If you have estrogen dominance and hypothyroidism, substitute mixed green lettuce for the bok choy. Those with these conditions should limit consumption of cruciferous vegetables to no more than twice a week. Cruciferous vegetables contain significant amounts of glucosinolates. These compounds interact with and affect sex hormone function. Hormone imbalances are central to many of the symptoms and negative effects of adrenal fatigue.
Don’t leave out the oil in an attempt to cut calories or fat. The oil helps you feel fuller longer, so you don’t get hungry before your next meal or snack. Oil also provides a high quality and high-density source of calories without piling on carbohydrates and affecting blood sugar.
If you are in the later stages of adrenal fatigue, you may be sensitive to different store-bought dressings. If you have found this to be the case, you can substitute gluten-free soy sauce, garlic salt, or maple syrup for the hoisin sauce and oyster sauce. Avoiding refined sugars is important as they are often the cause of the most damaging effects on blood sugar balance.
A healthy diet is one of the cornerstones to improving optimal health. This is especially true for the many people that experience adrenal fatigue. Establishing a strong nutritional foundation in your diet helps create a stable springboard from which to launch other recovery and health efforts. This means that paying attention to your diet is imperative.
Bok choy is a Chinese variety of cabbage that doesn’t really look much like a cabbage. The vegetable is loaded with a full day’s supply of vitamin A in each serving. One cup contains only nine calories, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin for healthy eyes. A good source of magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium, and a great source of vitamin K, eating bok choy can help build strong bones.
Pineapple is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other vital nutrients. The fiber in pineapple helps stimulate the digestive juices to break down the food you eat. Pineapple is one of the best sources of immune-boosting vitamin C. In addition to helping you fight off colds, vitamin C is critical for collagen production.
Pineapple is also unique in that it is the only food that contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme protein consisting of proteolytic enzymes that help with digesting and absorbing proteins. Because of this, pineapple can help speed up the digestion of proteins, which may help reduce bloating, constipation, and other digestive difficulties.
Until recently, it was thought that bromelain was destroyed early in the digestive process, but recent research suggests that the enzyme may be active throughout the digestive process. This is great news because bromelain, along with the soluble fiber in pineapple, can help improve the health of the digestive tract. As you may know, the majority of your immune system is actually found in the gut. When your gut is unhealthy, you are far more vulnerable to illness.
Bromelain is a powerful anti-inflammatory that, in addition to aiding gut health, may be helpful in relieving exercise-related injury. Bromelain works by scavenging damaged cells and stimulating the production of compounds that ease pain, reduce swelling, and prevent blood clots.
Collagen is a vital component in your blood vessels, skin, bones, and organs. Without adequate collagen, your organs cannot function as they should.