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An Examination Of Synthetic HGH Effects: Is it Good or Bad?

How HGH effects your bodyHuman Growth Hormone (HGH) is a naturally produced hormone that is created in the anterior pituitary gland. It is the main catalyst for growth, cell regeneration, and cell production in the human body. When released, HGH effects anabolic hormones which stimulate protein synthesis. This is vital to healthy muscle growth and cognitive function.

Different HGH Effects

Along with what is produced naturally, there is also synthetic HGH which can be administered in a clinical setting. There are synthetic HGH effects that vary in some aspects to that which is found naturally in the pituitary gland.

History and Background of Synthetic HGH

Initially studied by scientists in the 1950’s, a synthetic form of HGH did not come into the picture until 1981. There are cases where certain individuals are deficient in natural levels of HGH and in those instances an exogenous, or externally originating, HGH therapy is often used. Those who have a deficiency can suffer from a multitude of symptoms – such as delayed sexual development, but it should be noted that deficiency is quite rare in adults.

There are some problems that can arise from excessive HGH levels, the most common of these takes form as a pituitary tumor. These tumors are benign and slow growing so they are rarely seen as a deterrent to HGH therapy. However, if excess levels persist for a sufficient amount of time, these tumors can have other negative effects including impaired vision and dysfunction within the pituitary gland.

Other risks and negative synthetic HGH effects are thickening of the bones in the jaw, insulin resistance, and improper sexual function. Despite the extraneous risk factors involved with HGH therapies, it is commonly sought after as a powerful anti-aging treatment.

Positives of HGH Effects

There is no shortage of articles online touting the seemingly miraculous effects of HGH when used to improve all things physical. Many people report to have deeper sleep, smoother skin, increased metabolism, improved immunological response, stronger bones, reduced body fat, and increased muscle growth.

According to Harvard Medical School; synthetic HGH therapy is effective in building muscle mass and burning fat. During clinical trials, where researchers successfully raised the participants HGH levels by an average of 88 percent, there was an average of 4.6 pounds of lean body mass added while a subsequent 4.6 pounds of fat was lost.

These HGH effects are compelling numbers, especially when considering that the average age of the men in the study was 69 years. There was no other recognized health benefit from the study other than what was seen in the lean body mass gains and subsequent loss of fat.

Negative Symptoms and Risks of HGH

Some HGH effects are negativeNothing is free when it comes to our bodies. Whether it’s time, effort, or unintended negative outcomes from poor supplementation choices – there is always a price to pay. As far as negative HGH effects are concerned, there are no shortage of complaints.

One of the most common symptoms of HGH therapy is carpal tunnel syndrome. This takes place because of an increase of muscle mass in the wrist; this then puts pressure on the carpal tunnel – through which our nerves connect to our fingers and hand. This problem is sometimes accompanied by a swelling of the fingers because another one of the effects of HGH is increased water retention.

Because there is such an increase in cell regeneration when using synthetic HGH, it is most likely not a good idea to use it if you have existing cancer as it may act as a catalyst for cancer cell growth. As such, this is only a theoretical perspective; there have not been any studies of HGH effects on cancer patients up to now.

Legal Aspects and Controversy

HGH is a controlled substance in many areas of the world, including the United States. There is nearly an epidemic of athletes and sports enthusiasts partaking in non-prescribed HGH therapy. This is extremely dangerous because, as with anything purchased on the black market, there is no way to ensure the purity or quality of what you are purchasing. Skirting the letter of the law is strongly discouraged by the team here at, but that doesn’t mean that you are completely locked out of therapy options if you are in need.

You can obtain synthetic HGH legally through your healthcare provider but there is a downside, it’s fairly expensive. This is a necessary option for anyone who has low natural levels of HGH in their system. Being deficient in HGH puts one at risk for osteoporosis, lowered immunities, and other degenerative illnesses. Deciding to move forward with therapy should be carefully considered and deeply researched as you can never be too vigilant with your body and health.

Adrenal Fatigue and HGH

Many people struggle with extra weight around their midsection and exhaustion in our current living environments. This is due to a number of factors which are interrelated and complex. There is a focus that can be used to help us understand our bodies in a more comprehensive way through the research that Dr. Michael Lam has compiled regarding adrenal fatigue and Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS). Adrenal fatigue is known to affect a large percentage of the population and results in a myriad of symptoms ranging from depression to the inability to handle stress. Adrenal glands are responsible for the creation of a large number of hormones in our bodies. Because of this, they are constantly working to produce what is needed for a healthy balance between all of our systems.

The adrenal glands are particularly active during times of stress – which often results in them being overworked. If there is not sufficient nutrient uptake or available compounds for the adrenals to draw from in order to produce necessary hormones and steroids, they can become fatigued and even reach the point of exhaustion.

HGH effects the immune systemThis is the point where we can bring in how HGH relates to adrenal fatigue. Though the pituitary gland produces HGH naturally, albeit at steadily decreasing levels from your mid-20’s and onward, the adrenals rely on the pituitary gland to release adrenal corticosteroid hormones (ACTH). It is important to note that ACTH hormones are partly responsible for regulating immune response as well as suppressing inflammatory reactions.

In the context of the adrenal-pituitary interactions, when adrenal fatigue is prevalent within an individual it can often lead to insufficient signaling between the two systems. This results in tremendous imbalances regarding inflammation. Chronic inflammation is detrimental to cell regeneration, and in severe cases HGH therapy can be helpful because it stimulates new cell growth. The focal point of note in this case is the word “severe” because there are significant risks associated with HGH therapy and it should only be used in extreme cases and only under careful consideration because it can trigger adrenal crashes. The weaker the body, the higher the risk.

Stress Response and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis Reactions

The NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response is a description of the interconnected reactions through which our bodies respond to perceived negative stimuli. The main component of the NEM Stress Response is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. An appropriately functioning HPA axis will ensure that all neurotransmissions, hormone production, oxygen uptake, and even blood flow are managed with proper speed and efficiency.

When a part of the HPA axis is influenced by synthetic HGH, it is not yet known with certainty how the emotional spectrum of stress response is affected. There are, however, speculations by several institutions. One notable claim by is that HGH can cause serious psychological effects such as paranoia, hallucinations, and psychosis. This is particularly worrisome when one looks at the ongoing effect on the HPA axis when abnormal levels of certain hormones are present.

When you are stressed because of the introduction of an outside variable such as HGH, there is a cascading effect through the HPA axis with the adrenal glands. When any stress is present in the body, whether it is from natural or synthetic origin, the adrenal glands produce cortisol at alarming rates. This is not an issue when stress is infrequent and controlled, but when it is unavoidable because of forced introduction of surplus hormones it causes several new imbalances.

When cortisol is released by the adrenals: blood pressure rises, blood cholesterol levels rise, the digestive system slows or even halts, and new nutrients cannot be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. As stated earlier, this is the normal response of stress in the body. The problems arise when stress is extremely frequent which encourages this unhealthy physical cycle to persist on a continual basis without reversion to a natural resting state.


Go over the HGH effects before usingFor some, HGH may be a prudent choice to add to their recovery protocol. However, there are serious risks involved and one can easily place themselves into a vicious cyclical pattern of negative internal responses that can be difficult to remove themselves from.

You can get your HGH levels checked with your physician with some fairly simple examinations. Once you know where you stand in regards to HGH, more educated decisions can be determined. Work along with your doctor when deciding whether or not HGH is right for you.

When we are actively involved in our health and well-being, we can gather increasingly stronger command over our futures.

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