What if there was a form of dietary supplementation that you could use to help yourself reduce inflammation and even improve your gut health? There are several natural products out there that tout benefits we would all enjoy but the real question is about their effectiveness. During this article, we will examine the benefits and possible drawbacks of pinella bark when incorporated into your routine.
Because our lives are full of so many stressors and toxic substances, it’s a good idea to look into what can be done to help recover and get well naturally as opposed to masking the issues with more of the same. When we’re tired, it’s easy to grab a coke or a quick cup of coffee to help jump start our motivation. Often, that wears us thin and the effects become short-lived or even nonexistent. That’s why it’s important to look into other alternative medicine that has long term benefits to our health as well as a short-term positive impact.
Pinella bark used to be a very popular spice and medicinal plant in ancient Egypt. Its main use was for flavoring foods as it is an aromatic herb.
Interestingly enough, the precise natural compounds that give this plant its value in cooking are the same ones that add value to health.
It was used very commonly in ancient times but became scarcer and was used less frequently for years until its recent resurgence. This is not to say that it fell out of the wellness spectrum of thought because there were always proponents of its use as a health remedy.
Aside from cooking, where it has a similar flavor to fennel seeds and licorice, there are often essential oils made from its extract. These essential oils are rich in several compounds that have proven health benefits.
Most of us have things in our lives that cause us to experience stress and might even lead us into making poor health decisions when we are tired or rushed. This has a cumulative effect over time that causes different systems throughout our bodies to break down in various ways. A very common way that stress can cause negative health effects is through poor gut health and inflammation.
If you are experiencing poor gastrointestinal health, pinella bark may be a good thing for you to consider. It has a tradition of being used for indigestion, flatulence, and nausea. There is also popular thought that there may be a link between consumption of pinella bark extracts and reduced likelihood of gastric ulcers.
Along with its digestive benefits, there are also anti-inflammatory positives associated with its use. This can cut down on abdominal pain and also help you to recover from chronic inflammatory issues. If you are suffering from long-term issues related to digestion and inflammation, it’s a good idea to take steps toward healing when possible because these types of negative effects tend to get worse over time.
It sounds great that pinella bark can help reduce inflammation and improve gut health, but let’s delve into one of the main ways that these issues come up in the first place – stress. There is a complex system in our bodies that helps us cope with and respond to stress. This system is known as the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response and is comprised of nearly every system in our bodies.
The concept that stress is physically unhealthy isn’t new but now we know several ways that it actually causes damage to the body. The beginning stage of the NEM Stress Response takes place in the brain and is made up of neurotransmissions that signal hormonal responses in the pituitary gland. From there the action moves to the adrenal glands – where more hormones are released to help the body handle stressful situations.
The adrenal glands release cortisol which is one of the most harmful hormones in the body when released in excess or with high levels of frequency. Cortisol has a large effect on inflammation because one of its main jobs is to suppress inflammation. Over time, when we are stressed often and cortisol release is insufficient to keep up with the demand, our bodies have a difficult time naturally suppressing inflammation and it gets out of control. This is one of the aspects that is present when someone experiences adrenal fatigue (AF).
When we are stressed very often and the adrenal glands cannot produce adequate cortisol, AF is often a factor that needs attention. High levels of inflammation and low levels of cortisol will cause you to feel tired, anxious, lethargic, and even experience brain fog. There are several ways that you can mitigate the effects of low cortisol and address some of the aspects of AF; pinella bark is a good start.
Supplementing with pinella bark is a way to reduce your stress-related inflammation naturally. Now, it is very necessary to note that just because you can help reduce some of the problems related to AF and high stress with supplements doesn’t mean that you should ignore the causes of your stress. One of the most effective ways to combat your AF is to attack it at the root; stress itself.
This is a difficult thing for some people to do because there are so many things that cause stress and there are also things which are out of our control. It’s important to be mindful of the ways that stress affects the body and to consider different things that you can do to mitigate its negative effects.
While it is apparent that pinella bark can help to lower inflammation, improve gut health, and even lower blood sugar levels, nothing is without its risks. This herb is no exception to that rule.
Women who are pregnant are at an increased of complications when they consume it on a regular basis. There is a potential for miscarriage.
For this reason, if you are considering adding this to your routine, examine the other goals that you have for your health and lifestyle to see if it’s right for you. It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional before implementing something like pinella bark that has risks associated with pregnancy because nothing is worth the potential to damage a life.
Aside from the risks to pregnant women, there are some people who are particularly sensitive or allergic to pinella bark. It can cause rashes, gastrointestinal, and breathing problems for those who are at risk. Because of these increased dangers for some people, ask your doctor if it is safe for you to take.
Don’t let the sensationalism of the dangers deter you from using pinella bark in your routine after you get the go ahead from your doctor because it can have a positive impact on your AF recovery and health. A very small group of people have reactions to it and you will most likely experience far more benefit than not.
Along with all of the benefits discussed above, pinella bark also has antioxidant properties that are great for fighting stress-related issues. During times of high stress, our bodies can experience what’s known as oxidative damage to cells. This is when free radicals are damaging cell regeneration and putting the entire body at risk. Anything that helps to boost your antioxidant activity is a welcome addition to anyone’s diet and will help with AF recovery.
A couple other noteworthy aspects of pinella bark are its ability to lower blood sugar and fight infection. Chronic infections are very common in people suffering from AF because stress causes immune system suppression. Another prevalent aspect of AF is high blood sugar levels because cortisol causes a spike in glucose, taking extra energy from the liver. Lowering blood sugar is important when attempting to normalize energy levels as you won’t experience as much variance when your blood sugar levels are more consistent.
All of these different aspects and uses can be beneficial to those who are able to tolerate the inclusion of pinella bark into their bodies. You just have to be vigilant and look into how it could benefit you while considering the possible drawbacks.
Recovering from AF is something that everyone who experiences it needs to consider because you can’t be productive when you’re always tired and worn down. If you have any questions about safety or what’s right for you, please contact your healthcare provider to ensure you’re making the right choice. With mindful action, we can all progress into wellness and take a step towards recovery.
Ready to take the next step toward a healthier, clearer mind? Give us a call at +1 (626) 571-1234 to schedule your free initial consultation today! Let’s work together to find the right solution for your health journey.
There are several places that you can find pinella bark. The best place to look is online but make sure you are careful to source all natural extracts that don’t have other harmful additives as that could be counterproductive to your health goals.