Internal sources of stress are many. It could be because you are undergoing changes in your life, job, marriage or some other area of your life. It could come from fears and worries of things coming to pass and so much more. The bills, the kids the house and loved ones are often the source of internal irritation. The uncertainty of the future is another source commonly reported. Internal source of stress are things such as fears, uncertainty and beliefs, so you must know how to deal with and process these things in a healthy manner rather than dwelling on things you cannot control or change.
Strategies to manage internal stress are important to know and understand. Stress is deadly. If it does not kill you it will make you ill. Most of stress response is self induced, so it can be self managed. Still, it does not happen overnight. You will need the help of a professional in many cases. You must learn to reframe your thoughts, relaxation, negative thoughts will have to be challenged and you will need a close friend or two beside you through the battle.
Reprogramming a behavior is not easy, but it is possible. Your whole life will be better for the struggle, and eventually these things will come so naturally that you will wonder why you ever worried yourself near death before.
Strategies to manage internal stress will save your life, and you will have an enhanced quality of life. Stress brings on headaches, depression, isolation anger and more. You do not have to live in that pit of anguish or despair with never-ending worries. There is a way out, but it is up to you. There are no magic pills that will eliminate this type of stress. Only your choices will eliminate the issue on hand.
Get with a doctor or psychologist, talk to your friends and family or even reach out to some online support groups to get started. You can get gentle guidance from them, but the outcome is entirely up to you. Do not keep these things bottled up inside,, because when you shed light on them they somehow do not look so big and looming anymore.
If you are reading this then you know that you or a loved one may be facing some challenges, and you need help. Do not wait. Every day that you or someone you care about lives in this condition it is a day longer than necessary, and it will lead to some very serious conditions. Mentally, physically and emotionally stress is a silent killer. Do not allow it to take its toll one more day. Reach out to someone and get the help that you so desperately deserve.
© Copyright 2012 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.