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Avoid Toxicity with Natural Antiperspirant

For optimal health try Natural antiperspirantThere is growing concern that products we use on a daily basis are causing our bodies to carry higher toxicity levels than ever before. Deodorant, in particular, is in contact with your body all day and can contain toxic aluminum. This is why a great way to start mitigating this toxicity is by switching to natural antiperspirant. This change can have positive health implications for your body’s ability to detoxify and can reduce your risk for other health problems down the line.

Alternatives to standard antiperspirants are not necessarily less effective than the store bought variety. The recipe below is a very effective remedy for alleviating body odor and cutting down on sweat.

How To Make Natural Antiperspirant

This natural antiperspirant recipe is easy to make and saves money on traditional alternatives at the same time. The ingredients you will need are:

  1. 4 tbsp coconut oil
  2. 2 tbsp arrowroot powder or cornstarch
  3. 3 tbsp baking soda
  4. 2 tbsp shea butter
  5. 5 drops of essential oil (this can be whatever scent suits you)

To get started with your homemade natural antiperspirant, you will also need a double boiler to infuse all of your ingredients. A simple way to make your own double boiler is by putting a small pot of water on the stove with a jar in the middle of it.

On low heat, put the coconut oil and shea butter into to jar. Once these melt, remove the pot from heat and stir in the cornstarch and baking soda. Finally, add the essential oil, and let cool. As it cools, the mixture will harden, so make sure you place it in the jar you’d like to store your natural antiperspirant in. Then, it’s ready to use.

Toxicity of Conventional Antiperspirants

A major concern about standard antiperspirants is that their active ingredient is most commonly aluminum. This is particularly concerning because aluminum can be absorbed through the skin, potentially leading to increased risk for breast cancer.

High levels of aluminum toxicity can lead to headaches, dry skin, weakened immune system, and a host of other issues. An alternative such as natural antiperspirant to help lower aluminum exposure is most certainly a good thing. Because antiperspirant is something that is not only applied daily but is also left on the skin almost 24 hours a day, your body has a lot of exposure to the toxins it contains.

Aluminum toxicity is also linked to oxidative stress, which stops cells from regenerating properly. This leads to a host of other ailments and can even have negative effects on brain function. For this reason, aluminum toxicity may be linked with Alzheimer’s.

Detoxify To Reduce Inflammation

To reduce toxins try a natural antiperspirantUsing a natural antiperspirant is a great way to lower aluminum and other chemical exposure for your body. In turn, this helps increase your body’s ability to detoxify. Good detoxification also helps your body fight inflammation. The highly toxic internal environments created by constantly introducing chemicals to the body contributes to an ever present state of inflammation.

Inflammation is natural and is triggered by an immune response. There is nothing wrong with inflammation as a natural response when it is needed, but chronic inflammation causes a myriad of problems throughout the body. Reducing the usage of harmful chemicals also tends to reduce the inflammatory response in the body, leading toward a better state of overall health. Even though a natural antiperspirant might not seem that essential on the surface, it is one of many holistic practices that support the entire body for lasting wellness.

Natural Remedies For Adrenal Fatigue

There are several reasons to avoid toxicity, but this is especially important if your body is more susceptible to it. Switching to natural hygiene products is often a good step towards reducing the toxins your body has to process, and if you have a condition like Adrenal Fatigue, processing out these toxins can be more difficult.

Adrenal Fatigue begins with the adrenal glands, located on top of the kidneys, which are vulnerable to becoming overworked as the body responds to stress. As part of the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response process, which are the connected systems the body uses to respond to all stress, the adrenal glands are the main workhorse. They release hormones and send signals to other parts of the body, controlling everything from immunological responses to cardiovascular reactions.

Adrenal fatigue and natural antiperspirantWhen the body is continually exposed to stressors such as lack of sleep, relationship problems, poor diet, and worry, the adrenal glands can become exhausted, which results in Adrenal Fatigue. Certain conditions make it more difficult for the adrenal glands to recover, and toxicity often a major culprit.

For this reason, switching to natural antiperspirants has a cumulative effect on recovery from Adrenal Fatigue. The aluminum toxicity in conventional antiperspirants can contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress, and these are both influential negative health variables which can lead to Adrenal Fatigue.

Removing unnecessary toxins is part of a broader mind-body approach that is imperative for recovery from Adrenal Fatigue. You can’t control everything that may affect your body in a negative way which makes focusing on what you can control all the more important.

It should be noted that some cases of adrenal fatigue are more extreme than others. Each person’s situation is different, and because Adrenal Fatigue affects many systems in the body, it’s best to consider a multi-faceted approach. If you are in a more advanced stage of Adrenal Fatigue, it is likely that avoiding toxic products will be one of many ways you will need to support your system, although it is always a good consideration in any Adrenal Fatigue recovery program.

Empowering Healthier Choices

Getting some simple ingredients and making your own natural antiperspirant may seem inconsequential, but it’s part of a bigger picture. You are taking an active role in your health, empowering yourself to engage in thoughtful and purposeful choices.

You have the power to change what you see as a threat, changing how your body responds to stress. The first stage of the NEM Stress Response takes place in the brain, where chemical signals are sent to alert the body that there is some threat. This can be something that is physically dangerous or just anxiety that builds over time. What’s often ignored is the power that making simple changes can have in improving our mental health. If you can do something small like making changes to how natural your hygiene products are, then you can see the power you have over other areas of your life.

The carryover effect that empowerment can have over your stress response also helps Adrenal Fatigue recovery. Though we can’t control every aspect of our lives, we do have power over what products our bodies come in contact with. Limiting exposure to toxic products has long term benefits. Switching to homemade, natural antiperspirant lowers your risk of Alzheimer’s, speeds stress recovery, and helps you feel better overall.


If you think that you are struggling with Adrenal Fatigue or high toxicity, it’s a good idea contact a healthcare professional to ensure all the ingredients in this natural deodorant recipe are safe for your body. It’s also important to try to identify the root of your issues. However, making your own natural antiperspirant is a good and most likely safe step forward towards reducing toxicity exposure and improving your overall health.

Looking to avoid harmful chemicals with natural antiperspirants? Discover safer alternatives for healthier living. For personalized advice and tips, give us a call at +1 (626) 571-1234. Your initial consultation is free!

© Copyright 2017 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Lam's Key Question

While no single solution can provide you with complete AFS recovery, using natural antiperspirant can be part of a balanced program to avoid toxicity and support the body’s ability to detoxify.

Natural antiperspirant

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