What is life satisfaction? It is, essentially, how an individual perceives their life in its present state. It also pertains to how they feel about where they are going, and about the future. A study was conducted by Julia K. Boehm and her colleagues. This particular study was a lengthy one, lasting throughout course of nine years. Boehm comes from Chapman University, located in California. The study took a look into the lives of a few thousand Australians. There were 4458 people who were 50 plus years in age, both men and women. They were all asked, every year, how satisfied and overall happy they were with life. They answered by giving a number anywhere from 0-10, and, of course, 10 implied the greatest degree of happiness and satisfaction in life. Variability and typical satisfaction in life were looked at across a given time period. Things such as physical activity, age, education, gender, smoking, depression, and health problems were all taken into account during the duration of the study.
The research revealed something very interesting. Those who participated in the study and who experienced an increase in happiness tended to live longer by about 18%. On the reverse end, those who were not very satisfied with life, and who experienced more variability as opposed to positive increase, tended to live less long by 20%. When these two groups of people are looked at together it was discovered that those who experienced the most life satisfaction, and were generally happiest, had less of a mortality risk. It did not matter how satisfaction and contentment varied over the course of time. Variability did matter, however, in the lives of individuals who were less satisfied in general.
Often life satisfaction is thought to be approximately the same throughout time, it is also true that it fluctuates based on individual circumstances. Situations like death, unemployment, or divorce can have some impact in satisfaction. The biggest distinction here is that some people are more adaptable when faced with difficult circumstances; these are the individuals who have more secure life satisfaction. Perpetually hurtful circumstances that in the end take a toll on life satisfaction have evidently had the biggest negative impact on mortality. When extreme variability in satisfaction is present, it is often indicative of mental-health conditions. Because the study looked at psychological factors it was able to collect data relevant to health and the average length of life.
There have not been, as of yet, any studies conducted quite like the one mentioned. This study is the first one to look so closely at the consequences of life happiness and satisfaction, specifically on life-duration. Primarily, it is the first of its kind to look at so many lives and to collect data over the course of so many years. Because the study was able to evaluate more than one life in satisfaction assessment it made it easier for the researchers to look at variability. The question was—did variability in life satisfaction have an impact on longevity over a period of time? This question had, before then, never been looked into.
Recovery from Adrenal Fatigue is all about taking care of the body and keeping well at the neuroendocrine level. One of the best ways to achieve this is to improve your attitude. You are who you are because of your attitude. Many AFS sufferers are Type A obsessive-compulsive successful members of society that carry excessive burdens well beyond what their body can handle long term. Keeping a sense of optimism, practicing gratitude and meditating for mindfulness helps to soothe the mind and body, release stress and rebalance the internal homeostasis of the body. The mind is is an integral and deeply connected part of the body, and the positive mental energy it generates can have powerful healing effects.
Externally as well, a positive attitude can have great benefits to living and health. Sharing positive mental energy with friends and family creates stronger social connections that become our support networks in times of need. Those who have or are suffering with adrenal fatigue understand the importance of the help and support that our social networks can provide.
Not only are longevity and happiness related, but attitude is tied to the quality of our lives as well. Earnestly practicing a good attitude and pursuing happiness has great benefits for adrenal health and longevity, as well as help us enjoy richer and more fulfilling lives. Learn to enjoy the quiet solitude of a simple life that is rich should be top priority. Understand that AFS is simply the body’s way of telling us to listen, slow down and learn to smell the roses. Be appreciative of this opportunity to awaken to the body’s voice within as the foundational building block of a rich life that awaits you as you recover.