal cortisol response. But some people can have a higher level in the morning, or a lower level in the morning, or they can have a reverse curve.

When the cortisol rhythm, or the circadian rhythm, is disrupted, then youā€™re going to have this kind of ripple turbulences we call them.

Dr. Carrie: So, what are you saying? Sometimes if the body doesnā€™t have enough cortisol to wake them up in the morning, they might feel really tired waking up?

Dr. Lam: Correct. Then you need food to be an extra boost. But then the cortisol is supposed to last you for the whole day, but it doesnā€™t. Therefore, you have an afternoon slump when you just run out of steam.

Causes of Cortisol Imbalance

Dr. Jeremy: Yes. So, what youā€™re saying is also if you have stress for a long period of time, then your cortisol starts to run out in your body as well.

Dr. Lam: Well, that is unfortunately very common because cortisol is the anti-stress hormone. If you are exposed to chronic or acute stress, especially on an ongoing basis, the bodyā€™s output of cortisol becomes disrupted. When that happens, you can have adrenal fatigue. One of the most common signs of that is what?

Dr. Carrie: Is feeling tired in the morning and also feeling tired in the afternoon.

More Coffee Is Not the Answer

Dr. Lam: Unfortunately, we are socially taught to walk around with a cup of coffee with sugar or eat a donut, but this is actually not necessarily the best thing to solve the problem. It just kind of patches the problem up.

So, short-term, if you have this type of rollercoaster swing, sluggish in the morning and slumping in the afternoon, slow down first and try to learn to ask, ā€œHey, what is really going on? What is my body trying to tell me?" Itā€™s not necessarily itā€™s broken, itā€™s the bodyā€™s signal, healthy signals to tell you, ā€œHey, letā€™s focus on the adrenals a little bit.ā€

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