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The Power of Alkaline Drinking Water

Alkaline drinking water with lemon is good for your bodyThere is no question that a proper amount of water consumption will detoxify your body and add years to your life. Studies have shown that those drinking at least five glasses of water per day were associated with an approximately 50% decreased rate of heart attacks and stroke, compared with those who drank only two glasses of water per day. However, Researchers are studying the effect of different types of water on health, including distilled, mineral water, alkaline drinking water, and more. Knowing what is in the water is also an important part of an anti-aging program.

Kinds of Water

A. Distilled Water

Distilled Water is water that has been vaporized and recondensed. If fractional distillation is used, all minerals and chemicals are removed. Removal of all dissolved solids in the water also removes any taste. Distilled water is the ultimate soft water.

B. Pure Liquid Water

This term is often used commercially to denote water in its purest form (distilled water). There is really no such thing as "pure liquid water."

C. Tap Water (Public or Drinking water)

Tap Water is water from a municipal or county water system that has been treated and disinfected and is more acidic than alkaline drinking water.

D. Fluoridated Water

Fluoridated Water is water that has been treated in water plants so as to contain at least 0.8 mg but no more than 4 mg of fluoride per liter.

E. Mineral Water

While mineral waters typically contain at least 500 ppm (parts per million) of minerals, the term "mineral water" has no legal significance. The minerals present give water a distinctive flavor and many are high in sodium. It should be noted the Environmental Protection Agency only allows up to 500 ppm of minerals for drinking Water. Some mineral waters contain up to 2,000 ppms.

F. Natural Water

Natural Water is water obtained from a spring or well that is certified to be safe and sanitary.

G. Hard Water

Hard Water is water with a high calcium and magnesium concentration. Most water found in nature is hard water.

H. Soft Water

Soft Water is water with a low calcium and magnesium concentration. Typically, this is water that has been processed through a softener unit, using sodium or potassium chloride as a base in an ionic exchange filter. If the water was already soft to begin with, and is quasi 100% softened, the water may still have relatively low sodium content. It is also important to remember that water with a high sodium concentration may also be quite hard.

Most water softeners are sodium based (sodium chloride). Some are potassium based. Soft water is good for washing clothes and for bathing purposes. Long-term consumption can lead to excessive sodium or potassium, depending on the kind of softener. Alkaline drinking water is better for you than hard drinking water.

I. Spring Water

Hard drinking water can be found in nature but alkaline drinking water is better for youSpring Water is water originating from a spring or well and must have a direct connection to a spring). It may be carbonated or not ("flat" or "still"). Brand names such as "Spring Pure" do not necessarily mean that the water comes from a spring.

J. Boiled Water

Boiling water kills the bacteria in raw water (if it is boiled for at least 20 minutes). But, the remains of these germs are carried into our body when the water is consumed. These dead germs furnish media for rapid and lusty propagation of germs already in the body. Boiling water does not remove any inorganic minerals or chemicals such as chlorine or fluoride. On the contrary, this process concentrates certain toxic metals.

K. Rain Water

The heat of the sun naturally distils rainwater. But it becomes contaminated as it falls through air filled with bacteria, dust, smoke, chemicals, and minerals. By the time it reaches the earth as rainwater, it is so saturated with decaying matter, dirt, and chemicals that its color becomes a yellowish-white. Snow is even dirtier. Neither should be consumed.

L. Swimming Pool Water

Properly maintained pools with adequate water circulation, filtration, and disinfection do not usually represent a hazard to bathers even when consumed in small quantities. If the main water supply becomes contaminated, the risk to pool users is minimal because parasites do not multiply in water.

M. Acidic Water

This is water that has a pH of 5.8 - 6.9. This is often formed either by distilled water coming in contact with air, or by special ionizing machines to make water acidic. Acidic water is good for external use and industrial purposes, but not for long-term human consumption. Acidic water is full of hydrogen ions. It is good for plant growth, crops, and livestock in that it will help keep a much lower mortality rate and a cleaner environment, keeping in mind the acidic water retards bacteria and bacterial growth. It also kills bacteria on contact; helps heal cuts, blisters, scrapes, or rashes; and provides excellent relief from mosquito bites. Once taken internally, it attracts minerals from our body. Drinking acidic water short term (less than 4 weeks) is good for body cleansing and detoxification. Long-term intake invariably leads to mineral deficiencies.

N. Alkaline Drinking Water

This is water that has a pH of more than 7.4 (often close to 7.6 to 7.8). Alkaline water can be the result of reverse osmosis or by special ionizing machines to make the water alkaline. Slightly alkaline drinking water is best for consumption. Hydroxyl Ions (oxygen molecule with an extra electron) inside alkaline drinking water donates its extra electrons to free radicals and is, therefore, a liquid antioxidant. Alkaline drinking water also balances the body pH that is often acidic, especially among the sick. Our diet is often extremely acidic. Soft drinks, fast foods, and processed foods deposit acid waste in our bodies that build up over time and create an ideal environment for diseases and cancer cells to thrive. Alkaline drinking water pH is typically 7.6 to 7.8The accumulation of acidic byproducts in the body is believed to be a rapid accelerator of aging according to many researchers. Maintaining an alkaline pH (7.6 - 8.0) helps us to maintain an environment in our bodies that is NOT conducive to disease. After consumption, the antioxidant properties generally last approximately 18 - 24 hours, and the alkaline drinking water properties will last approximately 1 - 2 weeks.

Water Contaminants

Drinking water, including bottled water and alkaline drinking water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets standards for approximately 90 contaminants in drinking water.

Contaminants are divided into six categories:

A. Microbes

Microbes include coliform bacteria, E. Coli, cryptosporidium, and Giardia lambia. Most people think of turbid water as contaminated water. Turbidity has no health effects. However, turbidity can interfere with disinfection and provide a medium for microbial growth. Turbidity may indicate the presence of disease-causing organisms. These organisms include bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause symptoms such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and associated headaches.

B. Radionuclides

Certain minerals are radioactive and may emit radiation known as alpha radiation, photons, and beta radiation. Drinking such water in excess of EPA's standard over many years may have an increased risk of developing cancer.

C. Inorganic Contaminants

Arsenic in excess of EPA's standard over many years could result in skin damage or problems with the circulatory system and may be associated with an increased risk of developing cancer.

Fluoride in excess of EPA standards of 4 mg/l can lead to dental fluorosis. In its moderate or severe forms, fluorosis may result in a brown staining and/or pitting of the permanent teeth. This problem occurs only in developing teeth before they erupt from the gums. Children under nine should not drink water that has more than 2 mg/L of fluoride.

Lead typically leaches into water from plumbing in older buildings. Lead pipes and plumbing fittings have been banned since August 1998. Children and pregnant women are most susceptible to lead health risks. Other inorganic contaminants include asbestos, cadmium, copper, and mercury.

D. Disinfectants

Some people who use alkaline drinking water or drinking water containing chlorine well in excess of the EPA's standard could experience irritating effects to their eyes and nose. Some infants and young children who drink water containing chlorine dioxide in excess of the EPA's standard could experience nervous system effects. Similar effects may occur in fetuses of pregnant women who drink water containing chlorine dioxide in excess of the EPA's standard.

E. Disinfection Byproducts

People who drink water containing trihalomethanes (THM) in excess of the EPA's standard over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys, or central nervous systems, and may have an increased risk of developing cancer.

F. Commercial Additions to Water

Alkaline drinking water is better than soft drinksThere is a list of hazardous sweeteners, dyes, artificial flavors, and chemicals used for "fiz," etc., that compose colas and other artificial carbonated beverages popular among both adults and children. These chemicals are much more dangerous than the inorganic minerals in tap water. Toxic dyes include several aniline dyes, usually listed on the ingredient label as "artificial coloring," such as Amaranth (red), Bordeaux (brown), RED I (yellow) and Ponceau (scarlet). Combining sugar, molasses or glucose with ammonia, and heating to more than 350 degrees will yield caramel, a common ingredient in soft drinks. Excessive use of caramel is harmful to the body. Sugar is one of the most harmful ingredients used in the manufacturing of soft drinks. Sugar causes irritation and weakening of the mucous membranes of the body and robs teeth, bones, and blood of a great percentage of their minerals.

What Kind of Water Should You Use?

Different kinds of water are appropriate for different purposes. When dehydrated, any drinkable water is better than no water at all. When you want optimum health, choosing the right kind of water is more important.

For optimal anti-aging health, we've listed the kinds of water you should be drinking, from the best to the worst:

  • The Best: Pure Filtered Water
  • Second Best: Bottled Water
  • Use Sparingly: Distilled Water
  • Avoid: Tap Water

Pure Filtered Water - The Best

Filtering your own tap water is the most economical and long-term solution to your water needs over slightly alkaline drinking water. Knowing which type of filer or apparatus to use is more challenging.

There are 3 common types of water filters:

1. Absorbent Filters

Absorbent filters, made of charcoal, are designed to pick up and hold contaminants as water passes over them.

Carbon filtering devices use carbon cartridges that have a porous surface. This allows the cartridge to absorb a variety of substances, including THMs, odors and disagreeable tastes. A filter's effectiveness depends on the amount of carbon in the unit and how long the water stays in the unit. The longer the water is in contact with the filter medium, the more time the carbon has to remove impurities. Those packed with a large volume of charcoal generally remove more organic material at the beginning of the cartridge life. Performance tends to decrease less rapidly over time than it does for those containers with a small amount of charcoal.

Granular Activated Carbon

In this type of filter, water flows through a bed of charcoal granules, which traps the particulate matter, absorbs some chlorine, and removes tastes and odors. It is possible for the water to channel around the carbon granules, thus avoiding filtration. If the granules are not impregnated with silver nitrate (which is considered to be a poison), the granular beds may become breeding grounds for bacterial growth. This type of filter is primarily used for aesthetic treatment since it can reduce chlorine and particulate matter as well as improve the taste and odor of the water. Granular Activated Carbon filters are not effective in reducing contaminants of health concern (cysts, VOCs, THM, endocrine disrupters, mercury, lead, or asbestos) because the water can channel around the carbon granules.

Carbon Block Filter

Alkaline drinking water and carbon block filtrationIn this type of filter, carbon comes in a solid block. More carbon is used compare to the granular form, and the filtration effectiveness is better since water cannot pass in between the carbon granules. As the water passes through the block, chlorine, pesticides, toxic chemicals and vital organic chemicals are removed. Carbon block filter is preferred compare to granular carbon, dirt, sediment, rust, algae, cryptosporidia, asbestos and particulate matter.

Specific advantages of carbon block filters are:

Chemical bonding: Activated carbon bonds to thousands of chemicals. In fact, carbon will bond to most chemicals known to man! When water is forced through the solid carbon block, it is forced to slow down and increase the contact time with the carbon, allowing the carbon bonding to take place to reduce certain chemical pollutants like toxins, pesticides, THM's, chlorine, bad tastes, odors, etc. Health-providing trace minerals like dissolved calcium and magnesium do not bond to carbon and are allowed to pass through, thereby retaining the health quality and good taste of the water. Heavy metals like lead are adsorbed (or collected) by the carbon.

Prevention of bacterial growth: Bacteria are strained out and remain on the outside of the carbon block. Therefore, because of the density and lack of oxygen and space inside the block, bacteria cannot breed in the medium and come out in the finished alkaline drinking water.

Silver-Charcoal Filters (Bacteriostatic)

These are the same as activated charcoal filters. However, they use silver to inhibit the growth of bacteria while water sits in the filter. Silver ingested in certain doses can be poisonous to the human body. Therefore, it must be registered with the EPA as containing a poisonous substance.

2. Ion-Exchange Filters

These filters can be made of a variety of materials. They all have tiny holes designed to catch and eliminate contaminants as water passes through them. De-ionization or de-mineralization is accomplished with such filters, which are designed to remove heavy metals, including lead. To remove parasites, such as potentially deadly cryptosporidia, a microfilter must have a guaranteed pore size of one micron or smaller, according to the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)

Fiber Filters

Fiber filters are comprised of spun cellulose or rayon and are designed to take out turbidity (suspended sediment). The tightly wrapped fibers form a cylinder around a tubular opening. Line pressure forces water through the wrappings to the inner opening that leads to the faucet. The fibers trap silt. Filtered water passes to the opening that leads to the faucet.

Ceramic Filters

Ceramic filters use a process whereby water is forced through the pores of the ceramic filtration media, providing mechanical filtration only. This type of filter can reduce asbestos, cysts (if the pores are one micron or smaller), and particulate matter. Ceramic filters cannot reduce VOCs, endocrine disrupters, THM, mercury, or lead.

3. Reverse Osmosis Filtration System

Alkaline drinking water and reverse osmosis filtrationUnlike other types of devices that reduce impurities in the water, reverse osmosis removes water from the impurities and is a good alternative to alkaline drinking water. It does that by forcing water through a specially constructed, semi-permeable, nonporous synthetic membrane (usually cellulose acetate) that separates soluble and suspended particles from the water. The process removes a wide variety of substances from the water. More than 75 percent of minerals such as sodium, calcium, and chloride may be removed from the water. Reverse osmosis also may be effective in removing fluoride, nitrate and some forms of arsenic. The membranes may last a year. Effective membrane life depends on the quality of water entering the unit.

Reverse osmosis units are expensive because of the number of accessories needed to operate them. They require in-line installation and a pre-filter to remove dirt and sediment. If a backflush system is employed to prevent a buildup of contaminants on the membrane, the purchase price increases. The product water passes through to a holding tank. The process is slow and wastes 3 - 9 gallons for every one gallon of drinking water produced. It is, however, one of the most efficient filtering systems available.

Before making the decision to purchase a water-filtering device, the alkaline drinking water should be analyzed for impurities. The local health department or a private water-testing laboratory can perform these tests. Charges are based on the number and kinds of tests performed. If taste, odor, and THMs are the major contaminants, a device with a carbon filter could remove much of the objectionable odor and/or taste. Some carbon filter units remove more than 50 percent of the THMs. If sediment is present in high levels, a fiber filter may be needed. If a large number of impurities (excluding bacteria) or undesirable contaminants are present, a reverse osmosis unit may be the best type of filtering unit to purchase, although the cost of these units and the space needed for installation may preclude purchasing.

Bottled Water - Second Best

More than half of all Americans drink bottled water; about a third of the public consumes it regularly. Bottled water cost from 240 to over 10,000 times more per gallon for bottled water than they typically do for tap water or alkaline drinking water.

Government and industry estimates indicate that about 25 to 30 percent of the bottled water sold in the United States comes from a city or town's tap water or alkaline drinking water - sometimes further treated, sometimes not. Most bottled water appears to be safe, and the majority proved to be high quality and relatively free of contaminants. The quality of some brands are spotty, however, and such products may pose a health risk, primarily for people with weakened immune systems.

To find out if your bottled water comes from your community, carefully check the bottle label and even the cap - if it says "from a municipal source" or "from a community water system", this means it's derived from tap water or an alkaline drinking water source.

Alkaline drinking water is typically preferred to bottled waterIn a major study comparing 1,000 bottles of different water brands by an independent agency NRDC, about 22 percent of the brands tested contained, in at least one sample, chemical contaminants at levels above strict state health limits. If consumed over a long period of time, some of these contaminants could cause cancer or other health problems.

Many, but not all, brands of bottled water may provide a reasonable alternative to boiling tap and alkaline drinking water. Currently, bottled water companies are not required to test the water for cryptosporidium, though bottled water sources often are just as prone to Crypto contamination as any other drinking water source. The origin of the source water, the types of microorganisms in that water, and the treatment of that water before it is bottled vary considerably among bottled water companies and even among brands of water produced by the same company. Therefore, individuals should not presume that all bottled waters are absolutely free of Cryptosporidium.

Distilled Water - Use Sparingly

Distilled water is void of dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from the body and eliminate them. Distilled water, being essentially mineral-free, is very aggressive in that it tends to dissolve substances with which it is in contact due to its acidic properties. When exposed to air, distilled water absorbs the atmospheric carbon dioxide and becomes acidic, with a pH of 5.8. Many metals are dissolved by distilled water. The more distilled water a person drinks, the higher the body acidity becomes.

Drinking distilled water during body detoxification for a short period of time (less than 4 weeks) helps the body rid itself of unwanted minerals. It draws the poisons out of the body. Once this is accomplished, distilled water consumption should be discontinued.

Soda pop beverages are the most toxic commercial beverages consumed and they are made from distilled water, not alkaline drinking water. Studies have consistently shown that heavy consumers of soft drinks (with or without sugar) spill huge amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals into the urine. Long-term consumption has been linked to high blood pressure and increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

The modern day diet consists of meat, sugar, flour, processed food, and alcohol. Such food turns acidic in the body. Stress, whether mental or physical, also can lead to acid deposits in the body. Cancer cells grow the best in an acidic environment. Drinking distilled water, not alkaline drinking water, will add to this acidic environment, promoting premature aging due to the accumulation of acid waste products in the body.

In an acidic environment, there is an associated loss of sodium, potassium, chloride, and trace minerals. Cells in the body strive to buffer this acidity to achieve neutrality, including removal of minerals from the skeletal system and the manufacture of bicarbonate in the blood. Long term distilled water consumption will inevitably lead to multiple mineral deficiencies whereas alkaline drinking water is lower in acidity.

Unfiltered Tap Water - 6 Reasons to Avoid It

Alkaline drinking water should be chosen over tap waterTap water is obtained either from surface water - water that runs off from ponds, rivers, and lakes, and is collected in reservoirs- or from ground water, such as wells.

Tap water contains calcium and magnesium. It can be considered "hard" or "soft", depending on its geographic origins. Hard water prevents soap from lathering and results in filmy sediment being deposited on hair, clothing, pipes, dishes etc. It can be annoying. Some studies have shown that the incidence of death from heart disease may be lower in areas where the drinking water is hard, although results have not been conclusive.

Soft water can be naturally soft or it may be hard water that has been treated to remove the calcium and magnesium. Soft water has a tendency to dissolve the lining of pipes. Copper, zinc, and arsenic are toxic metals that can leak into softened water from copper pipes. Drinking unfiltered tap water could be hazardous to your health. Here are some specific reasons:

1. Safety

Most tap water and alkaline drinking water is safe. Occasional contamination is unavoidable. It has been reported that 10% of serious gastrointestinal illness cases in children requiring hospital visits are attributable to the drinking water, according to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health. Adults with weakened immune systems are also at risk, including those with AIDS, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment, or the elderly. Contaminants in water above the level set by the EPA are often the cause.

2. Chlorination

Seventy percent of Americans drink chlorinated water. Chlorine is added to most municipal water supplies. It destroys waterborne bacteria; including those that result in typhoid fever, cholera, and dysentery. However, it is not as good for the body as alkaline drinking water.

Studies have shown that lifetime consumption of chlorinated tap water can more than double the risk of bladder and rectal cancer in certain individuals. It appears that the chlorine reacts with naturally found organic compounds to form "chlorination byproducts", many of which are carcinogenic. Studies have also found that rectal cancer for both sexes escalated with duration of chlorinated water.

In addition to cancer, research has linked chlorine-based chemicals to infertility and other reproductive problems. The chemical structure of some chlorine-based chemicals is similar to that to estrogen. These may act as a competitor to block the action of natural estrogen, or in some case, actually amplifying its effect.

3. Low Dose Industrial Toxins and Pharmaceutical Products

Industrial toxins and pharmaceutical products in extreme low dosage escape the water treatment plant and may be found in tap water, although at a much lower level than that which causes pharmacological results. Many waters like tap or alkaline drinking water contained arsenic, nitrates, or other inorganic contaminants at levels below current maximum safety standards. Studies have shown that it is not infrequent to find waters containing synthetic organic chemicals - such as the industrial chemicals toluene or xylene, or chemicals used in manufacturing plastics such as phthalate or styrene. Chlorinated water and alkaline drinking waterPharmaceutical products can have long half-lives. They accumulate, reaching detectable and biologically active amounts. Several commonly used medicinal drugs, such as erythromycin, naproxen, and sulpha-methoxazole, can persist in the environment for more than a year. Clofibric acid, the main metabolite of clofibrate, has an estimated persistence in the environment of 21 years and is still detectable in lakes and rivers even after its withdrawal from the market.

4. Fluoridation

Over 50% of the US population drinks fluoridated water, ostensibly to improve dental health. The Center for Disease Control is advocating this based on data that is half a century old. Whether it is good for our health has been a hotly debated issue for years. Conclusive evidence to prove that fluoride actually works is lacking. On the other hand, a considerable amount of data exists to show that fluoride is a negative fountain of youth.

What we do know is that is that population areas of high fluoride intake is associated with increased incidence of Down syndrome, cancer, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, mottled teeth, and death from all course. One study found that fluoride elevates cancer mortality by 17% in large cities. Over 60,000 cancer deaths in the USA may be related to fluoridation each year according to some epidemiological studies.

In many European countries where fluoride is banned, the rate of dental cavity actually decreases. For example, researchers studied more than 15,000 children in the formerly fluoridated German towns of Spremberg and Zittau and showed a 38 percent and 20 percent reduction in cavities respectively after fluoridation is stopped and the fluoride concentration in the water dropped from 1 ppm to below 0.2 ppm.

What we do know is that fluoride causes cell death (apoptosis) in the human leukemia cells by activating certain enzymes that have been identified as a key mediator of apoptosis of cells in humans and other mammals, leading to DNA damage and cellular change. This is dose-dependent and time-dependent. Studies have shown a significant increase in chromosome aberrations at the chromatid level, sister chromatid exchanges, and unscheduled DNA synthesis induced by sodium fluoride. In addition, fluoride has been shown to inactivate over 60 enzymes, disrupt the immune system, and inactivate vitamin C. In short, it is an anti-nutrient.

Much of the reasoning behind fluoridating water was to prevent tooth decay. As far as dental care, it should be remembered that prevention of tooth decay rests primarily on sound nutrition. Tooth brushing and fluoride does not stop rampant tooth decay if the diet is unhealthy. Fluoride only hardens the outer surface of the enamel and may prevent calcium from being deposited when a tooth is re-mineralized. The key to good dental hygiene is to eat a proper diet and drink plenty of pure, non-fluoridated filtered water like alkaline drinking water.

Alkaline drinking water shouldn't contain silicofluoridesMost people do not know that plain "fluoride" does not exist in our water. The naturally occurring form of fluoride, calcium fluoride, is not toxic - but this form is not used to fluoridate water. The chemicals used to fluoridate over 90% of the in the US are one of the silicofluorides (either fluosilicic acid or sodium silicofluoride, not sodium fluoride). Sodium hydrofluorosilicic acid is one of the most reactive chemical species know to man. Its toxicity is well known. This is added to our water to produce "healthy teeth". Very little long-term research has been done on fluorosilicates, that which is what is poured into the drinking water.

Equally sad, nobody really knows for sure what concentration of fluoride is considered toxic. Fluorides are the 13th most widely distributed element on earth, so it can turn up almost anywhere. Individuals have different levels of tolerance for toxins such as fluoride. Until more is known, it is only prudent to expect that some level of cell damage is present with fluoridated water.

5. Aluminum

Aluminum in drinking water has been linked to Alzheimer's disease. In a study where close to 2,700 individuals were followed for an 8-year period to identify new cases of probable Alzheimer's, researchers found that a concentration of aluminum in drinking water above 0.1 mg/l may be a risk factor of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It is interesting to note that some water treatment facilities actually add aluminum sulfate to remove particulate and organic matter.

The relationship between aluminum and fluoride is very interesting. The body does not readily absorb aluminum by itself. However, in the presence of fluoride ions, the fluoride ions combine with the aluminum to form aluminum fluoride, which is absorbed by the body. In the body, the aluminum eventually combines with oxygen to form the end product aluminum oxide or alumina. Alumina is found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Studies have shown that rats fed alumina in diet results in short term memory loss, unsteady gait, and loss of structures of the neo-cortex and hippocampus, all symptoms consistent with Alzheimer's disease.

6. Parasites

Giardia (G. lambia) and Cryptosporidium (C. parvum) are waterborne protozoan cysts that may be present in some water supplies. When ingested, the cyst-shell is shed and the organisms infect the intestines, causing illnesses. Because Giardia and Cryptosporidium cysts are resistant to traditional disinfection agents such as chlorine and ultraviolet light, the organisms are often not removed by municipal water treatment.

Ingestion of water infected with Cryptosporidium cysts causes Cryptosporidiosis, a disease characterized by symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, headaches, and low-grade fevers. Symptoms may last from one to two weeks before the body's immune system stops the infection. Young children, older adults, and those with weakened immune systems face a greater risk of serious illness and possible death resulting from infection. Cryptosporidiosis was brought to national attention in 1993 when the city of Milwaukee's water supply became contaminated with Cryptosporidium cysts, resulting in 400,000 cases of the disease and 100 related deaths.

Alkaline drinking water that's parasite freeIngestion of water infected with Giardia cysts results in Giardiasis (commonly know as "beaver fever"), one of the most common causes of diarrhea in North America. Infection is more common among children and may last for up to three weeks. Giardiasis may be effectively treated with antibiotics. There currently is no truly effective antibiotic treatment for cryptosporidiosis, but the disease will generally subside on its own. However, persons having compromised immune systems may have chronic cryptosporidiosis that may persist for months.

Carbon block filters will remove Crytosporidium and Giardia cysts. Boiling water will also achieve the same. Look for filters that are capable of removing particles less than 1 micron in diameter. Reverse osmosis filtration devices will also remove Cryptosporidium oocysts from drinking water.

If you have to take tap water instead of alkaline drinking water, consider placing tap water in a glass or ceramic pitcher in the refrigerator, with the top loose to allow the chlorine to dissipate overnight before drinking. This also will allow volatile disinfection by-products to evaporate (though less volatile disinfection by-products may stay in the water). Overnight refrigeration of tap water in a loosely capped container also reduces the objectionable chlorine taste and odor.

Magnetized Water

Some decades ago, Russian scientists faced a major industrial problem. When water flows through pipelines of a boiler or an engine machinery, some deposits from the water cling to the walls of the pipes. Over time, the lumen becomes narrower and the delivery of water to the machinery is reduced. The efficiency, fuel consumption and mechanical strength of the machine are therefore reduced.

While researching on this problem, scientists noticed that such undesirable deposits did not occur in those pipes with water that was magnetized. This started the magnetization of water for industrial use in countries where a water source is less than desirable or one cannot obtain alkaline drinking water.

Scientists became highly interested in studying magnetism. Water is a transparent fluid that has no color, odor, shape or taste of its own. It takes the shape of its container and the color, odor, and taste of other things mixed with it. It is a near-universal solvent. It has the property of being able to assimilate the properties of other things. Researchers found when a permanent magnet is kept in contact with water for a considerable time; the water gets magnetically charged and acquires magnetic properties. Such magnetized water has its effect even on the human body when taken internally and regularly for a considerable period and may be as good for the body as alkaline drinking water.

Use of magnets in Healing

Ancient people have used magnetized water also without understanding its mechanism of action. Streams flowing over natural magnets in the shape of stones and boulders became magnetized and their water, when consumed by the people of that age, provided miraculous cures and energy.

In India, the use of magnets in healing (called Indian Magneto-therapy) is an ancient therapy. Literature had described the use of magnets to stop bleeding thousands of years ago.

In recent decades, there has been a resurgence in the use of magnetic in the healing of a variety of ailments, primarily in pain control of chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis.

How Magnet Works

Magnetized water has been shown to be good drinking water, just like alkaline drinking waterMagnet has two poles, North and South. It is based on Nature's law. Every cell in the human body can be viewed as a small magnetic unit. This property is present in all organs. Each cell produces its own magnetic field. Any disturbance in this magnetic field indicates a disorder. This equilibrium can be restored with the help of magnets according to many researchers.

Technically, magnetism works because it increases the speed of sedimentation of suspended particles in water (and other liquids) and enhances conductivity and the process of ionization or dissociation of atoms and molecules into electrically charged particles. (New Scientist, June 1992.)

Physics shows that chemicals change weight under the influence of magnetic fields. So does water. More hydroxyl (OH-) ions are created to form calcium bicarbonate and other alkaline molecules. It is these molecules that help to reduce acidity.

Normal water has a pH level of about 7, whereas magnetized water can reach 9.2 pH after exposure to a 7,000 gauss strength magnet for a long period of time, reportedly enough to kill cancer cells.

Human Applications

Experience has shown that magnetized water contributes and helps in the treatment of many diseases. It is especially beneficial in treating digestive, nervous and urinary disorders. Generally speaking, water magnetized by the North Pole stops the growth of bacteria and works as antibiotics. Water magnetized by the South Pole takes care of pain, swelling and weakness. Water magnetized by both North and South Pole enhance overall general health.

The degree of magnetization depends on three things:

  1. The quantity of liquid put on the magnet.
  2. The power of the magnet used for the purpose.
  3. The duration of the contact of the liquid container with the magnet.

These three factors will naturally determine the degree of magnetization. Although we can measure the power of a magnet, we have no method of measuring the degree of magnetization of water. In the absence of any definite measure, the only experience can guide us.

A simple way to magnetize water is to keep two-liter jugs of water on the two poles of encased disc magnets of about 3,000 gausses, normally for twelve to twenty-four hours.

A simpler and more modern way is to have pass water through magnetic discs of up to 15,000 gasses momentarily to achieve similar effect.

Health Benefits

The reported health benefits of magnetized water are many, including:

Acidity and Other Digestive Disorders: Magnetized water reduces excess acidity and bile in the digestive system. It helps to regulate the movement of the bowels expelling all accumulations of poisonous matter.

Kidney Stones: The Use of magnetic water in urinary and kidney disorders has been documented. Magnetic water has been prescribed to persons suffering from renal calculus in scientific studies. An adult suffering from renal stone is advised one-liter magnetic water per day, while in the case of a child it is 500ml per day. Results have been very encouraging.

Low Blood Pressure and Nervous System: Magnetized water is also very beneficial for nervous upsets and treatment blood pressure, especially low blood pressure. It gives a soothing and slightly sedative effect to nerves, helps in clearing clogged arteries, normalizes the circulatory system.

Alkaline drinking water and magnetized water may help those with asthmaAsthma/Bronchitis: Magnetized water is effective in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs and certain types of fevers.

Healing of Wounds: Magnetized water has been used as an external aid for washing swollen and sore eyes, wounds, eczema spots, etc. for quicker healing. In all types of eye infections, north pole magnetized water has healing and antibiotic type properties.

The use of magnetized water in the treatment of chronic disease is still in the infancy stage of an investigation. Magnetism is widely used in medical diagnostics, including Magnetic Resonance Scanning devices for detection of a variety of internal organ dysfunction, including cancer.

There is very little doubt that our cells react like a tiny magnet without the body's universe. Disturbance of this balance may bring on dysfunction to the body that current test and investigative tools are simply not sensitive enough to measure.

It will be decades before the science of magnetized water is fully understood. Those in mainstream medicine may discount magnetized water as "quackery". Those in the forefront of magnetic research paints a different story. If one understands and accepts that each of our cells possesses a small magnetic field, as many research studies are now supporting, the logical conclusion that magnetic water has the ability to affect our cells must be taken seriously as it can provide numerous health benefits that alkaline drinking water may not.

At the end, the truth probably lies somewhere in between - magnetized water is not a magic panacea or cure-all. It is also not a total quackery and most likely will turn out to be a health-enhancing medium.

The Ideal Water: Alkaline Drinking Water

Reverse osmosis for alkaline drinking waterThe ideal water is one that has been filtered through a reverse osmosis system, or in the absence of that, a carbon block system to eliminate toxic chemicals as the first step like alkaline drinking water. In addition, there are heavy metals that need to be eliminated. One of the best media to accomplish this is patented filtration media called KDF. KDF can absorb heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic that is commonly found in our pipes, especially those that are old. Look for a system with this patented material. For the water to be better absorbed into the body, a process called micronization is important. This can be done through magnetization of the alkaline drinking water before drinking (at least 12,000 gauss of magnetic device is needed). Magnetized water has many health enhancing effects as well just like alkaline drinking water. Lastly, our body is designed to be in a slightly alkaline environment so alkaline drinking water is suitable for the function of our body's. With the modern day high protein acidic diet, it is important that our water is slightly alkalinized to neutralize this acidic environment. This can be done by allowing water to be exposed to bio-ceramic beads that release vital minerals in small quantity into the water to make it slightly alkaline before drinking. Lastly and most commonly overlooked, make sure you change your filter system regularly. Your water is only as good as your filter. The more expansive filtration systems often have a flow-meter that measures exactly the volume of water filtered and warn you when the filter's life is almost finished (commonly around 500 gallons per carbon block filter). This type is much more accurate than those that depend on water pressure differential to imply the degree of usage, especially if you live in a high-rise where water pressure is not stable. You can test your water to make sure it is at the ideal alkaline drinking water level.

How Much Water Do You Need?

Alkaline drinking water: Good quality Drinking Water has been shown to benefit many conditionsTo maintain daily balance, our body requires an intake of over two quarts (8 glasses of 8 ounces each) of water for basic normal function. Depending on the kind of diet, about half to one quart each day is provided in the food we eat. The balance has to be taken in externally. A good rule of thumb is to drink 8 glasses of pure water (non-caffeinated drinks) a day in addition to your food such as alkaline drinking water.

To achieve optimum hydration for anti-aging purposes, it is important to bath the body internally with ample water. About one quart (32 ounces or 4 glasses of 8 ounces each) of pure filtered water per day for every 50 pounds of body weight is the recommended minimum. This translates into 3 quarts (12 glasses of 8 ounces each) a day or 50 percent more than that recommended for a routine bodily function for the average 150 pound American. If you lead an active lifestyle or if you are exposed to a hot environment, the amount of water needed is substantially more. Likewise, your water intake should increase by one 8-ounce glass for each 25 pounds above your ideal body weight.

If you are taking in liquids that act as a diuretic (such as coffee, tea, and certain sodas), you will need more water to compensate for the water loss due to these "dehydrating" drinks. A good rule of thumb is to drink one extra glass of water for the equivalent amount of these drinks you consume.

What Is The Optimum Way to Drink Water?

For the best health benefits of drinking water, you should drink throughout the day, sipping at close intervals instead of gulping a large amount at once. Sipping allows alkaline saliva to be sent to the stomach, which is more acidic. Sipping water also improves the digestive process. Water also is heavy. Gulping water will more likely lead to an upset stomach and potential vomiting of the water.
Drinking water at room temperature is also best. Cold water takes longer to absorb due to the energy needed to help your body absorb it.


Drinking at least 12 glasses of pure filtered water daily is the best insurance against premature aging. The ideal drinking water for the human body should be slightly alkaline and should contain some minerals like calcium and magnesium like alkaline drinking water. Water filtered through a good reverse osmosis system tends to be neutral to slightly alkaline and is recommended for regular use provided that minerals are supplemented with vegetables or nutritional supplementation.

Make sure that the filter you choose is of good quality and removes contaminants such as cryptosporidium. If you do not have water processed through a good water filter, drinking bottled water is the next best option.

Ready to experience the benefits of alkaline drinking water for yourself? Call us today at +1 (626) 571-1234 for a free initial consultation. Our team is here to guide you on your journey to optimal health and well-being. Don't wait—take the first step towards a healthier you.


Dr. Lam's Key Questions

Yes, however long-term use is not recommended, but it does have its place for short term use and selected cases.

You do need to be careful if the well is rich with minerals.

It really depends on your body, at different stages of Adrenal Fatigue, the requirements are different.

When lemon juice metabolized fully inside your body, its minerals are separated in the bloodstream, and the effect is alkalizing.

Alkaline drinking water


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© Copyright 2002 Michael Lam, M.D. All Rights Reserved.

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