Living in this complex, modern world has advantages, like energy and time-saving tools, but it also has a myriad of disadvantages, including constant bombardment by the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) throughout our environment. Homes and offices are filled with wireless devices, from cell phones to computers, laptops, and printers. How much do we know about these modern conveniences affecting our bodies on a cellular level? What are these electromagnetic fields doing to our environment and therefore our bodies as well? EMF radiation and health is an important subject to explore.
Electric and magnetic fields, or EMFs, are invisible lines of force that are created by electric charges. In other words, wherever there is electricity, there are also electromagnetic fields.
EMF sources with high voltage produce strong electric fields from the strength of the charge, but they are easily shielded, weakened, and blocked by objects such as trees and buildings. On the other hand, EMF sources with strong currents produce magnetic fields, which result from the motion of the charge or the current, and they are not easily blocked. The strength of both electric and magnetic fields decrease as you move further away from the source.
It is clear that escaping electromagnetic fields is not possible unless you live in the remote regions of the world. Where escape is not possible, the next best solution is to learn as much as possible about electromagnetic fields to minimize the damage.
Electric and magnetic fields come from many sources. These include transmission lines, distribution lines, internal wiring in buildings, currents in ground paths, and electrical appliances such as refrigerators, laptops, hair dryers, electric blankets, etc.
It is important to understand that fields can also interact with one another to increase or decrease their total effect. This means that the EMF in one specific location, your bed for example, depends on the distance and location of the major EMF source, such as the distribution lines, as well as the distance and the location of nearby sources, such as the refrigerator or computer.
There are five major sources of EMF radiation and health effectors that surround you on a daily basis. They are:
There is not much that can be done about public structures, such as power lines and metal plumbing, but there are steps that can be taken to reduce EMFs on the level of the devices in your home and office.
It is also important to listen to your body and notice its signals. Where and when do you feel more fatigued than usual, a little more anxious, or perhaps dehydrated? Is it after working on the laptop for a period of time? Some of these signs could be an indication that your body is telling you that you are being exposed to the health effects of EMF radiation and that it is slowly but surely wreaking havoc on your body.
Wireless communications are a major source of EMF exposure. For those of us who rely heavily on cell phones on a daily basis, this is a crucial concern. Most of these forms of technology expose us to EMF radiation, and health damage is possible.
Most people do not realize that a cordless phone base is a major source of electromagnetic field exposure in the home, and it should never be placed in the bedroom or on your desk where you can be continually exposed. Even when the phone is not in use, it is still transmitting constantly. It is a better idea for you to use a speakerphone or headset.
The other forms of EMFs from wireless communication can be decreased dramatically by any amount of distance or material between you and the source, as they emit linear types of radiation. Walls are a significant barrier, especially if they are reflective, that is, containing metal foil or metal paint.
For children, the effects of EMF radiation and health effects are much more pronounced. When children eight-years-old and younger have their own cell phones, they are at much higher risk for health dangers later in life. All too often, these children are unsupervised in their use of cell phones. Many children and teenagers are allowed to have cell phones in their bedrooms and use them at all times of the day and night.
Research has indicated children who use cell phones before the age of twenty have a more than five-fold increased risk of developing malignant brain tumors. There are several probable reasons for this.
One is that the EMF radiation penetrates farther into the heads of children than it does adults. Some parts of children’s brains may absorb up to twice as much of this radiation.
Another reason for the increased risk of detrimental health effects in children is that their brains are still developing. The myelin sheaths on the neurons in children’s brains are still in the process of developing, so these cells are relatively unprotected. Also, their immune systems are not fully developed.
A third possible reason for this increased risk is the overall amount of time children will be exposed to EMF radiation and health effects over their lifetimes. Because this kind of radiation is cumulative, they will have a much greater level of exposure overall, increasing the risks.
It’s almost impossible to get away from wi-fi, and EMF radiation and related health effects are real problems. So many of us have cell phones, and there’s a demand for wi-fi connections wherever we go. Unfortunately, this continual exposure to the EMF radiation from wi-fi connections can lead to changes in the brain. Some research has suggested this radiation can create holes in the blood-brain barrier that protects the brain, leading to an increased level of toxins reaching the brain.
The increasing use of computers in schools has led to increased exposure to wi-fi EMF radiation for students. Symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, fatigue, anxiety, and concentration difficulties are increasing, and this could be due to schools that have wi-fi.
In general, the farther you live from power lines, the fewer EMF radiation and health effects you will be exposed to. Living close to power lines, in contrast, increases the negative effects on your health. The World Health Organization lists these possible symptoms of EMF radiation and health effects from power lines:
More significant health conditions can result if you live very close to power lines.
With the increasing use of cell phones, there are more and more cell towers to transmit communications from these phones. In areas with lots of hills, the EMF radiation from these towers might travel two miles. But in areas with fewer obstructions, they may travel up to 45 miles. These EMFs are strong enough to penetrate brick and metal buildings.
Magnetic fields are generated from many sources including nearby power lines, power meters, motors in the refrigerator, cordless telephone bases, and laptops. Hair dryers even emit a greater magnetic field than the refrigerator. The only way to know with certainty whether the magnetic field in your home is of a high level is to test for it with a Gauss meter. Unlike electric fields which can be shielded, magnetic fields can pass through metal, even lead. The main, rather impractical solution, is to encase the source completely and ground it.
You can shield against the electric field of laptops and other computer charging devices by using reflective material or metal. However, bear in mind that the magnetic field cannot be totally blocked. You still have to avoid using the device in close proximity to your body, on your lap for example. Also, because the charging devices are ungrounded, only use them when they are running on battery and not plugged in and charging.
Although it may seem impractical only to use the laptop when it is not being charged, once you begin to understand the effects EMF radiation has on your health, you will appreciate that it is a small inconvenience. It will become second nature within a very short period of time. However, as always, just focus on making gradual and small changes so that they do not overwhelm you.
There has been debate as to whether electromagnetic fields can actually harm the body. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified electromagnetic fields in Group 2B of possible carcinogens. Although research has not yet been conclusive, there are several possible connections between EMF radiation and health.
EMF radiation exposure can impact health on many levels including the nervous system, the endocrine system, genes, the immune system, and the brainwaves. They can affect inter-cell communication within the body, resulting in a dysregulation of cellular structure associated with many neurological and behavioral changes, cardiac arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation, altered cell growth, fibromyalgia, and adrenal fatigue.
In general, your body isn’t designed to deal effectively with EMF radiation. EMF radiation can literally open up cells, allowing toxins to enter. This includes toxins found in plastics, pesticides, sunscreens, and fragrances.
Many research studies have shown a connection between EMF radiation and health conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Other health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure may also be associated with sources of EMF radiation.
There are possible associations between cell phone use and the development of cancers. One very small study found aggressive breast cancers to develop in the exact spot where women carried cell phones in their bras. While the sample size of this study was small, it points out the need for more research in this area.
Another, larger, government-sponsored study in 2016 showed the risk of malignant gliomas and a much more rare form of cancer, schwannomas, of the ear to be greater due to cell phone use. The study found a dose-response effect where the higher the dose, the greater the risk, confirming earlier studies that found the same effect.
Recent studies have shown a connection between EMF radiation and health effects that include some neurodegenerative conditions. This research is similar to the World Health Organization’s findings in 2001 that led to the declaration of magnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic. This research into the health effects of EMF radiation was conducted in several countries. The findings suggest exposure to EMF generated by electricity to cause a 43% increased risk of developing ALS and a 58% increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s.
Other studies looking at Alzheimer’s and ALS have shown conflicting results. One study found that professionals exposed to EMF radiation at work showed an increased risk of developing these conditions. However, there wasn’t a significant difference in another study. The need for further research is clear.
Other research into EMF radiation and health effects showed significant damage to occur after only two hours of exposure to cell phone radiation. In this research, the EMF radiation appeared to damage the blood-brain barrier, allowing toxins to invade the brain. Centers in the brain connected to memory and learning capability were most affected. These are the same centers affected by dementia.
EMF radiation also affects the blood. Continued exposure to the EMF radiation from cell phones was shown to increase the body’s immune response, as measured by increased white cells and lymphocytes in the blood. A decline in red blood cells, hematocrit, and hemoglobin was also seen. Cellular damage was noted in red blood cells, making them less able to carry oxygen to the body.
Other studies have indicated that just carrying cell phones in a backpack in receptive mode was enough to cause blood abnormalities. Cellular damage to red blood cells was also noted in this study, suggesting a lowered ability to perform. Blood flow and viscosity were both hampered, leading to a possible increased risk of heart attacks or stroke. Even though this was a small study, the results were impressive. Added to the results was the number of time subjects were exposed to EMF. After only two 45-minute exposures, these results were found. This amount of exposure is significantly less than the typical usage of cell phones.
A number of studies have been carried out to determine the EMF radiation and health effects on the reproductive systems of both males and females. The studies did generally find EMF caused some issues for the reproductive tract of men and women.
Findings have included increased male germ cell death, negative changes in the female menstrual cycle, hormone changes in both males and females, and decreased ability for sperm to move through the female reproductive tract. In addition, free radicals increased, possibly leading to a decrease in cell growth, misfolding of proteins, and damage to DNA. Frequency, wave strength, and length of exposure all had an effect on these results.
Another study showed low-frequency EMF radiation led to significantly lowered levels of testosterone. This study measured exposure to radiation from mobile phones for thirty minutes every day, five days a week for four weeks. The length of exposure is greatly below what is considered typical for mobile phone usage for the average person.
Yet another study in rats revealed microwave EMF radiation had a significant negative effect on the male reproductive system. Prolonged exposure to EMF radiation led to major changes in the activity of key enzymes in the animals’ sperm, and it also caused decreases in cell division in certain stages of the cell cycle. Researchers concluded this could be a cause of infertility.
Some studies have suggested EMF radiation could possibly have a detrimental effect on female reproductive systems in rats. These studies have measured the radiation from wireless units, Wi-fi, Bluetooth, and even baby monitors as sources.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the main energy source for cells at the molecular level. Exposure to EMF radiation has proven to be detrimental to ATP production and utilization. In one study, after only half an hour of exposure to EMF radiation, the amount of ATP in the cells decreased by 27%. This decreases the signaling function of ATP, potentially leading to increased oxidative stress.
Another EMF radiation and health effect is a significant decrease in the production of ATP. This appears to come from interference with mitochondria’s ATP synthase.
DNA, the building block of our bodies, appears to be vulnerable to the health effects of EMF radiation. It appears breaks in DNA result from exposure to EMF radiation. One result of these breaks is an increase in the development of cancer. Breaks in DNA may also account for the dramatic increase in neurodegenerative conditions.
One theory regarding how EMF radiation could cause DNA breaks has to do with what is called a fractal antenna. The frequency range of EMF radiation acts on fractal antennas. DNA has two of the characteristics of fractal antennas: electronic conduction and self-symmetry. This can lead to rapid vibration of DNA, leading ultimately to breaks.
One German study showed breaks in DNA following exposure to cell phone frequencies. The breaks were not always repairable. The possibility exists for these DNA breaks to be passed on to following cells, making them predisposed to becoming cancerous.
A study conducted by the Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory at the University of Washington revealed both DNA breaks and cell death to result from exposure to weak magnetic fields. This resulted from an accumulation of oxidative free radicals that led to damage to the DNA and cell death.
Both single and double strand breaks in DNA have occurred due to EMF radiation exposure from sources as common as cell phones and computers. In addition, these breaks appear to accumulate over time.
Many different terms have been coined for this condition, including electromagnetic sensitivity, electro-sensitivity, electromagnetic hypersensitivity, EMF intolerance, and microwave sickness. The increasing use of cell phones, computers, laptops, ebook readers, smart meters, WiFi, Bluetooth, cordless phones, cell towers, and a myriad of other electrical devices are increasing our exposure to electromagnetic fields. This area is so rapidly advancing that scientific research has not been able to keep up in terms of the damage it can do to cells and bodies in the long-term.
To comprehend why our bodies react to EMF, it is necessary first to understand that the body is made up of 70 trillion cells interacting. In order for the cells to optimize health, they need the necessary building blocks of nutrition to provide fuel, detoxification to eliminate waste, and oxygen for the cells to convert into ATP (a source of energy).
EMF sensitivity tends to occur when cell membranes are damaged. Weak cell walls allow nutrients to leak out, but toxins remain. Damaged cell membranes can lead to many biological problems, including Adrenal Fatigue (AF). Cells communicate with each other via electricity located within the cells. These signals, however, are perturbed when external EMF interferes with the communication.
Common symptoms of EMF sensitivity include headaches, constant and long-term fatigue, digestive disorders, sleep disturbance, muscle tightness, memory disorders, metallic taste in the mouth, anxiety, heart palpitations, muscle twitches, and others. Many of these symptoms are also typical for those with Adrenal Fatigue.
Adrenal fatigue is a condition where the body becomes weak under stress. Stress comes in many forms: emotional (anger, anxiety, finances, relationships), physical (pain, exertion, excessive exercise), inherited (genetic, prenatal) and environmental (electromagnetic fields, toxins, weather, allergens). Environmental stress caused by electromagnetic fields can have an impact on Adrenal Fatigue.
Not all Adrenal Fatigue sufferers who are exposed to EMF react to it negatively. One possible reason for this is that EMF exposure is only one of the many toxic burdens that the body carries. Therefore, individual reactions vary with EMF exposure depending on the individual person’s toxic load. Those with Adrenal Fatigue already have a weakened constitution, and further stress on the body, like daily EMF exposure, can make the symptoms worse.
In light of this, EMF sensitivity can also be a sign that your body is under a heavy toxic load. It could be a state known as reactive metabolite overload. Reactive metabolites are compounds that are not particularly toxic, but in high enough doses, they can overwhelm your body and cause congestion. These metabolites can come from many varying sources, including supplements. EMF radiation and health effects stimulate your body to produce more metabolites.
In advanced cases of Adrenal Fatigue, the probability of concurrent sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and severe weakness is higher. Some sufferers, as a result, cannot physically function normally when near a cell phone, electrical equipment, or household appliances. In extreme cases, one has to live far away from modern civilization, such as in a remote forest environment to avoid EMF exposure in order for symptoms like heart palpitations and anxiety to subside.
A great start to healing your body is to reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields. However, it is equally important to understand and address the toxins your body has accumulated and to consider the stress triggers that have led to the downward spiral of Adrenal Fatigue. For efficient adrenal fatigue recovery, you need to consider all sources of stress to the body, while simultaneously minimizing EMF exposure, even if you do not initially feel the EMF radiation and health effects.
Many things can be done to reduce EMF exposure, ranging from simple to more complicated measures. The following offers a variety of measures that can be taken to guard yourself against unnecessarily exposing your body to harmful EMFs.
The bedroom is one of the most important spaces to reduce EMF exposure. The body is repairing its cells when you sleep, and the bedroom is where you typically spend a large part of the day. Many adrenal fatigue sufferers have difficulty falling asleep and remaining asleep; it could be that their bedroom environment is not conducive to sleep. Where practical and possible, it is best to remove all electrical equipment from the bedroom, including cell phones, lamps, and alarm clocks. Even when the lamps and cell phones are switched off, they are still radiating EMF, and therefore, the body is susceptible to it while sleeping.
Most housing in the United States will have bare wires running through the walls, so the simplest remedy for this is to sleep with your head as far away from the wall as possible, facing the center of the room. Also, make sure everything around the bed is battery operated, including alarm clocks, humidifiers, and air filters. Turning off the lights does not stop the electric fields, as the electrical outlets are still carrying voltage, regardless of whether the light is switched on or off.
If your appliances are not battery operated, distance yourself from them by at least three to five feet, making their fields ineffective on your body.
Computers or laptops that have a three pin plug are already grounded. For those that have a two pin plug, grounding is easily achieved with the use of an alligator clip on a wire, which is then grounded by plugging into an electric socket. This grounds the computer through the wire instead of through the body. Other options involve grounding yourself via the use of a grounding mat, but this method requires more caution, and measurements need to be taken prior to using the mat in an area with other electrical equipment in use.
There are many grounding pads and sheets that are available on the market currently, but many people are unaware of the dangers of using these devices. Depending on the location of the field source relative to the grounding sheet, the field strength may go down or up. The only way to know for certain what the levels are is to measure with an EMF meter.
Grounding sheets cannot be used on a whim, as they have the potential to be more harmful than helpful. For areas such as the office, it is better to earth the equipment rather than yourself via an earthing mat. In an environment with potentially high EMF, you may be exposing yourself to much higher levels of electric fields when using a grounding mat.
There is a tradition in some European countries of walking barefoot in the early morning when the ground is still wet with dew or along the sandy shores of a beach. The scientific understanding behind this tradition is based upon the knowledge that our bodies are made up of cells that communicate with one another via electrical signals. Furthermore, the body (which is largely made up of water in the form of blood and body fluids) is also relatively conductive.
When the body makes contact with the earth (which is a natural source of electrons) there is a transfer of electrons into our body, thereby charging it with the same negatively charged electrical potential as the earth, essentially grounding oneself. Barefoot walking is made even more effective with the presence of water in the form of the early morning dew, or wet sand from the beach.
Getting negatively charged can help stop free radical damage. A free radical is a molecule that has lost its electron due to another free radical attacking it, thereby creating a chain reaction. Many have avoided free-radical damage by eating foods or vitamins rich in antioxidants. Walking barefoot on the earth is another method for the transfer of those electrons, as the earth is naturally negatively charged largely due to the activity of lightning.
Ideally, grounding is best on the beach or on a grassy field. However, even walking barefoot on concrete (better if it is wet) will help you get grounded. Anything insulated will not help though.
Earthing or grounding has also been supported by emerging scientific research. It appears the earth’s electrons are capable of inducing physiological changes such as reducing pain, improving sleep, and shifting the body from using the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system.
Another positive side effect of barefoot walking is the spiritual connection with nature. How often does a day at the beach or a hike in the woods leave you feeling refreshed, connected, and revived? Leaving behind the claustrophobic environment of our modern houses and offices even for a few hours can do wonders for the body.
However, for those with advanced Adrenal Fatigue, it is important to be careful about spending too much time in the sun or at the beach. It is advisable to start in small increments of time if it is an activity that is not currently in your routine because too much of a good thing can be too much for the body to handle at this point. Starting out with five minutes of grounding and working your way up to a couple of hours on a daily basis, if possible, is ideal. You can clear your mind and engage in breathing exercises or meditation as you walk.
Silver is a metal with good EMF deflective properties. Functional wear incorporating strands of silver fibers can be worn to reduce EMF exposure. The more commonly worn garments include hoodies, sweatshirts, neck wraps, headgear, and socks. Those who are extremely sensitive may need to sleep under a bed canopy with silver fiber incorporated into it.
These garments can be particularly useful when worn during work in front of computers and laptops, or in an office building full of wireless devices.
The use of charcoal as a detoxifying agent dates back centuries as a tool to help the body reduce its toxic load. This enables the body to better handle EMF. The use of functional garments incorporating charcoal fiber can be very helpful. This kind of fiber is currently available on the market. The most commonly used are headgear, scarves, socks, and braces. Charcoal patches, when applied directly over the liver and kidneys, can also help improve the body’s detoxification process.
Increasing the overall nutritional reserve in the body will provide better functioning and allow the body to handle EMF better. This is especially critical for those who have advanced Adrenal Fatigue because their nutritional reserve is already compromised.
The nutritional reserve is a complicated, built-up process that serves as a foundational building block, which the body draws from in times of stress. Because EMF is a stress inducer, having an increased reserve will allow stress to dissipate without affecting the other organ systems.
Unfortunately, building up the nutritional reserve for Adrenal Fatigue sufferers is easier said than done. This is particularly difficult in the advanced stages of Adrenal Fatigue due to existing weaknesses. Therefore, simply loading up on nutritional supplements may cause more harm. Getting a professional nutritional assessment, a comprehensive plan of nutritional reserve building, and nutritional coaching is a good idea in this case. This usually takes about 3 – 6 months and is a critical part of an EMF exposure protection plan for those with Adrenal Fatigue.
If you believe you have been exposed to significant EMF radiation, the best way to remediate the damage that may have been done to your body is through the NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response model. This viewpoint regarding health and illness conditions is significantly different from traditional medical viewpoints.
Essentially, the NEM model looks at organ systems and their interrelationship in responding to stress on the body, like EMF radiation. This stress leads to any number of physical conditions that may manifest themselves in one or more organ systems, but other organ systems will also be affected. This is because they are interrelated. What affects one affects others as well.
When EMF radiation and health effects cause cell damage and increase toxins in cells, the metabolic system will be affected because of the need for increased deactivation of toxins. This may lead to an effect on the inflammatory system because of the increased inflammation due to these toxins. The hormonal organ system will also be affected because of the stress caused by EMF radiation. This is one example of the NEM response model at work. Understanding how the NEM works can help unravel your symptoms.
Living in the modern world carries significant risk of EMF exposure. It is all around us. It is virtually almost impossible to mitigate. We must learn to live with both its advantages and disadvantages. Hopefully, by understanding the sources, the effects, and how we can shield and protect our bodies from it, we can lessen the detrimental effects.
Those in advanced stages of Adrenal Fatigue are particularly vulnerable to this external insult to the body as their bodies are already under a heavy toxic load. Excessive EMF exposure, while inconsequential to most people, can worsen Adrenal Fatigue and ultimately trigger an adrenal crash.
Fortunately, the proper use of basic earthing techniques, such as barefoot walking and the use of functional fabrics incorporating silver and charcoal fiber can be very helpful. Furthermore, there are simple steps you can take, such as keeping your bedroom free of electrical appliances and using laptops carefully, which can also drastically reduce your exposure.
Research has shown EMF radiation to be linked closely to serious, life-long illnesses like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia. Some of this radiation has been shown to come from common household appliances.