When canneled, anger can be a productive emotion, prompting you to make positive changes in your life. Uncontrolled anger, on the other hand, can wreak havoc on your health and your relationships. Here are some things to avoid when you’re angry, and some strategies to use for anger relief.
We all get angry from time to time, it is the natural consequence of interacting with other people socially. What is unhealthy, though, is to fixate on anger, hold onto it and let it affect your life. Anger is stressful, and the adrenals, the stress control center of the body, are tasked to keep the internal equilibrium in balance no matter how angry you get. But the more often and longer you get and stay angry, the greater the risk of overworking the adrenals, and experiencing adrenal gland failure or dysfunction.
Those with adrenal fatigue know quite well how this can have great detrimental effect on health and quality of life with symptoms ranging from exhaustion to weight gain and insomnia. To make sure you don’t fall prey to the condition of adrenal fatigue, or if you already have it and are trying to recover, make sure you identify and control the sources of stress in your life, including anger. Toxic relationships are one of the common triggers of negative emotions. Make you are mindful of this and stay away from such unpleasant triggers.
The NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response is activated whenever our bodies experience something that our mind perceives as a threat. The NEM Stress Response is a description of the entire process through which our bodies react to stress. This response is triggered when we are angry and there is a chain reaction that affects everything from our energy levels to our hormone output.
When we experience anger and let it become a common emotion in our lives, we open ourselves up to high blood-cholesterol, excessive weight gain, and a feeling of overall exhaustion. Adrenal Fatigue (AF) can become a reality for someone who has out of control emotional responses on a frequent basis. The good news is that we all have the ability to shape some of the situation we are in and slowly make some positive changes to reduce the burden placed on the adrenal glands.
Taking an active and meaningful role in our personal responsibility to maintain a positive outlook is a must. Someone who is constantly negative and angry will have a nearly impossible task when trying to recover from Adrenal Fatigue. The heavy stress triggered by anger places the body into a fight and flight mode which it takes time to recover from. When this is a consistent occurrence in your life, it’s time for a change. It is possible to take charge of your situation, seek anger relief, and place yourself on a positive path to Adrenal Fatigue recovery.