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Your health and social are connectedYou get home from work very late and thinking about all the tasks you were unable to complete at the office that morning. The traffic jam didn’t help to lighten your mood, and in fact, makes you more irritated as you walk through the door. You remember that your in-laws are joining you for dinner and suddenly sense your blood heating you up from the core. Simultaneously, your best friend sends you a message to plan a night out this upcoming weekend, but your current stress level causes you to promptly decline. When you finally enter the house, you’re greeted with a mess, cranky children, and a spouse nagging you about dinner. You struggle to juggle everything while also taking care of the needs of your family. Your stress level is skyrocketing as you feel yourself on the edge of a breakdown. There is no doubt whatsoever that your health and social life are interrelated. Without healthy relationships and time for pleasurable social activities, you may begin to see the consequences on your physical and mental well-being sooner rather than later.

Health and Social Life

Whether it’s joining your best friend for a fancy dinner or surprising your spouse with a gift they’ve been dreaming of, refining your social life can help you improve your Adrenal Fatigue (AF) and overall physical health.

Impact of Emotions on Your Health

You may be wondering how your health and social life could possibly be associated with one another. Unquestionably, your emotional state says a lot about your current physical well-being, as well as your risk of potentially developing chronic health conditions in the future. If you have a beautiful marital relationship, your boss is simply an amazing person to deal with, and you love your job, you are more likely to be in a healthier physical state. On the other hand, if you are engaging in a daily skirmish with your spouse, can’t juggle your chores and the needs of your kids at home, and feel your blood pressure rise just thinking about your boss, you may be in for some serious health consequences.

health and social life studiesCountless studies have found that engaging in proper conflict resolution mechanisms can tremendously impact your physiological and physical health alike. Your health and social life are, without doubt, interconnected far beyond your comprehension. Without using proper methods of dealing with the troubles in your life, you may end up with some major health consequences. In his Bestselling book, Deadly Emotions, Dr. Don Colbert highlights the profound relationship between your emotions and physical health. In fact, he states there is most definitely a link between various chronic health conditions—such as rheumatoid arthritis, sleep onset insomnia, cardiovascular health conditions, and Adrenal Fatigue—and your emotional, psychological, and physical stress. To put things simply, he mentions a deep metaphor: perpetual release of the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, are searing away at your body from within in a similar way to acid searing away at metal. Bottling up anger at your ex-spouse after a tough divorce or being resentful and feeling like you are biting your tongue during every conversation with your boss, can cause your blood pressure to rise, your cardiovascular health to deteriorate, and your adrenal glands to fall into an unhealthy state. Your internal emotional stressors may be subtle, but with time may take on a snowball effect, leading to the gradual collapse of both your health and social life. Dr. Don Colbert goes on to mention how crucial it is to let things go, forgive others, make time for a social life, and always be positive.

Stress and Your Health

To put things simply, your body is created in a precise and perfect form with every single cell, organ, and system working cohesively to keep you healthy, happy, and energized. External factors, whether emotional or physical, directly impact every tiny microorganism within you. If you have an unhealthy diet full of fast-food items, consume too much sugar, or you are experiencing emotional stressors like going through a bumpy divorce, your body will work to adjust to these factors. Your body is made to naturally respond to stress, and to be easily led back into a state of homeostasis once the stress has ceased. Your NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response system is a flawlessly constructed self-regulating system designed to protect you during excessive stress by triggering various systems and organs in your body. Thus, when you experience short-term stress, such as almost hitting the car in front of you while in traffic, or seeing a huge spider in your basement, your body is gradually driven back into equilibrium. Your adrenal glands, which are located above your kidneys, pump out hormones to combat the stress. In a natural stress experience, your adrenal glands do their job and you move on with ease. However, when you are facing excessive stress every day, your adrenal glands aren’t given a break. They continue pumping out hormones until they disrupt your NEM system. You may develop Adrenal Fatigue and begin experiencing chronic fatigue, headaches, inability to lose weight, lack of sexual drive, high blood pressure, and sleep onset insomnia. So, next time you’re lying awake in the middle of the night and can feel your heart beating loudly in your chest, reflect on your emotional well-being and how your health and social life are correlated.

Keys to Improving your Social Life

Options on improving your health and social lifeDespite how serious you think your social issues may be, there is always a solution. If you sense your marriage is on the brink of divorce or are constantly assuming your boss is ready to let you go and it’s keeping you from falling asleep at night, you can thank the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. They impact your biological clock and keep you lying awake at night, pondering over myriad uncertainties running around your mind. Your health and social life go hand in hand, so if you envision yourself improving your physical health or managing your Adrenal Fatigue, you must begin with your emotional health. Focus on mending your familial relationships, spending lots of time with your family, and cherishing every moment with them. Pick up the phone and message a friend for a fun night out bowling or catching up over a fancy dinner. Seek marital counseling, even if things are good at the moment. The idea is to not just seeking counseling when things go wrong, but to do so when things are fine so you’re prepared to deal with conflicts as they arise.

Moreover, always think well of others. You cannot possibly have a healthy relationships with your friends, family, or co-workers if you are always thinking negative thoughts of others. Clear your mind of unproven assumptions, purify your heart of deadly emotions such as jealousy, resentment, and anger, and watch as your mood brightens up, your mind starts to feel more focused, and your energy levels reach the roof again. As Dr. Don Colbert advises, forgive those who have hurt you, and you will end up benefiting yourself more than anyone else. On the contrary, when you store anger, resentment, bitterness, jealousy, and envy towards others in your heart, you will automatically be doing your health serious damage. Let things go, always be optimistic, and engage in fun social activities with those you love to boost your mood and energy.

It’s very important to recognize the connection between your health and social life. Save room for enjoyable social time in your routine, and engage in activities with your family and friends to preserve your physical and mental well-being. You’ll discover that you are then better able to manage your Adrenal Fatigue, your sleep improves tremendously, and joy is reflected off you brighter than the rays of the sun.

Final Thoughts!

Taking control of your health isn't just about making changes—it's about transforming your entire lifestyle. By understanding the balance between health and social life, you can create a harmonious environment that supports your well-being and enriches your social interactions.

Ready to take the next step towards a healthier, more balanced life? Give us a call at +1 (626) 571-1234 for a free initial consultation. Let’s work together to find solutions that fit seamlessly into your life and help you thrive both personally and socially.

© Copyright 2018 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Lam's Key Question

Amazingly, there is a direct correlation between your health and social life. When you let go of internal emotions, improve your social pleasures, and mend your relationships, your health will improve as well. Make time for loved ones, and improve your mood and energy, remarkably.

Health and social life

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