Did you know that if you are infected with the herpes virus once, it stays with you your entire lifetime? There is no cure, but you could consider a natural herpes treatment that may help in managing a flare-up.
Herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases out there, and once you have the herpes virus, it stays dormant in your immune system till the day you die. Of course, periodic flareups are not uncommon.
A typical herpes flare-up may have blisters forming that turn into cold sores or ulcers when they burst open. These cold sores may last for up to fourteen days and cause discomfort like redness, burning, pain, and of course, a lot of embarrassment on your part.
Many people with the herpes virus present no symptoms at all, while others have learned to manage the triggers that cause a flare-up. Symptoms are often worse if you have comorbidities like adrenal fatigue or a compromised immune system. In such situations, natural herpes treatment is often beneficial even though there is no cure. In most cases, a natural herpes treatment may help put the virus into a state of remission.
There are more than 70 related viruses that cause the herpes flare-ups or cold sores you see on your mouth or genital area. Of these seventy viruses, humans are usually infected by only eight, out of which, two, the HSV-1 and HSV-2 herpes viruses, are more prevalent than the others. These two may cause the small blisters found on your skin or mucous membranes.
The HSV-1 herpes virus is the most common type. If infected with this virus, you may notice cold sore breakouts on the lips or mouth. Many people refer to these as fever blisters or cold sores. You could be affected while still a child with the virus laying dormant until such time as your immune system weakens. In cases of a weak immune system, the activated virus may cause fever blisters to appear.
Genital herpes is commonly caused by the HSV-2 herpes virus, resulting in the development of cold sores around the genital area. This virus is the main cause of genital ulcers globally and may affect up to one out of every three adults. Most adults with this virus are unaware they have it.
Please note both these herpes strains are highly contagious. A natural herpes treatment may benefit flare-ups in both these virus strains.
If you have a cold sore outbreak you probably carry the herpes virus. Even one cold sore on your lips, in your mouth, genital area, or upper thighs indicates its presence.
If in doubt, a simple blood test could confirm whether you carry the virus. The test measures the herpes antibodies in your body. Although the number of antibodies does not indicate that you have the herpes virus, it does show whether your immune system is responding to the virus’ presence.
Sometimes a swab of a cold sore may give you a false negative result because the area from which the swab was taken was not large enough. This means that not enough of the virus was present in the area or the area is healing.
A natural herpes treatment may address a number of these symptoms.
You could get both these herpes strains by direct contact. The virus is passed orally or via intercourse. If exposed to the virus and suffering from a suppressed immune system and nutritional deficiencies, you are setting yourself up for a herpes outbreak. The HSV-1 virus is mainly transferred orally, and the HSV-2 virus through intercourse, oral or otherwise.
Risk factors include:
While conventional medicine may treat the symptoms of herpes, there is no cure. A natural herpes treatment may be just as effective while addressing your immune system.
If you want a natural herpes treatment to manage the herpes virus and prevent an outbreak, you need to boost your immune system and stay away from foods causing inflammation.
Foods that boost the immune system include:
Foods causing inflammation include:
Essential oils are a great natural herpes treatment. Various essential oils have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Amongst these, you find tea tree oil, clove oil, and myrrh oil. If your skin is very sensitive, try mixing these oils with a carrier oil like grape seed oil or coconut oil before applying to the affected area.
Various herbal supplements are also excellent natural herpes treatment. These include vitamin C, Zinc, B-complex vitamins, and even antiviral herbs like garlic, licorice root, echinacea, and elderberry.
When considering supplements, first seeking the advice of a healthcare professional is best. This person will help determine the necessity and dosage of any supplement recommended.
Your immune system and inflammatory response share a connection. Both of these, governed by your body’s natural stress response system, i.e. the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response, ensure your continued health.
Anything that compromises your immune system may result in an inflammatory response. Although helpful in the short term, long-term inflammation may give rise to several debilitating health issues. In the case of the herpes virus, a compromised immune response may result in herpes activation and an inflammatory response that may have corresponding symptoms ranging from pain, redness, swelling, fever, to fatigue. A natural herpes treatment may calm these effects.
Although the herpes virus has no cure, a natural herpes treatment may aid in virus management and boost your immune system. In so doing, you may reduce the frequency and intensity of flare-ups.
© Copyright 2020 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.
Unfortunately, a natural herpes treatment will not get rid of the virus or cure you. Currently, no known cure exists. A natural herpes treatment may, however, help manage the condition and boost your immune system. In so doing, breakouts may be limited.